The March Team

Hey all,

I fell off the wagon but kind of deliberately. My boyfriend has been here and he is obviously concerned with my lack of eating but I was disgusted with myself when he asked my daughter if I ate when we went out to a party. She replied saying "mummy had lots of sausages and chicken nuggets". Well, considering I'm a vegetarian he found that very odd! I did feel really bad about encouraging my kids to lie for me but I don't want him to know cos he'll think I'm doing it for him and he'll probably start being overly nice and I just dont need that pressure and it's not forever. We have a strange relationship with my weight. I hate talking about my weight and never have with him and he knows that subconsciously which is why he never brings it up. It's a shame really cos my weight is something that affects me alot but it's the one thing I can't talk to him about but yet I've disclosed things to him that no one else in my life knows.

Anyway, I'm back on it tomorrow and I'm excited I now actually look forward to being on the diet as I don't have to worry about what I am going to eat! It's always such a dilemma!!!

Hels and Vixster, I know what you mean about saggy skin. The skin by my armpits is really starting to make me look ten times my age! But, I have faith that something should cure it. We women recover from pregnancy so there's not much else to say!

Twingo, come on, dont keep me in suspense! What have you lost?

LauraLou, welcome back! 100% together as team mates x.

Smanf, 2lb loss! Yay!
I know I haven't been around much but that's cos the OH. I think everyone else has just been busy during the hols. I will be around more this week though, especially as I'll defo be SSing.

Hels, step away from the food! Lol. Picking is hard, once you start you can't stop. I'm tying to make CD work for me and my life. I've figured that yes I might go over to the dark side but I always come back. Obviously that might take me longer to get to my target weight but at least I'm not torturing myself for too long a period.

So come on guys, I started this thread in March so you guys must have lots of clothes that dont fit now but you arent sharing your stories! Oh apart from Twingo, you go girl!
Nothing is fitting me at all. I'm going out to a dinner dance on Sunday and I have nothing to wear! I don't really want to go shopping yet cos I'm horrified by all the clothes I will have to give away now, let alone by the time I reach my goal weight!
Morning everyone. I've lost 3lbs this week, so 19lbs this month. Quite pleased with that, was hoping for a wee bit more but I can't do anything more than I am. I've been 100% from the start and never strayed so if the weight isn't coming off I can't make it lol!

I lost 3lb this week and last week so i'm thinking i'm going to steady down in to that now which is fine I guess, I would prefer to lose it a bit quicker than that but realise that I wouldn't get this loss with any other diet and hey we would all love to wake up asize 10 eh lol!

I have lost total of 15.5inches off my body since I started and when I look in the mirror I can see a slight difference and there is a slight diffeence in my clothes but i'm def not down any sizes yet. That may be more to do with that my clothes were girdled on me though and I was prob wearing a size too small all the time anyway. Denial I guess.

Anyway, I hope everyone else is doing well and not falling off the wagon and hey if you are just get back on it again, don't beat yourself up, we all have wobbly moments.
Ok, seriously where is everyone???!!

Gillian, 3lb loss! Well done hun, your viewpoint regarding your weight loss is spot on. Like you said, which other diet gives you results like CD and you still get all the vitamins and nutrients required.

I'm 100% today!! I would like to get into the 12's by the end of this month but we have no control over that apart from staying 100%.

Hope you all have a great day x.
Hi everyone - just 2lb loss for me this week, and had a cheese binge last night. I didnt need to but i just did. Oh well back on today and hope i havent done too much damage. xx
I'm here.
Having a problem with my back though and on some seriously strong painkillers. Hoping that they won't knock me out of Ketosis, but I can't be without them at the moment, so if they do, there's nothing that I can do about it.
Hi Guys,

I'm still here- Am off CD for a week from today as I have a wedding, my sister's 21st and marathon day (which is a big deal round my way). I am still going to try and be as good as possible but unlike most of you on here I have no willpower when around others who are a bad influence!!lol After this 7 days, I have no major plans, holidays or work commitments until July/August so should give me plenty of time to get back on SS and get to my goal. Also if the weather continues to be nice it will help as I feel less like food when the sun is shining. Thankfully I haven't put on any weight but you can only be lucky for so long before it comes and bites you in the bum!lol

