The Highs and Lows of Development

Ah Development! Mrs Lard’s Guide To LighterLife’s Development Programme
(A work in progress based on contributions from Cerulean, Tiger Girl and SandraEG on Minimins)

Let’s start with the basics; if you are in Development, that means you are still in abstinence! Yes, you are! That sounds very bossy, doesn’t it? Well, it comes from the voice of (painful) experience...

This is a really important fact to remember because there will be all sorts of crooked thinking that says, oh well, Foundation is over, maybe I can relax a bit.

In fact, crooked thinking dominated my Development period so…ignore it at your peril.

Many of us deviated during Development and that means one thing and one thing only – you’re making it even harder on yourself to finish Development. You slow your weight loss down, the eating (whatever is not a permitted foodpack) messes with your head (rebellious child, critical parent, victim, rescuer, persecutor – they all come out BIG time during Development).

Development is all about accessing your adult voice/state and holding it. But that is very, very hard so much thinking is needed about strategies that people can use to make this process easier.

LighterLife – having provided so much information – is woefully short on support materials during this stage of the programme. Several of us, however, have gone back to our LLCs and advised them about this and I am sure this will change for the better. But being short of materials is no excuse for straying…(take it from one who knows)!

If terms like rebellious child and critical parent don’t mean that much to you, it’s time to go back to the Green Book and remind yourself of the skills that you learnt in Foundation.

The Transition from Foundation - Development

The shift from Foundation to Development seems massive; in my Foundation group, food chat was severely limited and I see this as a very, very good thing. In Development it's an open forum. It does seem that many Development sessions (based on posts here on Minimins) focus on how people have lapsed - with details. That's a shock there is much chat about the lapses (while the weigh ins are happening). I am wondering whether this sets off a subconscious switch that says "it's ok to cheat"? Is this enabling behaviour, or not? It’s something to be prepared for when you enter Development – there may be chat about …food!


I would suggest, once you are in Development, that you may want to try flavours that you have dismissed; tastebuds do change and what you hated in Foundation, you may find you now love. I hated the nut crunch bar during most of Foundation but when I tried it half way through, I liked it and it got me through the final stages.

I also started to get addicted to certain foodpacks during Development – banana and strawberry, in particular – and other LighterLifers I know started to have more than four packs. The sweet ones were usually the culprits! So, again, play around with tastes but watch out for ones that you begin to enjoy in any other way than for nutrition, if you know what I am saying.


Several LighterLifers I know also stopped having bars towards the end of Development, particularly as you get close to your goal (see the GOAL section for details). I did too – I stuck to nut crunch, just to give me something to chew.


For the goal-phobes of Foundation (like me – worried I wouldn’t EVER be able to manage 14 weeks/100 days), this is a chance to make goal setting really work for you. For a long time, I had no goal and this limbo-like state is no good for a regime like LighterLife. If you have come through Foundation, you will be slimmer/lighter/smaller – whatever description is appropriate for you. You have proved that you can stick to the programme all the way through. (100% abstinence is the yardstick by which we should all measure ourselves but we are human so if you got to a significant weight loss (with some deviations), acknowledge that and think about how you can be kind to yourself by..staying 100% abstinent during Development).

This week, at Development, the old timers (like me) were asked to think about what advice we would give ourselves IF we were about to start Development. What would we do, with the benefit of hindsight?

My first answer was…set yourself some new goals. Go back to the goal setting sections of the green Foundation book and start to think about where, how, what you would like to be at the end of Development. And this is the important bit – it does not necessarily have to be a weight-specific goal.

This could be a weight goal, a size goal, a fitness goal, a BMI goal, a bath-test goal (my LLC advises that a good gauge is the bath test ie are you happy with what you see/how you feel in the bath).

Again, I didn’t do this (goal setting) until Cerulean (Solongandthanksforallthecheese | Diet, fitness, weight loss blog) posted this extremely helpful guide from her LLC and I am eternally grateful for this because, for me, this was the target I needed:

"The other interesting thing ... is that my counsellor (who has been doing this since the programme began) actually advises getting to BMI 22.5 and THEN losing a couple of pounds short of whatever you lost in week 1 (your glycogen load) as this is the weight that you will regain in management. Now of course some people don't need to be BMI 22.5 and as a slim person you may have a lower glycogen load than you did as a morbidly obese person, but she observed that her people that got through management tend to fluctuate by about 7lbs. So the lesson is not to expect to lose another stone in Management. I think that some people refer to Management as 'refeeding' because of this suggestion as some clients go quite low and gaunt before finally getting their glycogen back. Apparently my theory about dropping your BMI to 20-21 to shift any remaining problem areas before gaining a few lbs is also pretty sound.



