The journey continues!

It's weird, I'm finding it harder to keep on track at the moment. I wonder if it's because I'm that much closer to goal, I'm feeling better about how I look & feel in my clothes; I'm getting lots of positive comments from people, and lots of people saying that I've lost enough weight. I know that I've still got 3stone to go, but in my head it's easy to believe what others are saying and slack off.

However, I'm looking back at my reasons for doing this, and they still stand. If I stop now, I know I still feel as if I am too fat, and I don't want that. I also know, that from eating over the weekend, I feel a lot worse for it - when I come back to food properly, I definitely need to be careful and identify which foods make me feel so lethargic! Maybe I'll stay low carb indefinitely, as I do feel good on it. However, knowing I feel good on it, why am I getting such strong urges to put rubbish in my mouth! Argggggg, I've followed the Beck stuff, but I guess I've dropped the no-choice mantra last week, and now I'm debating every bit of food I go near. Hmmmm, back to No Choice - I'm determined to shake this lethargy, and carry on my mission to get fit and healthy. I've stuck to the plan so far today, I've had a shake, a bar and some bacon (OK, it's WS today!) I've resisted the biscuit my daughter put in my mouth and the call of my husband's box of chocolates. Now to get through the rest of the afternoon and evening. I think I will finish sorting out our garage and get a TV set up in there, so that it's more fun for using the cross trainer :)

Hope you're all having a good day.
You can do it hon... keep going! Ignore the people saying you have lost enough, you are still only *just* in the overweight BMI category and if you stop now a few extra pounds is going to nudge you back into the obese band again. You definitely want to keep going now you've got this far! If you feel this good with yourself now imagine how great it will be when you finally get to where you REALLY want to be. I know it's gonna be slow and harder from now on, but you can do it, and i for one can't wait to see your "8" balloon.
Most definitely carry on .... yes people will say you have lost "enough" weight because after all you have lost 3 stone but you know yourself that that is not enough and you still have more weight to lose. We all know our own bodies and what we are most happiest with. Go with it and carry on .... it will be well worth it in the end!! :D
Aw Rachel, I find it a lot harder to stay on track when people compliment me. I always text my great auntie my weight every week (she's 75 bless her) and she text me back this week saying, is it not time you were packing it in now coz you're looking awfy skinny!!! She's from the BIG side of my family lol anyways I think that's what contributed to my Sunday binge!
You kinda convince yourself that your happy with your present weight and one wee treat won't hurt! The beck books fantastic but I sometime convince myself I don't know anything about it lol
Guess we've both gotta learn to accept compliments, something I've NEVER had before.

Keep soldiering on, your nearly there now xx
I guess other people have to have their ideas and thoughts changed about you being thin, as much as you do.
They are so used to perceiving you as overweight, that their brain cant catch up with what their eyes tell them.
Thank you, I hadn't really considered that other people will need time to adjust too. One of the amusing side effects of this is the number of people close to me that are now dieting too.... my mother-in-law is really proud of what I've achieved so far, but her BMI is 28, and she's scared mine will drop below hers soon, so she's started trying to lose weight too!

You're right, I don't want to stop now, as within a matter of days I'd sneak back into obese, and I really don't want to do that. This afternoon I've just given my wardrobe another blitz and got rid of anything that's too big for me now, that includes size 20's all out the door and a few of the size 18's! I really don't want to have any security blanket here that makes it OK to put on a few pounds. I've had my soup now this evening, and am drinking another bottle of water - I'm so looking forward to the mixed pack of water flavourings turning up tomorrow, I can't wait to try them all :)

Thank you all for your encouragement :) Now just got to get through day 2 of being back on track tomorrow. I want to make sure I at least STS this week too (which will be good after the weekend I just had, although would be even better to actually start losing again!)

I'm doing the palace to palace 45 mile cycle ride on September 18th, and would really really really really like to have reached my goal weight by then!
Thank you, I hadn't really considered that other people will need time to adjust too. One of the amusing side effects of this is the number of people close to me that are now dieting too.... my mother-in-law is really proud of what I've achieved so far, but her BMI is 28, and she's scared mine will drop below hers soon, so she's started trying to lose weight too!

You're right, I don't want to stop now, as within a matter of days I'd sneak back into obese, and I really don't want to do that. This afternoon I've just given my wardrobe another blitz and got rid of anything that's too big for me now, that includes size 20's all out the door and a few of the size 18's! I really don't want to have any security blanket here that makes it OK to put on a few pounds. I've had my soup now this evening, and am drinking another bottle of water - I'm so looking forward to the mixed pack of water flavourings turning up tomorrow, I can't wait to try them all :)

Thank you all for your encouragement :) Now just got to get through day 2 of being back on track tomorrow. I want to make sure I at least STS this week too (which will be good after the weekend I just had, although would be even better to actually start losing again!)