Have a good day all xx
Hi Guys,

I'm still here- Am off CD for a week from today as I have a wedding, my sister's 21st and marathon day (which is a big deal round my way). I am still going to try and be as good as possible but unlike most of you on here I have no willpower when around others who are a bad
influence!!lol After this 7 days, I have no major plans, holidays or work commitments until July/August so should give me plenty of time to get back on SS and get to my goal. Also if the weather continues to be nice it will help as I feel less like food when the sun is shining. Thankfully I haven't put on any weight but you can only be lucky for so long before it comes and bites you in the bum!lol

Have a good day all xx

I know what u mean about marathon day i go every yr, i might try and give it a miss this yr as i have had a bad weekend and need to stay ssing 100% and i will end up giving in to temptation of beer and wine, which will then be followed by
Enjoy your week!! :)
Hey ladies!

Well done Twingo and Gill for your losses, Whoop Whoop!

I was naughty last night and ate 3 mini choc muffins. I went on the rower and burnt off 150 cals so Im hoping that should cover the calories, but hope Im still in ketosis.
I have only had a bar and a shake today and Im not planning on any more, I am gonna row again too. Im so mad at my binge . Stupid me.
Hello All!!

Well just had my weigh in and am pleased to say i have stayed the same:), i really thought i would have gained as i have a bad week, but i have been 100% since yesterday and looking forward to next weeks weigh
Oh and i bought the drink flavouring it is lovely....Hope everyone is ok! xxx:p
Where is everybody? Out in the sun I bet.LOL Hope you are all enjoying it XX
Its getting seriously quiet in here............where are you all, need to chat CD!!
Hi all, i've been sooo busy with work - and everytime i've popped in here its been dead!

Anyway bad news today, my OH's best friend has been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the liver and has been given around 9 months. I didn't know what to say really. I don't really feel like its real yet. Soo sad. He's 37!
Hi all, i've been sooo busy with work - and everytime i've popped in here its been dead!

Anyway bad news today, my OH's best friend has been diagnosed with terminal cancer of the liver and has been given around 9 months. I didn't know what to say really. I don't really feel like its real yet. Soo sad. He's 37!

Arrrrr thats is so sad! 37 is no age. Something like that is such a shock it does take a little while to sink in! Take Care. xxx
Hi All.

back from my trip to France where i had 2 meals so i was dreading my WI.

had WI last night and lost 7lb 7 :D i was so very pleased but mind you i didn't lose anything the week before i went so that lose is over 3 weeks but i had convinced myself i had put on.i found it so hard this week after eating food last week. all week i have been constantly hungry and dreaming about meat.

i bought the mousse mix last night so i am going to give that a try today.

hope you all have a 100% weekend

wk 1 lost 6lb
wk 2 lost 5.2lb
wk 3 lost 2.1
wk 4 lost 4.1
wk 5 lost 2.1
wk 6 lost 0.1
wk 8 lost 7.7
2lbs off this week. Happy that I've had a loss, but sad because obviously my painkillers are affecting this.
Never mind. At least I'm heading in the right direction.
Well done ladies!!!

Im just going for WI now. ......wish me luck if there is any one still around!
7lbs gone!!! :D It has been 10 days though. I am now 10st 4lbs and my aim was 10st for when hubby gets home on Thursday..............4lbs in 5 days!??!

Well done on your weight loss Gembots,Thinklite and Hels.
Im looking forward to weigh in Wednesday as ive been 100% this week. Hope everyone is ok!
Hi All.

where has everyone gone:wave_cry:

hels wow well done on 7lb i wish i was near my target.

gembots well done on the 2lb and after all 2lb is 2lb. i know how hard it is when medication interferes.

i would be happy to lose anything this week had some family probs:cry: at the weekend and turned to food for comfort:(

my OH tried helping me through but couldn't stop me going into self destruct mode (kids it's true what they say they are arm aching when little and heart breaking when grown up)

anyway i am hoping to achieve getting back to 100% hope everyone manages to stay 100% and we all have good results.

good luck with the WI's
Hubby had a car crash yesterday, so now he's home for the rest of the week and driving me crazy.

Where is everyone?