Ketosis is KING in LighterLife.

This still stands in Development, as it does in Foundation. No two ways about it.

Things get messy – physically – when you start dipping in and out of ketosis.

There was a thread about hair loss – something that I experienced towards the end of Development but it did tie in with when I was not abstaining 100%. There are, apparently, reasons for this; sadly, I am not a scientist or a weight-loss expert so not sure what the biology is behind this. Anybody got some views on this?

Weight Loss – for some of us, weight loss slows right down. It took me six weeks to lose 13lbs and Cerulean wrote this, which is a great way to express what is going on:

Dear LL,

There's a problem here - next week if I don't lose something I will have lost close to a pound in nearly a month - I'm very very happy with the size 8 jeans though so I'll forgive you

Love Sarah

If you are expecting to continue with your one stone per month weight loss, this can be a disappointment. There are, however, other compensations – you will be smaller.


This is still critical and, if my own experience is anything to go by, I relied more on my LLC during Development than I ever did in Foundation. I had more questions, more comments, more feedback.


Development Dynamics are completely different to those of Foundation. For a start, you are no longer in your closed group; it’s a mixed bag. Some people will have been in Development for months, some for weeks.

Unless your LLC is very strict, there is unlikely to be homework BUT I urge anyone entering Development to make time to do work ‘at home’ be that group exercises, revisiting the Green Book, blogging, posting on Minimins, exploring particular issues that come up.

As with Foundation, what you sow, so shall you reap. I was so diligent about writing up every single session during Foundation but in Development…I started several exercises but never finished them. And when did I struggle and cheat the most? During Development.


As with Foundation, you should definitely be walking, as an absolute minimum. Advice for Development is the same as Foundation:

Apart from walking 10,000 steps everyday, monitored by the LighterLife pedometer, I did no exercise. This was a mistake. I would not advocate doing serious cardiovascular workouts but The Bodydoctor's (Bodydoctor Fitness - Fitness, Slimming, Training and Weight loss programmes) stomach plan is the business. If you start, as you mean to go on, you may be helping to prevent loose skin by ensuring that you are toning up as you move through Development.


Here are some useful threads about Development, that I think are worth reading:

These are the blogs that I recommend for the Developer:

Live to Slim - Bring It On


Vague Glorious (Sarah's new blog address)

and maybe my own, to see how Development shouldn’t be done…(The Lard Arms)


I drove myself mad in Development; feeling as if I were constantly failing, focusing on all the things I should have done. Then Tiger Girl made a fantastic suggestion; she said focus on what works, rather than on what doesn’t!

Therefore, a major strategy for success is to go back to what you did in Foundation. What worked for you? What didn’t? Why were you able to walk away from the crisps/chocolate/toast – whatever food you like – but, somehow, in Development, you can’t?

Being in the zone – there’s so much talked about this phrase – particularly by and for athletes BUT it’s a great mindset to have. In Foundation, you were in the zone. That’s where you need to be for Development.

Development Doldrums and Back To Basics

Tied in with the above, really. I don’t think it’s co-incidental that many Developers (particularly on Minimins) find themselves going back to basics.

Crooked Thinking will tell you that the diet is boring, untenable, you’re more hungry, etc, etc, etc. I remember my LLC saying that the packs give you everything you need. No more, no less. So, if you are feeling foodpack-challenged, chances are it’s about something else entirely!

Reframing – this is a great tool to get you through the tough days.


This will really kick in during Development. Some of you may have already got lots of compliments by the end of Foundation but by the time of Development, it can feel like open season on your weight.

Just as most people would NEVER openly comment about you getting bigger (unless they were giving you tough love), the absolute opposite is true when you start losing weight. Anyone and everyone will comment and it’s really hard to stay strong.

The fact is that most people will be used to seeing you as bigger, possibly much bigger and so each time they see you, it’s a shock. They haven’t got used to you being smaller and boy, will they tell you!

If you have more weight to lose but feel pressurised to stop thanks to all the comments, (Surely, you’ve gone far enough?!/Surely, you’re not still on that diet?/Surely, you can eat now?!), you can use the BMI argument. This whole subject is about boundaries and it’s up to you to set yours. I have had to learn to say ‘thank you’ to compliments and try to cut off any further discussion unless I want to talk about my weight loss.

