The dreaded thing happened tonight...


Full Member
Evening everyone!

I went to my first WW meeting tonight, and every stereotype box was ticked which made me silently giggle a bit. But I'm one of those stereotypes, right - so no judging from me.

Anyway, stood on the scales, and of course they're weighing me in at 3lbs heavier than my home scales (although Ido weigh very first thing, and don't wear anything when I weigh at home!!)..

So do I swap to tracking the official weight, or carry on tracking my home went (this is on the app, btw...)?!

Hope you all had good weigh ins, those of you who have your weight in/meeting today.

Lindsay x
I used to to use my morning weight, but id suggest u go by ur ww class weight as I always felt disheartened at class knowing I'd put on 2 or 3lb since the morning!! It's best not to peak at home! Easier said Than done! Xx
I would choose either or. Just stick to one set of scales. Prob the weight from class as there going to track that every time you go :)
You KNOW that if the official scales had shown a loss, I wouldn't have even raised the point!!! lol!
I showed as 4 or 5lb higher than on my home scales and was gutted- but I'm sticking with the higher weight because I know their scales are correct!