The March Team

Evening all,

I;m having a bit of a wobble - so want some food. After a month of not eating it seems to be driving me crazy tonight. Even considered switching to WW so that I can eat. Has anyone else felt like this?
Evening all,

I;m having a bit of a wobble - so want some food. After a month of not eating it seems to be driving me crazy tonight. Even considered switching to WW so that I can eat. Has anyone else felt like this?

Yes, yes and yes.

But I'd much rather be thin.
I was chatting to my CDC about this today. There is NO other diet that would have allowed me to lose over 1 stone in less than a month and I've probably only got about another 6 weeks of this ~ so I just get myself another drink of water and ignore the voice in my head telling me that I need to eat.

I know it's hard, but you've done so well. Hang in there and I'm sure the feeling will soon go.
Yeah, i know you are right. I have managed to drink 2ltrs of water today on top of my usual black coffee - so have done well on the fluids but feel hungrier for it. Just had four broccoli pieces from the roast i had cooked for my girl. Seemed to take the worst of the craving away. Im hanging on in there!!!!
Meant to say - well done flowergirl - great loss!

Just a thought - has anyone spoken to muffin muncher or dextersmum recently?????
Evening All,

I went to mum's and made the kids there food and saw cauliflower and potato curry. It looked so nice and I nearly gave in, more than once! I stayed strict though which I was really pleased about as my mums close friend popped in with her daughter and they both commented, loads on how much weight I'd lost.
I feel great, still really craving food though.

Also, spoke to my ex today and he is coming over at the weekend! Not sure how it happened but it did and I'm ecstatic about it but trying to calm myself. I will plan to eat when he is here but sensibly as I don't want him to know I'm on this diet.

Losing It For Good, we are all here for you babe and we are probably struggling as much as you!

Flowergirl, well done on your 8lb loss! :character00100:

Ah, Twingo, I hope you feel better soon hun. It's awful being ill and not being able to have comfort food either but you are doing fab! I'll be here during your week off so just keep typing!

Gembots, I couldn't have put it better meself!

Debs, you made the right choice regarding the food you consumed. I know how difficult it can be and I admire the fact that you have stayed so strong.
Also well done on the water. If you aren't drinking enough, it can definitely make a difference to your weight loss.
OMG curry! That would have been it for me - my most favourite food! x
I know, which is why I have to stay away from mothers!

Part of me just thought about grabbing a takeaway on the way home but I fought the feeling as best I could.

I'm really excited about seeing my ex, for many reasons but I would have preferred to wait a little longer until I went down a size! Oh well, he'll still be able to notice a difference.

So what are you upto tonight?

Sonya-my mouth is watering just thinking about curry, you did very very well to resist
The other half was eating chicken chow mein for dinner what i cooked, it looked so nice!lol. (was getting visions of my self snatching the plate and scoffing it all).lol..
Flowergirl- well done on your 8lb loss!:)

LauraLou, chicken chow mein sounds great and I'm a vegetarian! Lol.

My stomach keeps grumbling.

I have to check whether I'm still in ketosis as I've taken soooo many painkillers today! Lol.

Anybody upto anything nice at the weekend?
Hi Sonya,

So whats happening with the ex then?

Im just sitting in the sofa with the OH watching a bit of TV - and talking to you! x

Looking at a new motorbike tomorrow - to take to Germany in July. Should keep me busy.

Just had my last shake and about ready for bed now - i feel shattered today - perhaps that is why i have struggled with the hunger so much.

What about you - are the kids in bed?

Hey Deb, yes the kids are in bed and I can finally hear silence! Lol. :)

The ex. Well, we are going to hang out and we'll definitely be sleeping in the same bed. I don't have a spare room you see (yeah, like thats the only reason!). ;)

You ride a motorbike? I always assumed you meant a mountain bike! Wow, you really are adventurous. I would love to learn how to ride a motorbike. Maybe, one day, you can teach me?! :p

I'm going to bed soon too as I've so drugged up. Lol. :D
Oooh Sonya, whats the ex coming over for??!! Hope it goes well you souond so excited........and well done on abstaining on the curry....your a better CD'er than I!! I had a curry 'last meal' before was a big mistake, it was gorgeous and its all i think about. Lamb Madras Mmmmmm!


I;m having a bit of a wobble - so want some food. After a month of not eating it seems to be driving me crazy tonight. Even considered switching to WW so that I can eat. Has anyone else felt like this?

YES! whats everyones plans long term?? will you do all the steps of CD? Im looking at doing the GI diet, as its not a diet as such, more a life style change.

I have only been having 3 shakes a day insted of 4 and the milk, I have had some really busy days at work and havent had chance to get my 'tea' til around 7.30 and I dont want another shake after that, i feel fine with it though.

Im worried that Im just going to go back to my old habits, i crave food like crazy but am planning what I can eat already, albeit Im planning healthy stuff.....but will it last?
I have started making a recipe book of healthy recipes for my return to food. My CDC is a nice lady, but I wouldnt call her a 'counseller' when you go round there is always all 5 kids there and her husband, its chaos, and impossible to have a personal chat, i was under the impression I would be able to talk about my eating habits, binging and my compulsion. I think Ill have to get my head in to it myself.

Tonight Im staying at my Mums, my DH works away and my Mum and Dad have my children when Im at work, so i go to them there (usually have my tea ready for me) and spend the night there. WOW such an exciting night!

Ohhh sorry I have waffled on sooooooooooo much lol!!!!!!!

How are we all doing? Sorry I have gone on about food.
Sorry the post took me so long to write you answered the ex question!! Enjoy your weekend.......mine wont be as exciting with out my DH!!!
Im off to bed now - have a great day tomorrow! Will hopefully catch up with you all early evening.

Tomorrow is a new day.
Oh Sonya - sleep well and hope all goes well tomorrow!!! You go girl.

Yeah it is motorbikes - i like mountain bikes too though!! LOL
Bikes = great social life!!!

Speak tomorrow.x
Im just chilling, with a black coffee, Ella is sound a sleep:D:D(my daughter).It is freezing out just went outside for a cigerette my toes were like ice lol..

I have also been planning what to eat when i start eating food again, im
Out tomorrow night with the girls, and for lunch i will be having my shake..:)
I just hope i am strong enough to resist having a drink:):)
Hels, that is such a great idea about making a healthy cookbook relevant to yourself. I don't buy healthy cook books as I know alot have fish and chicken and I'm a vegetarian. So I think I will have to pinch your idea! If thats ok of course?

Each CDC is different but maybe you should try looking for another. You have a right to ask for that time alone with your CDC, after all you are paying for the service.

I'm sure you will catch up on the excitement with your DH when he returns home! No details needed thanks, unless your really want to share lol!

Night Deb x.
Night first timer! x
Sonya, yeah nick my idea....Im just searching online for recipes, cutting and pasting them to a word document.

As for the CDC, she lives in my tiny village haha! There isnt another for 15/20 miles so its really practical having her.

Yeah DH is home in 2 weeks.......Im missing him already and he only went back yesterday, its hard doing it with out him, we spurred each other on when he was home.
Aw hun, I really feel for you.

My daughter is like my OH as she keeps telling me I can't eat cos she knows how much I want to lose weight. Although she thinks I have a healthy meal when they go to bed, I wish!

I bet your DH is missing you so much and cant wait to be back in your arms!
Thanks Sonya. Im hoping we'll be considerably thinner by the time the 2 weeks are up!!

Is it tomorrow the ex is coming over?? Hope it goes well!