Conversely, some people may not comment at all; the conspiracy of silence can be hard to take! Remember, it’s about that person’s issues, not yours. Somehow, your success (at weight loss) will be triggering something for them. But that’s ok because you’re ok! (Sorry, small joke!)


I think the hardest time comes when you are close to your own chosen goal. If you, like me, have spent most of your adult life overweight, these are challenging times.

Development - Management - why is it so hard?

Of the many Development ‘chats’ between members of Minimins, Cerulean and I had a big online discussion about this:

I had a massive lightbulb moment, which came about from trying to understand why people struggle at the end of Development. I concluded it was because...Development is also the tipping point into the world of being slim/thin. Once you get down to the lower BMIs, you are slim and if you have never been that before, it's unchartered waters. Scary/exciting/overwhelming and any other emotion you want to name; I think the subconscious knows this and tries to delay making that final leap. Because once you've moved over to the "other side", it IS different (back into that experiencing it rather than contemplating it.

It may not help you being a weight holder but at least you have had a taste of what being slim feels like, particularly as you go through Management.


In the Beginner’s Guide (for Foundation), I urged people to clear their diary! But it is more than likely after six months in that, whatever time of year you started, some big events will be coming up and you may feel being less like a hermit.

Some social events were easy for me, some less so. Go with what feels right. Take a long-term view and factor in abstinence; if you want to attend something, is it in your best interest? (For example, will the pressure be too great if you say no to something? Is it easier to attend something or easier to stay away? Every situation will be different. Just be prepared.)

(something we covered one week in Development)

The Journey Down the Sidewalk of Life: Psychological Self-Help

?Autobiography in Five Short Chapters By Portia Nelson

Chapter One

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost .... I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

Chapter Two

I walk down the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend that I don't see it.
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in this same place.
But, it isn't my fault.
It still takes a long time to get out.

Chapter Three

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I see it is there.
I still fall in ... it's a habit ... but, my eyes are open.
I know where I am.
It is my fault.
I get out immediately.

Chapter Four

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

Chapter Five
?I walk down another street.

(If you go to the website, there are more discussions about each of the chapters.)


Is Development harder than Foundation? In my opinion, yes it is! BUT with the right attitude, you CAN get through it and make it work for you. Big time. You can use this time to consolidate everything you’ve learnt in Foundation and really start to apply it. If you are in Development for the long haul, see this as a golden opportunity to really get your head round the issues that got you there in the first place. Every so often there will be an influx of new people into the class; my advice is this – ask your LLC if you can have a “what advice can we give new people session”? This will enable you to set your progress in context; it will be great boost to see how far you have come and how much you have learnt (and can share). There is nothing like the appreciation of others who are behind you and who want to know what works.

And if you are in Development for a short time, then make the most of it. Route to Management will come sooner than you think so this is really the only time – while still in abstinence – to appreciate and understand the lessons that you have learnt.

Remember, set yourself some new goals, revisit them frequently, work out your vulnerable moments/situations and learn some new coping strategies. Decide to make it as easy as possible for yourself (by being SUPER kind to yourself). Don’t jeopardise all your Foundation hard work so work out what’s going to work for you. Keep going back to the basics, if you need to; practice makes perfect.


Good Luck!

CALL TO ACTION: Development Activities

I think it would be useful to document the activities and some of the theory (such as the cycle of change) and put it in one place. Can anyone remember some of the exercises they did?

I will post some that I did (road blocks – based on anticipating obstacles, the collage exercise, the pie chart exercise, the poem exercise). I didn’t do the crossing the river exercise…
Hi Developers,
I'm still trying to take in all the great stuff I am reading here. Well if I am honest I am reading selectively. I am still 100% abstinent and not finding Development any different to Foundation. I am sort of trying to stay away from stuff I feel may lure me away from abstinence.

As soon as I see the word binge or lapse I skip away from it. Not that I want to belittle anyone who does it, I'm just absolutely petrified I may trigger myself into my old life.
Mrs L:
"It does seem that many Development sessions (based on posts here on Minimins) focus on how people have lapsed - with details. That's a shock there is much chat about the lapses (while the weigh ins are happening). I am wondering whether this sets off a subconscious switch that says "it's ok to cheat"? Is this enabling behaviour, or not? It’s something to be prepared for when you enter Development – there may be chat about …food!"

