The Incredible Shrinking Woman

I'm back!!!! Aaw it's nice to be missed :D

Lauanne you were right. Have been working all hours relocating the office. Been in every day first thing, and not getting home until at least half nine then falling into bed exhausted.

Not been sleeping as have so much to do and it all whirls about in my head in the middle of the night!

We have moved most of the stuff out of the old offices and hopefully everything will be cleared by tomorrow. We have to repaint the old offices - will have to do that this weekend.

It hasn't really gone without a hitch to be honest. I dread to think how many more grey hairs I have under the dye...

We are mainly an internet company, and
BT, in their wisdom, decided to CANCEL our broadband account, instead of moving it. Then said it would take at least 5 days to reactivate it :mad: Cue many hours of asking, pleading, wailing, insisting, shouting and yelling at BT staff and being passed from pillar to post. It should hopefully (!) be up and running tomorrow...

Then the telephone lines I asked to be installed haven't been done correctly. So I only have one line for all incoming and outgoing calls when I wanted at least two, so that more than one person could be on the phone at the same time. Nope that hasn't happened. Need to get on to them again and sort it out. Also, the entire phone system went down today and we had an hour trying to sort that out.

The new offices were meant to be plastered before we moved in. But the plasterer broke his foot so we had to frantically find another one. So he has been there all day today trying to plaster around about us, and will probably still be plastering until Friday. We then have to wait 2 - 3 days before we can paint.
So we won't be able to move all our furniture into the office for ages yet - it is all sitting around the warehouse.

Apart from that it's all gone swimmingly :D On the upside, all the stress has helped me lose 2lbs yaaay!

It's nice to be back but just nipping in very briefly to let you know I'm still alive. Will try to get back on later in the week and catch up with all the threads and your diaries when I have some more time.

Be good! xx
Aaw don't be worried! Am still sneaky peeking every now and again to check up on you all.

STILL painting the damn office! Everything still in chaos and is driving me nuts!

The staircase to the top floor still hasn't been built - the parts didn't come in apparently. So we can't get stuff put away so it is all still sitting in the middle of the warehouse : (

Extremely stressed. Can't wait to get things organised but don't know when that is going to be.

And to cap it all, I was at zumba last wednesday, bounding around like usual, when I felt a ball being chucked with a hard thwack at the back of my calf. It made a loud popping sound! Turned round to see who was throwing stuff, and ofcourse no-one was. Discovered I couldn't walk...

Had to go to A & E and I have torn the tendon in my calf. So have been hobbling around all week. Has been fun trying to get up and down the step ladder to paint... that puts paid to exercise for quite a few weeks! I blame that damned Shred - I really felt it in my calves.

Despite all that, still getting on fine with the diet, though things have slowed down now. Not exercising won't help. But have lost another pound this week by the looks of it so it is still on a downward trend.

Have missed you all xx
Ouch!!! That sounds awful! Hope you make a speedy recovery xx

You have been missed! Sorry to hear things are so hectic and well done for being able to stick to Dukan whilst it is so difficult there.

I think we are all starting to see the numbers dropping a little slower, but it is to be expected (I think?) and they are still going down :) we'll get there!

Fingers crossed things improve sharpish and we see you around lots more again.

Rest that leg and take care!
OH NO - how painful wish I lived near you, I could come and help you glad to hear you are fine Dukan wise, you deserve a gold medal sticking to Dukan with all that stress :)

Yaaaaaaaaaay! You're back! Rubbish to hear about your injury though, hope you're not in too much pain. :)Xx
OH NO - how painful wish I lived near you, I could come and help you glad to hear you are fine Dukan wise, you deserve a gold medal sticking to Dukan with all that stress :)

How odd. I replied to you yesterday but my post is nowhere to be seen!!!

I said, that you should be glad you don't live near. I would have a paint brush in your hand and have put you to work before you knew it :D

LAUSANNNNEEEE! <mwah mwah mwah>

How are you, lovely?

The leg is slowly on the mend thank goodness. Can walk on it quite well now, although now I am mobile I forget that I can't move as fast as I normally do and end up hurting it now and again. Tried to run across the road in between traffic this afternoon - not a good idea... :eek:

Spent the entire day hoovering, cleaning and trying to organise the chaos that is our office. Good exercise! Still have no staircase to the top floor - joiner was meant to fit it today but didn't turn up :cry:

Decided to get a decorator in to finish the painting as we can't move all the furniture into the offices until it is done and has been taking forever. He was meant to come today but didn't turn up either... :mad:

Anyway, had a good day and glad I can go in tomorrow and it will be looking a lot better after my hard work today. :angel09:
My word, what would it take to slow you down, woman?! Great that it's all coming together - hopefully the last bits will fall into place without too much stress and strife.

All good with me but frantically busy - in here for 10 mins while my tea cooks! :)Xx
And you tell me to slow down?? ;) :D

Had cauli rice with curry for dinner tonight. So delicious.

Oh have put a progress pic in my album btw. Not a very good pic (I'm so not photogenic) but think there is definitely a difference from the dress photos to now. Not so many lump and bumps!

Although my boobs look huge in that shirt. Won't be wearing it again anyway - got gloss paint on it in the office :rolleyes:
Wow-wee! You are looking fab-u-lous!! The difference is really striking and you can see definite shrinkage since the dress photo. You go, girl!..........gonna go now and rescue my dinner :p.....will be back soon!
Ooh, you'll feel fabulous dressed up for a wedding having lost so much, well done you! I saw on the menus thread you had kashmiri chicken, how did you make it - kashmiri is my all time favourite!?
Oooh I can't see on my iPhone - will check out your pics as soon as I get get on the proper computer, sounds like you are looking amazing :) well done you x
Wow you look really slim! well done you!
Alas, me fears it may be a case of the Incredible DisappearedWoman! :confused: Where are you, lassie? Hope to see you back on Minimins soon. :)Xx
Hello! Sorry to go awol - life has been hectic!

Dad is really very ill, so have been busy helping mum. He developed a blood clot on his leg and it's been difficult to treat as he has a problem with losing blood, so it has been difficult using blood thinners to dispel the clot.

He is very much weaker now, and spends most of his time sleeping :( Is so hard on mum, as she is caring from him 24/7, doesn't get much sleep and I worry that she isn't taking care of herself.

Work has been busy too, which is good! Although looks like we are losing our daughter, who has been a real asset. She is hoping to go to dance college in Edinburgh in August. Will really miss her :cry:

Diet is going fine. Have lost another few pounds over the last month, not loads but better than putting it on! I did get a bit sick of it all for a few weeks, so switched back to WW for a break. But reverted back a couple of weeks ago and is going well. Still very slow weight loss but haven't got much to lose now. And anyway <drumroll>

am in a size 10 jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D

So quite happy the way I am tbh. Anything more I lose is just a bonus.

Good to be back - need to do a whole lot of catching up! Hope you are all ok xxx