The diary of a (not so-Little)Sausage

I think I've been pretty good today...

A huge coffee with whole milk and sugar (3 syns)
2 Shape zero yoghurts

Seafood sticks and baby tomatoes

Lasagne with loads of fine green beans and asparagus (HEa + 1 syn)
Glass of wine (6 syns)

Total syns: 10

So pleased with my lasagne! Made my White sauce using a splash of milk, a tub of quark, 2 egg yolks, salt and pepper and nutmeg. Made 3 large portions. I was really pleased with how well the White sauce worked. It did solidify a little, but wasn't hard and didn't taste of quark.

My brother has, very kindly, given me his cold so feeling a bit on the grotty side. I did manage to get out and stock up on loads of fruit and veg. I plan on cooking loads of veg to take for lunches next week.

Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!

Your lasagne sounds great. I find that quark works quite well in them too, they always taste very nice and light- more like a summer lunch lasagne! But that's nice anyway! X
The quark was great! It wasn't a White sauce, and it obviously won't taste as indulgent as a proper White sauce with butter, but it really was nice! X
After reading this, I'm gonna make lasagne this week too!!! I bought quark this morning to have on standby for pasta sauce etc so I now have a use for it!! xx
I haven't made a Lasagne since being on SW but I make a good fish pie. My best White sauce so far was a pot of quark, a few spoons (? About 200-250g) of v low fat fromage frais and an egg. I might try your recipe though and see how it goes.

Yum yum. Hope you've had a good weekend.

Gail x
LittleSausage said:
Thanks, Gail! It really is nice to have words of encouragement from other SW followers who are so successful with their losses. I am SO determined to lose weight and follow the plan correctly.

Thanks for this comment. All I would say is that I was in the same boat a few months ago so if I can help someone else in the way that some people on this site have helped me then that's brilliant.

With regards to syns and using a few more (whilst I find it difficult to understand this one because I NEVER have difficulty using mine ;)) you could try using a few more in food, so use some Cornflour to make your White sauce, a bit extra cheese or a but of butter/olive oil in your cooking ?

You're doing great though - it's good to see :)

Gail x
With regards to syns and using a few more (whilst I find it difficult to understand this one because I NEVER have difficulty using mine ;)) you could try using a few more in food, so use some Cornflour to make your White sauce, a bit extra cheese or a but of butter/olive oil in your cooking ?

You're doing great though - it's good to see :)

Gail x

It's funny you say that - as today I realised I hadn't had any syns. I was going to make just a thin gravy for my lunch - then I thought, hang on - use syns, that's what they are there for. Which clearly sounds obvious - but I was using them in their own right - cereal bar or banana as part of shake etc. But it has started occurring to me, that I can tweak recipes to make them a little more desirable should I wish, to add some synned ingredients in. I guess it's all part of the whole diet thing coming together eh?
Gail, I will definitely be using more syns in my cooking. I seem to be programmed, almost, to keep things I cook as syn free as possible, so I have to really think about adding them in!

Today has been ok food-wise, although I have been grazing a bit for some reason. Whether it was the veg and bean stew/soup that I made for lunches this week, or picking at the leftover lasagne. It is not like me, not anymore, anyway, and I feel quite guilty for doing it. Even though it was either free or superfree!

Melon, mango and pineapple slices, Shape zero yoghurt
Coffee with whole milk and sugar (3.5 syns)

Fruit and yoghurt, same as breakfast!

Picked at the lasagne (est 1 syn) and veg/bean stew

Leftover lasagne, (est 2 syns) veg and bean soup/stew and a couple of boiled new potatoes
3 mini babybel lights (HEa)
Hifi bar (HEb)

Total syns: 6.5

Looking at it written down it doesn't seem too bad, but I am not happy about the picking. I'm quite disappointed with myself. Maybe it has something to do with having a cold, and I just needed to snack? Who knows. I'll just have to be very conscious of it. Quite glad that tomorrow is Monday, as I never snack at work.

WI tomorrow and, while I always look forward to it, I always feel apprehensive in case the scales tell me something I don't want to hear. Hopefully tomorrow should be ok as I have definitely been on track all week. Fingers crossed!

Minus3.5 said:
Good luck with you're weigh in, hunny.


Thanks, sugar. Will report back when I know how I have done. What day do you weigh in? Xx
Today has been ok food-wise, although I have been grazing a bit for some reason. Whether it was the veg and bean stew/soup that I made for lunches this week, or picking at the leftover lasagne. It is not like me, not anymore, anyway, and I feel quite guilty for doing it. Even though it was either free or superfree!

Looking at it written down it doesn't seem too bad, but I am not happy about the picking. I'm quite disappointed with myself. Maybe it has something to do with having a cold, and I just needed to snack? Who knows. I'll just have to be very conscious of it. Quite glad that tomorrow is Monday, as I never snack at work.

WI tomorrow and, while I always look forward to it, I always feel apprehensive in case the scales tell me something I don't want to hear. Hopefully tomorrow should be ok as I have definitely been on track all week. Fingers crossed!


I don't think you should be disappointed with picking at things. Maybe if you were doing that every single day you might need to address it but you're not.

I definitely have days where I feel 'munchie' and just need to eat a bit more - often superfree on it's own just doesn't do it for me on those days. I can't tell you what is different on those days, it just is. So on those days I try to eat a bit more and will snack on 'an extra meal' (ie a smaller portion of something but with 1/3 superfree - the best that I can do). And because it doesn't happen all that often, I don't feel guilty about it. I just accept that sometimes I need that.

Good luck for tomorrow. I have my fingers crossed for you.

Gail x
LittleSausage said:
Thanks, sugar. Will report back when I know how I have done. What day do you weigh in? Xx

Not until Wednesday. I'm desperate for it to come round again.

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Thanks guys!

After yesterday's snacking I'm feeling completely the opposite today. No doubt down to the fact that my cold has turned in to a stinker today and, not only can I not taste anything, it is extremely painful to swallow. Am so bunged up that I just don't want to eat anything at all.

Mango Activia snackpot
3 coffees with skimmed milk (1.5 syns)

Fibre Plus bar (HEb1)

Superfree veg stew with boiled new potatoes and extra green beans
3 mini babybel lights (HEa)
Hifi bar or Fibre Plus bar (HEb2)

Having plenty of water but am not at all hungry so think my veg will stay in the fridge til tomorrow.

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I was just thinking about how much of a difference Slimming World has made to my life already. Before, I would have eaten whether or not I was hungry. Now, it seems I have enough control to not eat if I'm not hungry. Most of the time, anyway. Definitely a positive.
Hi Lilsos, just popping in to say a quick hello and good luck 4 WI! I enjoyed London Sat despite being caught up in the demos! Oh well it added to the excitement and was all for a just cause that may well effect me one of these days! Off plan this wk as meals out every single day and too much headwork to be good the whole time! Of course i'll regret it come next wk but just felt like a week off (Birthday week!) and willing to correct the damage! X
So glad you had fun!

We shall have to agree to disagree about the demos...

Left work early and went to the earlier group although I didn't stay as I am feeling super rough. I lost 2lb though! Super chuffed.