The journey to becoming more "me"

Awake again seriously!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x

Oops wrong diary thought I was on my own! Must be getting sleepy!

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Hey Daniellea!
Yesterday was pretty good :) Later at night I was hungry for something salty or potato-like. Must be the lack of carbs and intense water intake.. :p
But luckily I can easily tell myself it wouldn't be worth it and a waste from all the work done in the last few days. Mindpowerrrr haha. (plus there's no food in the house).
How are you?
Good morning everyone!
Today is day five!
I just had the banana shake again(yum, only one left till next monday, sadd) and am preparing for school.
Half a liter of water down already. Luckily I've always been drinking water so it's no problem for me :)

Rock and roll today beautifuls!
Hey Daniellea!
Yesterday was pretty good :) Later at night I was hungry for something salty or potato-like. Must be the lack of carbs and intense water intake.. :p
But luckily I can easily tell myself it wouldn't be worth it and a waste from all the work done in the last few days. Mindpowerrrr haha. (plus there's no food in the house).
How are you?

Good good, hehe yes need to resist the carbs calling I couldn't imagine to go through week1 again, no matter how much id like to have a huge glass of wine! Having any side effects yet? Have a good day today! Stay strong :D

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Hey Danielle!

So how would you describe the differences you've experienced in week one ft. the following weeks?

Today is a little tougher then the other days. I'm feeling tired.
Other side effects are that I smell different and the strange taste in my mouth. When I stand up too fast I feel a little light headed again. Could be too much water but then I'm also really thirsty.

And I'm starting to miss my cup of coffee(Hazelnut latte is my favoriteeee).. ;)
I just read in one of the Cambridge booklets that you could try to mix vanilla shake with a cup of black coffee. Sounds interesting. Too bad I only have one vanilla left until next monday.. Hmmm.
Hey Danielle!

So how would you describe the differences you've experienced in week one ft. the following weeks?

Today is a little tougher then the other days. I'm feeling tired.
Other side effects are that I smell different and the strange taste in my mouth. When I stand up too fast I feel a little light headed again. Could be too much water but then I'm also really thirsty.

And I'm starting to miss my cup of coffee(Hazelnut latte is my favoriteeee).. ;)
I just read in one of the Cambridge booklets that you could try to mix vanilla shake with a cup of black coffee. Sounds interesting. Too bad I only have one vanilla left until next monday.. Hmmm.

Week one was terrible for me and some of week two I was cold, severe head aches, light headed feeling like I was going to pass out, insomnia, developed a kidney infection after that was cleared up I felt good loads of energy, I still have some days I'm hungry but have some water and it passes. It's the emotional hunger that's the hard part but I can tell when it's boredom or depression now :) Nothing tastes as good as walking in to high street stores and having no body comment on you're size :) The strange taste and smell will be the ketosis so you are getting in to fat stripping now :D Have you looked in stores for a flavoured coffee? In Uk a brand does a hazelnut instant coffee that's quite nice and I'm not a coffee fan (much prefer a cup of tea) Yes I have tried the chocolate with coffee it was ok(i didnt dissolve the coffee enough) might try the vanilla tomorrow, but I like them with a little nutmeg or cinnamon :) Stay strong for next few days they are a killer x

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Wow, sounds intense! But that also must be a great motivation for you to stay on track so you won't have to go through all that again :)

Yeah, the emotional hunger has crossed me a few times too. Usually out of habit or boredom(the 4-5o clock craving).. Still need to find a way to get rid of that. Maybe it will just pass in time..

Yes! Since yesterday(maybe the day before even but I didn't check then) I hit the pink strips! I was never much of a lover of the color pink but this made me excited.. ;)

Yes, I do know about the flavoured instant coffees but still need to try them. My coach says I can better not do it(the cappuccino one).. Hmm.

How are you doing tonight?
The chocolate shake wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! Usually I'm not very interested in chocolate but now it was quite nice. I spiced it up with a bit of chili. Nice to have a different sensation in your mouth apart from all the sweeter shakes! :)
I'm good this evening thank you :) Humm it could be because the boiling water can kill off the nutrients, my CDC said it was fine if I boiled the kettle and left it to cool for 10 minutes it would be ok.(If you do use boiled water DO NOT use a shaker) Strange they all say different things. How was you're day?

