The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Wow amazing Hun well done you. What did u get my your CDC today ?

I'm okish suppose will get back to goal very soon I'm hopefully still lol.
Have a good weekend ladies. X
Well done Gem on the 5lb loss and getting your bmi under 40:D

Having a mare the past couple of days, can't stop picking.

Oh well, off to read for inspiration to keep going as i feel in total self sabbotage mode.

Catch up with you soon x
Wow amazing Hun well done you. What did u get my your CDC today ?

I'm okish suppose will get back to goal very soon I'm hopefully still lol.
Have a good weekend ladies. X

Thanks Shanny! I got 7 chocolate tetras, 4 strawberry tetras, 3 banana tetras, 4 cranberry bars and 3 peanut bars. I might get a couple of the other bars next week but not sure as they are so moreish!!! x

Well done Gem on the 5lb loss and getting your bmi under 40:D

Having a mare the past couple of days, can't stop picking.

Oh well, off to read for inspiration to keep going as i feel in total self sabbotage mode.

Catch up with you soon x

Thanks sunshine! Stick at it, you can do this!!! Little pickers wear bigger knickers and all that! xxx
Well done Emma!! I understand sunshine, i've been picking like there's no tomorrow. Or perhaps like tomorrow is another day so what the "f"!! Sucks to be in this mode, I need to be losing 5 lbs to get under 210. arghhhh
OK, so this weekend started with picking and finished with 2 meals, I'm brushing under the carpet and continuing all fresh this am. It wasn't even my birthday, sheesh!! I think (and I'm not trying to find excuses here) it was the cold weather. It started raining and it brought the temp down 10 degrees less!! It just made me want to stay inside and eat hot stuff.
Als, I don't know what happened, but Friday night, I had two cd meals left, so I combined two porridge, and it was foul!! i couldn't finish it, and it kinda put me off of cd, it's worrying me because porridge is what keeps me sane on CD along with the veggie soup! I haven't had my first meal yet and i think i'm going to have a soup because frankly i'm afraid the porridge will be gross. Has anyone ever had that happen to them? I was fine friday am then all of a sudden almost gagged on Friday night...

Hope you ladies have a great week, and may we lose loads!!
Keep at it hun!

I eat at weekends now. Just some salmon or tuna but it stops me getting bored with SS and doesn't seem to be hurting my losses. It means I can eat with Mike occasionally and I exercise my self control to get back on SS on Mondays.

Where is everyone else?

Gem xxx
Hiya girls

Just a quick update,
Btw well done gem fab loss..

Had a fab birthday weighed in on Monday at 12.5 so only a few pound gained, I expected more tbh.

Anyway Monday night Keith was involved in a 3 car accident he was in the wrong place at the wrong time, which he totally was as it had nowt to do with him! He has whiplash & the car is a right mess!! :-(

To top the week off I am full of cold I feel like poo, took loads of tablets for it, gonna have some soup in a mo as the thought of a cold tetra makes me feel sick, everything aches & my head, throat & ears are killing!!

Will still weigh in on Friday but not expecting a good loss tbh.

Will catch up soon

Aww kel, hope you are both on the mend soon xxx

Well, i hibernated for a few days and got my head sorted and am back to it now.

A 2lb loss this week which is fab all things considered!!!

And to make things better, i have lost 5st now, woohoo.

Think my picking must have been hormonal. they are all over the place lol.

Catch you soon girls xx
Hi Girls

Sorry I have been crap support lately, everything is just crap at the moment & really cant be arsed with CD my head is all over the place!! :cry:

Wanna say a huge well done Gem & sunshine great losses & SS 5st down whoooo hoooo thats a Fantastic Achievement. Well done babe..

Keith still hasnt heard anything whether his car is a write off or not & he having Physio from tomorrow as his shoulder is giving him jip..
His car from the insurance is a Fiat Panda, ha ha what a come down from a Skoda Octavia VRS to a fiat panda, his little put put..

I am near enough over my cold thank god I felt like death warmed up, so 1 tetra hasnt been passed my lips all week, I had a curry on friday night to try & sweat it outta me, think it helped alot. I feel fat at the mo, will weigh in tomorrow to see the damage, 12.5 I was last week.. I will restart tomorrow & I promise to try my best although I cant promise to be 100%..

Keith is still without a job & tbh I dont see him getting one before xmas either, I do believe its not what you know, its who you know these days & I am working all hours god sends, which I am gonna have to stop as I will burn myself out, I worked till 7.45pm on friday nite I was so pi$$ed off, I am owned nearly 58 hours in leiu time.... :mad:

On the plus side I have booked myself on a cupcake course in January, I cannot wait, If I am half as good as Beth who runs it I will be a happy bunny. If you get the chance like her page, they are unreal..

Right I am off to St Tropez myself as it may make me feel a bit better about myself next week..
I'm Gonna think thin tomorrow on the scales.. pmsl.. Yeah Right o..

Will report back tomorrow girls

Hi Girls

Well I weighed in at 12.4 so 1lb on isnt so bad.

How ya all doing?

Oooohhh its bloomin freezing isnt it, you can tell santa is nearly here!! :D
Hi girls.

well done kel, 1lb off feels good when you haven't really put your heart into it.

Well, only -1lb for me this week. I haven't been bad apart from a heavy drinking sesh at the weekend and virtually no water all week. I just can't seem to get it down me. think it must be this cold weather.

Never mind, it's still heading in the right direction.

Catch up soon xx
2lbs off for me this week... not too bad all things considering. Been a bit on & off last week. I really think I'll try the tuna/salmon idea this weekend. I just feel so tired of this all. I see old-timers coming back and I'm just thinking... Gawd I don't want this to happen to me 3 years down the line, I really have to learn good habits now!!
Well done ladies!!!

Shanny, where are yooooooooooooou?

I've got into my size 20 jeans today hooray!!! So pleased!!! x
Well done ladies!!!

Shanny, where are yooooooooooooou?

I've got into my size 20 jeans today hooray!!! So pleased!!! x
well done ladies on your loss this week.

well im starving today was gonna put a chicken pastie in the oven.......... found me talking to myself in the kitchen so on here now till bed time.

My oh my i am greedy lol.

elvira size 20's already wow bet your one happy bunny.xx

kelly my friend how's u?

speak soon gonna have a read around x