I try to shut my ears at the sessions when this is going on, I just don't want to hear it. I think it is enabling. It is a comfort sort of thing, safety in numbers, conformity etc. I don't want to conform, I want to break through.

This used to bug me at Weight Watchers and was one of the huge benefits of LL when I started. At WW there would be groups of ladies who regaled the class with hilarious tales of their eating extravaganzas, week after week. I found it very annoying and was cross the leaders allowed it as the ladies who did it never seemed to progress with weight loss and just made it socially acceptable to brag about it and set the wrong tone for the next week of supposed dieting.

Anyway, I had a much better class last week as there was counselling, albeit very basic stuff, but better than nothing.

And I managed camping with my new battery powered mixer from Ikea. In fact it was totally liberating eating the packs instead of the usual indulgent stuff.

And I became quite vain as there was a long mirror in the loos that let me see myself, I can't believe I look like I do. And neither can my OH! I'm having to fight him off, especially in a tent on a packed campsite!

Keep it up everyone, we can all get to goal.

I'm so glad that your strategy is working. I have worried that I've contributed to that feeling of 'it's okay to cheat' when I've admitted I have in class. The problem for me is that I am not able to lie and I find myself forced to admit a lapse - even when I didn't intend to.

Last week we had another great session where we had the choice of writing a letter or making a collage based on the idea that we were lending our bidy to someone (once we've finished) and wanted to show them how to take care of it.

I made a collage and had pictures to represent sleeping, exercising, cleansing/moisturising, bath time and there were healthy food pics too. The LLC asked which if those I was doing now excluding the food and I just blushed and stumbled over the rest of my explanation... I really hadn't intended to mention the fact I hadn't been 100%!

I am getting back to abstinence and my lapses are relatively small so I don't want to beat myself up about it. If I say I've binged - it's a relative term because it's nothing like what would have been normal before. I do feel a bit guilty for bringing it up in session though and I'm going to really try not to from now on - and just deal with any lapses in my own written journal instead.

I'm on a journey and I've stumbled a few times but I have no intention of giving up. I am totally determined!
I might try and dig out some of my CBT work from when I was treated for compulsive overeating and depression a few years - although some of the exercises are focused on food, during class we did a couple of the greenbook activities whilst we were on development which I think are quite similar - my LLC has also given our group the pink 'Refresh' book so I might look at the simple resources in that.
Its for people who return to LL who have already completed Foundation.
Check out the Development insights tonight!!
So much to comment on...

Sarah - this part of your post really stood out for me;
I thought about the food I was missing an luckily that choice was made easier by the fact that a lot of the food I had fantasised no longer tastes so good in my imagination or in real life. So in a way the binge actually had a very positive effect on me in that it reminded me that I don't really care about the food - that it really isn't the be all and end all any more. It's not worth it. It's not my answer when I feel bad.

In the current Princess mode I'm now finally able to really understand what I've learned from my 6 weeks of slips in and out of abstinence. I really believe that I had to go through it to understand how I'm going to finish the journey. In no way shape or form would I EVER recommend this as a strategy for anyone else to try! It was torture for me, but the learnings have been huge and very powerful. The chocolate thing has finally gone. I had it and it didn't give me any long or short term solutions. I have complete clarity about it now.

You are SO right to find a way to shut out the 'cheating' comments. Abstinence really is the only answer. I was 100% abstinent for well over my 100 days and also used to get quite irritated by any mention of 'cheating'. When I was going through my slips, I didn't and still don't think of them as 'cheating'. Torture is a much more relevant word for that period! Keep on keeping on. I'm now firmly back in abstinence and have already had quite a few occasions this week to test out the strength of this - yep, I'm definitely back in abstinence! Princess tiara very much in place :D

Mrs L - wow - your Developers guide is almost a work of art!! Terrifyingly accurate. I'm certain it will be massively helpful to everyone. They should publish this in the front of the Developers book - it would actually help fill all of those bludy blank pages :D

Sandra - you've stumbled a few times and are determined to carry on. Me too. With you all of the way on this one :D

Overall, I'm doing great. I've looked at my numbers and I know this sounds really weird bearing in mind what we're all doing right now, but I'm excited again about actually losing weight! I've had such a traumatic time focusing on why I've slipped and how to get back on track the actual physical sensation of feeling slimmer (which I'm currently experiencing again) is back. And I like it. I know this has been a sticking point weight wise, this week I know I will finally have got into the next weight range down and have to accept the fact that it's taken me 8 weeks to have lost a stone. By LL standards, that's a very long time. So all I've done is add another 4 weeks (potentially) on to Development. I've never gained, just slowed beyond recognition. Fine. I've dealt with that too.

