The Girl Who Ate Everything 's ~Diary~

Hi there

Welcome to The Girl Who Ate Everything's Diary. Here i will share everything i go through to get to my goal. I started on the 27th of February which was about 5 weeks ago and so far i have lost about 5 kgs (about 11 lbs) . My whole life i have been obsessed about my weight (even as a child) I tried all sorts of diets but they never worked and i was always unhappy. I even got to the stage where i didnt want to eat ANYTHING. But then i would just binge in the end .. I eat when im not hungry .. when im in a bad mood.. when im happy .. i basically ate EVERYTHING ! i found food very comforting and would always turn to it. Well anyway lately i decided to do it the healthy way and now i eat everything only stopping when im full and not overeating. I am more conscious of what i eat and i exercise 4 times a week. 2 hours a day. I love walking and jogging on the treadmill. I do aerobics and Rollerblade. I also walk and sometimes i play Badminton. The turning point was when i realized i was heavier then my older brother :O

The weight i started with was 84 kgs (the highest i have EVER been). My current weight is 79 kgs and my Goal is to hit 52 kgs, so its still quite a long journey left to reach my goal. I am happy and not starving myself and have been drinking LOADS of water :) .. I feel freee , so free.

Tomorrow i will start my first day of my diary .
Day 2 - ( 4/5/2012 )

Well today just started so i don't have much to write, but yesterday was quite a tough day exercising because my muscles ached from the day before, but HEY! that smells like progress :) - also the treadmill wasnt working and it was a rainy day so i couldn't go out for a walk but in the end it worked thank GOD! Also i ate a liiiiiiiiitle too much last night. Im worrying about the weekend because thats usually when i slip off the wagon :( especially because there is two weeks holidays ahead so im not sure how that's going to go - anyway i HAVE to be strong and dont give in .

Thats it for this morning.
Well i am still on 78 kgs ( i guess its just starting to slow down now - which is to be expected :) ) i had a few slip offs last week but im back on the track again )
Some days are hard and some days are easy, for me yesterday was not easy. I usually look forward to exercising but yesterday i just felt like sitting down and doing nothing. Also i ate quite a lot and bloated myself at night so i was depressed and today this morning i had good breakfast BUT i'll just continue on normal and not eat too much today, - i also felt a bit dizzy yesterday whilst exercising, don't know what that's from :/ anyway i hit 77 kgs :D it took me about 2 weeks which is probably about 1/2 kg each week so i guess thats quite normal.
ughhh gone back up to 78 kgs during the weekend :( i have been bad this weekend, but i really need to get back on track. I ate all types of bad foods and A LOT of it (it just doesnt feel nice in the end) :/ but hey its not the end of the world :D
Dear Diary...

Lately i have been very pleased with my progress (lets hope it stays that way) and feeling more healthier and stronger. I started on 27th of February and since then i have lost about 6-7 kgs :D ... Although i don't notice the change on my body (don't know why, is that good or bad?) anyway there's still a long journey left.
76 Kgs :D yay! although on the weekend i was really BAD, i ate everything in sight :/ i had the munchies i guess , but today im back on track :)
75 kgs .. :) getting there.... started swimming last week and the weathers gone HOT :O .. like really really hott so i have to exercise later when the weather gets a bit cooler :S