The journey continues!

Wow, it was an excellent weekend getting started on my course. It was a real affirmation that I'm doing the right thing for me. I think all the work on the weight loss has really helped me understand who I am, and be able to authentically offer who I am for this next step. I went low carb while I was away at the weekend (and have since indulged in my daughter's birthday cake since I've been home!) But today was the last day of her birthday celebrations and tomorrow morning I will be back on the packs properly. Just this last 2 stone to go! I'm so determined to finish this part of the journey and find a way to live that is healthy for me and keeps me well. I love the energy I have (compared to the lack of energy this time last year!) and I want to find a way for that to be sustainable as I eventually transition back to food properly.
Hey Rach :) glad you're feeling so positive :)
Hey Marley welcome and good luck on your journey :)
Hey rach wow sounds great, I'm with u on the last couple of stones to lose. All the very best for today x x

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cybill said:
Arggg, it's been really hard trying to get back onto packs today! (This taste of food is luring me...) Hmmmm, day 1 done, time to go to bed soon before I get tempted with any other tasty food. Day 2 tomorrow.

Great Rach today was day 1 for me too :D how long are you planning on staying TS? I'm hoping to go from now til 11/11/11 :)
Likewise Carly, I've got a really clear October, deliberately, and really want to press on with losing this last bit of weight -I've been faffing for so long, I just want to have done this bit and move on to maintainance!

And you have a gorgeous wedding to look forward to :) Together we can do this :)
cybill said:
Likewise Carly, I've got a really clear October, deliberately, and really want to press on with losing this last bit of weight -I've been faffing for so long, I just want to have done this bit and move on to maintainance!

And you have a gorgeous wedding to look forward to :) Together we can do this :)

Fantastic :D Dusty and Cybil TS until 11/11/11 ;)
Well done rach looks like we all have around the same to lose exciting stuff good luck for tomm lovely x

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cybill said:
Thanks Precious :) Day 3 done, getting back in the zone :)

This sounds like serious determination! Back in the zone... Well done! :)
Hmmmm, bleeeeeep, gave into pizza tonight.... and chocolate..... arggggggggg. Finding it really hard to stay / get focused at the moment. I'm struggling to identify exactly why I'm finding it hard at the moment / why I'm letting myself eat other things much more easily. I know I want to get to a healthy weight... but I think I'm also a bit nervous at the increase in criticism; I'm already getting a few voices telling me I've lost enough; and I suspect they will get louder /more frequent. However, I'm not sure why I'm letting that get to me at the moment, or if I'm just using that as an excuse. I seem to find it a lot easier to let myself jump off the diet at the moment; which really isn't helping me get anywhere. I think I've been +/- 5lbs of this weight for about 4 months now. I feel like I need to either decide to move to maintenance, or get really serious and actually commit to TS (more than for just 3/4/5 days at a time). Hmmm, I think it's time for an early night for me, and a lot of thinking, to decide what I'm really doing, as this messing about is starting to get a little silly! (At least I'm not going up majorly on the weight, but I don't think it's a great place for me to be at the moment.)
cybill said:
Hmmmm, bleeeeeep, gave into pizza tonight.... and chocolate..... arggggggggg. Finding it really hard to stay / get focused at the moment. I'm struggling to identify exactly why I'm finding it hard at the moment / why I'm letting myself eat other things much more easily. I know I want to get to a healthy weight... but I think I'm also a bit nervous at the increase in criticism; I'm already getting a few voices telling me I've lost enough; and I suspect they will get louder /more frequent. However, I'm not sure why I'm letting that get to me at the moment, or if I'm just using that as an excuse. I seem to find it a lot easier to let myself jump off the diet at the moment; which really isn't helping me get anywhere. I think I've been +/- 5lbs of this weight for about 4 months now. I feel like I need to either decide to move to maintenance, or get really serious and actually commit to TS (more than for just 3/4/5 days at a time). Hmmm, I think it's time for an early night for me, and a lot of thinking, to decide what I'm really doing, as this messing about is starting to get a little silly! (At least I'm not going up majorly on the weight, but I don't think it's a great place for me to be at the moment.)

Hey Rach
Sorry you've struggled today :( I know how you feel I tend to hit a certain weight and then just can't move it and keep falling off the wagon :(
You can do this Rach but I know what you mean about other people's comments not helping :(
Hope whatever you decide to do you are happy and succeed x
cybill said:
Thanks Carly;
I think I need to be serious with myself, and work out what I'm trying to achieve / what will be different for me if I actually lose this last 2 stone.
(It's back to Beck again for me!)

Yeah and even if you do decide to lose it it doesn't necessarily need to be right now, just concentrate on maintaining until you know what you want Rach x
Morning rach...

Good luck with what u decide remember whatever u decide it's the best one for u Hun... I'm in the same boat tbh really want this last bit to go and move on to maintaining or healthy eating ..

Good luck x
Wow, today is a good day (although my head is still in a funny place). I went out for a walk with a friend this morning, and we were talking through weight loss goals / plans. I definitely want to continue with Exante, and I definitely want to get all the way to a healthy weight (I do feel better having worked that through).

When I got home I also had an email from Exante and I'm going to be their star story this month. I'm so excited and surprised :) (I'm also going to use the voucher to buy some clothes in the next size down to keep me motivated!)

Thank you all for your encouragement; I'm going to be around for the next few months while I finish this thing!
Hiya Rachel

Glad you've found your positivity and have a plan for the last part of your journey.
Star story huh, congratulations Hun :D you deserve it xx