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Good! Haha indeed confusing that they all say different things! :)

I'm pretty good too. During the day I was struggling a bit with tiredness and cravings for some bread(or things made out of dough. I'm weird) but now after a magical nap and the dinnershake I'm feeling much better.
I do hope that the possibility to more energy while being on the diet will hit me soon. The last few days I've really experienced that pretty much anything I do(like biking to school) feels much more intense then before. I also feel motivated to pick up some exercise once I'm feeling more stable and energized. It's been on my to-do list for a while but I guess now would be the perfect time. And also the best way to maintain the weight after the diet(which still feels very surreal to me. Can't really imagine what it is like yet).

For the upcoming days I will spend a lot of time at work and around my family. I'm curious what that will be like(especially since we will also be celebrating my brothers birthday).. Ah well. Luckily I can be pretty stubborn. In Dutch we'd say "eigenwijs" which you could translate as "doing it your way". When I feel like I need to do something, I can be pretty strong! Wroaaah brainpower! :character00115: ;)
I also just came up with the idea of treating myself once a week during my dinnerbreak at work. I work in a shop in the citycenter where I work every thursdays. Usually I'd spend my half an hour break for getting some dinner(a soup, salad, bread or wok take away). But with the shakes I definitely won't need thirty minutes.
I just came up with the idea that I will spend the other minutes to go and get myself a little treat for staying 100%. A nice skincare cream, facial mask or lipbalm from the organic store or Lush or something... :mermaid:
Haha indeed! I'm sure you have the will power to do it :D bike is a brilliant idea, dont go too hard with it though incase you black out!! the runs ive been doing are quite hard still i think its maybe a bit to draining to do on ss as its getting harder everyday with the increased run times. i think ill just keep repeating day 1 for a week then gradually keep adding each week. how much do you have to lose if you don't mind me asking?

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Yes that's a good idea you need the little things to keep you going :)

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be too hard on yourself and build up more gradualy. Maybe repeat for two or three days and then increase?
Have you done exercise before? When did you start exercising during being on cambridge?

Sure you can ask that! I'm planning on losing about 15 kilos, which comes down to 33 lbs or 2.36 stone(due to a converting machine haha).
Yeah, maybe you shouldn't be too hard on yourself and build up more gradualy. Maybe repeat for two or three days and then increase?
Have you done exercise before? When did you start exercising during being on cambridge?

Sure you can ask that! I'm planning on losing about 15 kilos, which comes down to 33 lbs or 2.36 stone(due to a converting machine haha).

Yeah I think that's the way to go 2/3 days then add on. I used to do a fair bit before I was with my ex gym everyday for a few hours(this is six years ago now) haven't set foot in gym since so I need to start again...I was about 8.5stone at the time and I know working out and eating right is the only way to keep the pounds off! I only started exercise again last week, was to fat to do any without feeling like I was going to pass out or have people laughing at me. Ah you will lose that no problem at all :D just stick to it, I think the only reason my losses have been small is due to my already shot metabolism going from active to doing absolutely nothing for six years and eating a lot of bad food.

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Good morning!

Ahh, try to not care what people might think about you! You're doing this for YOU, not for them. One step at the time! :)

I'm noticing more side effects from the diet. I am a chaotic sleeper now. Last night I had problems falling to sleep. It wasn't really too bad but a little annoying and different then usual. And also I usually wake up before my alarm in the morning(which is not too bad actually).
The taste in my mouth is horror though. Will have to stock up on more mint strips next monday...

Just had the forest of the fruits shake and am almost on my way to school and then work.

Have a great day everyone!
On my way to work. I just made a strawberry shake in the train. Does feel a little awkward to shake myself a shake in public but what the heck. It is important to me.
I am a little worried about working with customers in the shop and having a bad breath(or at least having horrible taste in my mouth).. Let's hope the mint strips last.. ;)
Hope working wasn't to bad! I'd get a breath fresh spray and keep it close by :) what's this now then day4? Hope it's going well

13.3 start weight 11.2 right now and going inwards and onwards! x
Work was pretty good :)
A collegue asked me what changed in my face, hihi. When I told her about the diet she was supportive and sweet :)

I tackled the breath thing by having peppermint tea, lots of water and some mint strips. Worked quite well :)

I'm starting to feel tired and slightly hungry and still need to travel home for another +- 2 hours.. Usually I get myself a drink or a tiny snack on this way when changing trains in Amsterdam. To treat myself for the day at work and time spent in the train. Ugh. Nevertheless I won't be tempted :)