So it's all good. I'm managing, I'm learning, I'm planning and I'm in control. And I'm almost at goal! :D

Everyone is on fire tonight! Too much to comment on individually so will do so..hmmm, maybe Thursday after the first RtM session!

It's so great to hear everyone so upbeat after our highs and lows of Development. I think we've all made massive progress and it's been a group thing with indvidual results, if that makes sense.

Excited about weight loss? Wow, TG, that's FANTASTIC.

So, big hugs all round. Sarah - GOOD LUCK tomorrow at work. Hope you are not in too much pain and remember, take it easy. Be extra, extra kind to yourself - even if it's a chore!!!

Onwards to victory, everyone.

Big kiss.

Mrs Lxxxx
Hi Girls

Just checking in...after my first Management meeting. After all my anxiety, it was FINE - there were only two of us and the locum! LOL!

We finished early and, as a consequence, I got home a lot earlier too! Always a bonus!

The biggest thing for me, to be honest, was discovering that I can do week one for... more than one week! As you know, I don't feel I am "there" yet so being able to do three packs and a protein/salad meal gives me a bit more control and time to get where I want to be. I genuinely believed Route to Management was 12 weeks, no more, no less. But it isn't! Hooray!!

In the meantime, I'm still in Development mode! How are you all doing?

Big kiss.

Mrs L xxxxxxxxx
I haven't had a good night. I'm not going to go into details but I'm not going to hide the fact that I binged again - it wasn't even anything I actually wanted (I secretly thought about brushing thsi episode under the carpet and forgetting about it which was a big alarm bell). This is bonkers!

I had a long talk to myself in the bath about what is going on and I'm clamming up about something and I have no idea what it is - I can be a devious cow sometimes and this behaviour is classic...but I don't know what the sabotage is about. I do notice it has something to do with when my LLC is away even though I have rarely contacted her outside of class (twice during the entire time). It also has something to do with lonliness, I think. I really don't have anyone to talk to at the moment - yeah - I know there's here, but that makes me feel like such a sad sack (no offence!)

I don't want to dump on my poor mother - I have been hideously rude to her this week - and most of my friends are in Edinburgh enjoying themselves and I feel very separate from that.


How ridiculous can I possibly be - so clos eto goal and just behaving like a stroppy teenager! There's no reason why I won;t be at goal on Sunday - I'm just being rebellious and idiotic. I didn't eat out of hunger - or a desire to eat - I ate for something so far beyond the food that I'm not even that annoyed by the eating. I am annoyed that I am letting something bug me so much that I won't even admit what it is.
Hi Sarah

Remember HALT? Hungry, Angry (Anxious), Lonely and Tired. I had a massive lightbulb moment a few weeks ago about how incredibly lonely I felt. It's a feeling that cuts to the core, it really does. It does mean reaching out to find a happy medium. Are you prepared for that?

You wrote:

"I am annoyed that I am letting something bug me so much that I won't even admit what it is."

I couldn't tell whether it's something you already know what it is but, if it isn't, maybe it's something you're just not ready to deal with yet??

I don't know; maybe I am offering trite comments.

Go to bed. Tomorrow is another day. And I haven't had a good day either!!!

Take care.

Mrs Lxxx
Well Sarah - joint he club. I got home from the meeting and just lost control.

No idea why. Had a fabulous day yesterday. Got a new job, which has cheered me up no end. Hating my current job,a nd the resulting lack of confidence, has made me very vulnerable to emotional eating. It's a brilliant job and I could not stop smiling on the way home.

At the meeting I lost 2lbs, which I was a bit disappointed with BUT I know was also a very good result considering the up and down week I'd had.

So I am at a complete loss as to why I did what I did last night. I think it was totally rebellious child but rebelling against what exactly? It's been nipped in the bud for today and I'm hoping the positive feeling of the new job and a new start will filter into my LL week too!

Let's all share some positive vibes::vibes:
Hey Developers :)

Well the rocky road to management seems to be hitting us all at the same time just now - what's that all about?