I'm doing the palace to palace 45 mile cycle ride on September 18th, and would really really really really like to have reached my goal weight by then!

WOoooooOOO throw those 20s!!!

Great news hun and very brave to get rid of the security blanket
Hadn't realised we have the same amount of weight left to go too Carly... we really have to get rid of these pounds!
I decided I couldn't risk keeping any security blanket, it's too easy to just let the weight slip back on - I'm sure I've put on at least 7lbs this week, as clothes that were fitting nicely are now getting tight. I didn't want to give myself any option to go back up a size!
Its my first day back on exante after my holiday too Cybill and I am hoping I can do it with relative ease. You have done so well and have come such a long way, but you need to knuckle down and get to where YOU want to be not where other people think you should stay!!

We can do this hun, mind over matter xxx
Hadn't realised we have the same amount of weight left to go too Carly... we really have to get rid of these pounds!
I decided I couldn't risk keeping any security blanket, it's too easy to just let the weight slip back on - I'm sure I've put on at least 7lbs this week, as clothes that were fitting nicely are now getting tight. I didn't want to give myself any option to go back up a size!

Oh wow! yeah I had no idea :D
We will! They will be gone in no time I bet you ;)
OK, decided today it's actually time to have a TS day. I did step on the scales this morning, and am currently 5lbs up, which means I was probably at least 7-8lbs up on Monday. Oh well, not going to update any tickers until Saturday, and really hope that by then I've lost it all by being strict. Anyway, definitely a kick up the bum, and time to get really focused on what I'm doing. TS here we come
Regardless of what everyone else says Rachel, you know in yourself that you deserve to be thinner and healthier. And you're dieting for yourself, not them, you're the one who has to live in your body every day!

You are doing amazingly though hun, I'm so proud to know (well, internet know lol) you. I was telling my sister about you today and showed her your pics and she was v impressed lol. So keep your TS head on and drink that water ;) xxx
I had 3 days off in week 2 and put on around 5lb but managed to lose it all again by the weigh-in day which is why my week 2 shows as STS. I know it's different for you since you are so much further down the line than me and it's harder, but hopefully if you are super good now you can ditch at least 3/4lb of that 5lb or even STS by weigh in. Especially if you ate carbs!

You really can do this, you are NOT destined to be 'obese' ever again! That part of you is gone for good and you are a beautiful, intelligent woman with a slim, active future ahead of you. You should be super proud of yourself that you managed to catch the slipup at this point rather than letting it fester for a few more days/or weeks(!), which i imagine your old self might have done.
Thank you, I hadn't really considered that other people will need time to adjust too. One of the amusing side effects of this is the number of people close to me that are now dieting too.... my mother-in-law is really proud of what I've achieved so far, but her BMI is 28, and she's scared mine will drop below hers soon, so she's started trying to lose weight too!

You're right, I don't want to stop now, as within a matter of days I'd sneak back into obese, and I really don't want to do that. This afternoon I've just given my wardrobe another blitz and got rid of anything that's too big for me now, that includes size 20's all out the door and a few of the size 18's! I really don't want to have any security blanket here that makes it OK to put on a few pounds. I've had my soup now this evening, and am drinking another bottle of water - I'm so looking forward to the mixed pack of water flavourings turning up tomorrow, I can't wait to try them all :)

Thank you all for your encouragement :) Now just got to get through day 2 of being back on track tomorrow. I want to make sure I at least STS this week too (which will be good after the weekend I just had, although would be even better to actually start losing again!)

I'm doing the palace to palace 45 mile cycle ride on September 18th, and would really really really really like to have reached my goal weight by then!
Cybill - I love your idea of getting rid of the "security blankets" of the clothes that are too big for you - after reading your post I'm going to go home tonight and throw out the size 22's that are now too big and focus on the 20s and 18s that are almost ready to wear! Thanks hun.
Well I did enjoy the new blackcurrant water flavourings, but a bit annoyed to find out that it's 3g of carbs per teaspoon full - oh well, at least I like squash weak, so for me that did almost a litre!

And so far, it's been TS all day :) And since putting little one in bed I've done 45 minutes in our home gym (OK, garage with exercise bike and cross trainer from freecycle - but I'm really pleased I've done that instead of just crashing on the sofa!

It does feel good to be getting back in the zone. I've had a bit of a headache today, so hoping that's just my body getting back into ketosis. I really want to get that number 8 balloon now, so definitely time to be focused!