This is the key learning of the week for me;
I'm facing some feelings that I don't think I've EVER been able to deal with. I've been self medicating with food for such a long time that I'm just not able to deal with some of the feelings. I have a workbook called "The food and feelings workbook" and I bought it way back in Foundation. I just couldn't work through it as I wasn't able to come up with the answers. I wasn't able to articulate what certain feelings actually felt like. Now, bearing in mind I'm a creative copy writer, I should be able to knock out 200 words on anything!!!
So I've picked it up again and am determined to make some progress.

This is huge for me. One of my goals at the start was to understand why I had ended up gaining so much weight - with a view to making sure this insight would prevent it from ever happening again. I think I have these insights now, and the scariness of what I've learned has definitely been at the core of 'the slips'.

So, Sarah - you're at goal - you've done it - you've reached it! Maybe a good old breakdown of the feelings you're experiencing right now, of the true soul searching variety is something to focus on? I know you have absolute insight around what's going on for you, your posts are always so full of them so I'm pretty certain you'll be far better than me at this! But I'm giving it a try and whilst it's a scary process, its helping.

I honestly thought that I was very in tune with my feelings until I was forced to write them down by category. The workbook suggests that there are 7 key feelings for disordered eaters;
- guilt
- shame
- anxiety
- helplessness
- disappointment
- confusion
- loneliness

...and the workbook focuses on many many writing exercises around all of them. It's HARD WORK. I'm not even sure I'm recommending it! But it's definitely hard core. It's written by Karen R Koenig if you fancy going there :)

On a more practical front I'm going away this weekend and will be faced with some stuff that I really could do without right now. Lots of BBQ action and meals out.'s going to be a bit of a tough one.

And ending on a brighter note (!) I had an amazing sesh with my Trainer tonight. It's been weeks since I felt like I had enough energy to do a PT session during the week, I usually have them on Saturdays. So that's really helped :D

Overall, I'm still hitting the highs and the lows but I'm getting through it.
Hello Everyone

TG - you and I must be on at the same time!!

Sarah - how are you today?? No news so hope you are ok.

Sandra - CONGRATULATIONS (sung with full Cliff Richard soundtrack!!!!).

TG - thanks for the recommendation for the book.

If this is ANY consolation, I am really finding the thought records helpful. Every time I do one, I think, why don't I do more of these? And if you remember, the Green Book recommends doing one daily! I've had issues this week about ££ and in the end, I sat down to do a thought record to nail it. I was in that "I'm not hungry but I want to eat" situation all over again. And with thought records, I don't follow it strictly, by the book, but I've found a way that works for me. I find they cut to the chase.

Today I had to invoice a client (well, prepare the invoice) and I have been sitting on this job for weeks. Now I've done a TR, I understand why I have made it such a big deal. I haven't done it (the invoice) yet (doh!) but I've begun to see that the procrastination has absolutely NOTHING to do with this client or this invoice. Not sure if that makes sense. But it's an old problem/issue that keeps coming up in different ways.

At the end of the day, I think A LOT of the issues that we are facing are to do with boundaries - re-establishing them, setting them for the first time, dealing with them, redefining them and I wonder whether this is true for the rest of you?

Anyway, the kindest thing I can do for myself right now is finish the invoice! Ha ha.

Goodnight. xxx
Thanks guys...
I did some big writing about this is in my blog earlier...and went to sleep at 8.30 (I went to sleep at 00.30 and woke up at 5.45 yesterday) and then just woke up to have my missing two foodpacks.


I think I covered about all 7 of those feelings at some point yesterday...the workbook sounds interesting but I'm playing the AVOID game with my Writer's Way exercises at the moment - I really cannot face reading nearly 200 pages of my own writing from the last 10 weeks with a highlighter pen and every time I try to catch up on my goal setting and collage I am trying to make it too personal. I shall see if I have any more energy at the weekend or maybe I will go to a big bookshop and pick it up are so right - I am so sort of at goal it's untrue - I just need to - as my blog says - stop skipping around the goal posts and just kick something in ;)

Mrs. L - thanks for looking out for me. Today has been - er - weird. I've been 'good' but by the skin of my teeth - my logic is if I can hang on to abstinence for the last 3.5 days I will get to goal and ketosis on Sunday evening's weigh-in and either start Management with cottage cheese (still not convinced my jaws actually should be chewing) and move on to fish on Tuesday for the first salad meal (one should never buy fresh fish on a Monday, I was alwasy taught!)
Sandra...iiinteresting...I wonder if what lies at the heart of some of my panicking is that if I was pushier (and prepared to push myself for a few months) I might be able to live out a lifelong fantasy at the end of the year. However, this means that I might need to give up my gorgeous rented flat, work my ass off for at least a month and all manner of things...who can say?

I also have to face a few demons as the result of hitting goal....'be careful what you wish for' has never seemed more true ;)

Anyway - I think this was the key bit from today

"In my case I have to tell you that I am a recovering binge-eater…and to my knowledge the few of us who are ‘out’ in our blogs and entries have also binged - especially as we have got close to goals. This may be performance anxiety, this may be that our goal weights are weights at which we first developed our ‘secret friend’. We do tend to be over-achievers – so maybe it’s a cry for help saying ‘FIX THIS TOO WHILE YOU’RE AT IT!’ or maybe it’s a ‘TURN BACK NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE, BEHIND THAT DOOR OVER THERE IS WHAT YOU’VE USED ME TO HIDE FROM YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!’. Who the hell knows what my personal fairy story is trying to tell me at this stage – but I really am at the unchartered bit of my treasure map and it’s bloody scary. Does this mean I have to go and find a man now? Is that why I’m scared? Does this mean that I have to go and get a job actually worthy of my skills and attention? What does it mean? It’s not in the book or on a spreadsheet so I don’t bloody know, do I?! Anyway, you might be able to do the full run perfectly, you may have to replot your course a few times like an airline pilot – but whatever you do – please please please get to your destination, taxi the plane to the hangar and go out via passport control even if it takes you a bit longer and you’re not too confident about having a bumpy landing.


The key to the entire process is landing the bloody plane by yourself and getting to where you wanted to go.

Don’t turn around and start heading back or hand the controls over to the co-pilot.

In summary
  • I am frightened
  • I am never at my best when my body is not normal – my mouth situation is not normal. Having to take 1000mg of paracetemol is not normal.
  • I feel exposed
  • I feel alone
  • But strangely positive – if woozy. Bloody 1000mg paracetemol.
  • Do not beat self up.
  • Am human.
  • Self-flagellation leads to wanting Victoria sponge cake.
  • On a lighter note: Dear heavens woman – if you must binge, did it have to be what you binged on last night? My inner food snob despairs of you!'
mmm - sorry for the post bombarding...but TG the Food/Feelings book appears to be out of print...where did you get it from - out of interest?
Dear Sarah

I applaud you for being so honest. I know you like to keep people at arm's reach so I'll give you a massive round of applause (although that seems inadequate) rather than a virtual hug!

Your post has A LOT of points I'd like to comment on but I can't do it justice right now. I think you will find that many of us the Development gang will identify with what you've written.

I want to say a couple of things:

1) the fear factor is at the heart of it - you and I had that big exchange - and you are on the threshold of so much more than the last few pounds. They are just symbolic of all the other things you identified.

2) Feeling exposed - I think this is a transitory phase. I felt like this, ironically, towards the end of Foundation. It was a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE time and I really struggled. I don't think it's co-incidence that I plateaued after those feelings emerged. Those feelings have not gone away completely BUT they have diminished.

3) How do you feel about your weight loss? Really? I am that stage whereby I KNOW I have lost weight - not at goal yet and scales are shifting by grammes not kilos - but I don't feel it. I don't feel I am "there" yet so don't feel any sense of achievement - might as well be honest about that. How do you feel? Do you see your goal weight as 'it'? One thing that MIGHT help you is to see your goal weight as less of a big deal (even though it is) and rather more as the NEXT stage in your longer journey. It may help you feel less afraid.

As you know, I was terrified of Route to Management (just the session) and then someone commented on my blog that I was making more of it than it was.

Remember fear and excitement and very closely linked and you can flip the emotions.

Just hold on until Sunday, use the challenging moments as opportunities for learning and, as you say, just land the plane. If you need to ask for help, reach out!!

Mrs Lxxxx

PS don't try to address everything at once - man, job, home - that's a lot in one hit! xxx
Karen R. Koenig - Book Information

cerulean - did you check out her website directly?

I think unchartered territory is spot on.

In the past I have tried loads of diet and been prescribed reducil and the most I have ever lost is 20lbs before giving up and returning to old habits. I think one of the children in the mind is frightened what might happen if I keep going. Maybe success is quite scary? I am also a procrastinator...

I think I've had a lightbulb moment and need to work on this... Thanks ladies - your insights are invaluable!