The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Going for my weigh-in tomorrow, I was thinking I'd get just tetras for a change to see if it keep me on course for the duration of ss weeks left over... or maybe 1 porridge and 3 tetras... hmmm decisions decisions
Well, I'm 207 so that's 3lbs off. Been eating 810-1000 all week, and will continue to do so this next week. However come 2nd week of november, nov 8 to be exact, I'm doing ss again, got 2 weeks worth of choc tetras... don't know if i'll do 4 tetras or 3 and a soup or 3 and a porridge.... I'm just going to se if drinking all liquid will help me shift a stone in November so I can go up the plans in dec... decisions oh decisions. Hope you gals have a wonderful weekend, going to my in-laws so i need to do some serious portion control when i'm there
Well done hun!

Just 2.5lbs off for me this week. I'm 3.3lbs from my birthday party target (6th November) but not hopeful of hitting it as I am eating in the evening on Wednesday (my actual birthday) and then again Fri-Sun evenings. Still sticking to shakes during the day and planning on making sensible choices and not drinking so we shall see! :rolleyes:
Hi Girls

Firstly Gem - Whoooo Hooooo size 20 jeans go you!!
You are doing so well, I am so proud of you, a few months ago your head just wasnt in it now look at you!
Such a different person.. ;)

Well I was fine all week last week apart from the water really struggled, think its coz of the weather, as I only have tetra's..
Friday had a crap day at work stayed till 7pm came home starving & had a chicken wrap, then the eating never stopped the weekend which was shocking I know!
So today I weighed in at 12.4 how I done that I do not know..
And totm reared its ugly head this afternoon!! :mad:
I am vowing for 4 weeks to do as well as I possibly can & lose as close to my target as possible which is 11.7..

Anyone fancy a little challenge to keep me on the straight & narrow..

Is everyone sorted for xmas then?
I am off work next week, hoping to get most in then.. Dreading eating habits next week with being off work!!

Off to bed soon, getting a awful headache!! Nite...

Oooooh people have changed since I was here last year...... Hi Gem, do you remember me, I got to goal last August and was part of this team, but here I am back needing to lose nearly 3 stone again (I have kept 2 stone off)..... dont suppose you have any room on the team?

Glad to see you finally got your head in the right place Gem and are losing weight again, you did look so good last time... how is Uni?
Morning peeps

Well totm nearly over thank god, gonna weigh in on a Friday as it's better for me, so I weighed it at 12.1, not bad for totm week. 8lb to go for target...

Ooooh broke up from work yesterday for ten days! Gonna try and get my Xmas shopping & some cards wrote out!!
Is everyone finished or started??

Xmas stresses me out!! But I love it.. X
Oooooh people have changed since I was here last year...... Hi Gem, do you remember me, I got to goal last August and was part of this team, but here I am back needing to lose nearly 3 stone again (I have kept 2 stone off)..... dont suppose you have any room on the team?

Glad to see you finally got your head in the right place Gem and are losing weight again, you did look so good last time... how is Uni?

Of course I remember you!!! Glad to see you back, and not glad if you know what I mean. You are welcome to rejoin us :D

Uni is going really well! I'm in my second year now. How are you? xxx
Hi Gem, I would love to join the team again although I only lost 1lb this week although I stayed 100%...
Life is good but I have put nearly 3 stone back on so need to lose it again superquick. Glad Uni is going good, glad to see you back as you were really struggling last time I was here....
Hey everyone, well i'm back.. had to take some time off as my head was not in its right place... was starting to get a lot of confusion about CD though I've written down the roadmap!! The time off was very beneficial, so I'm back for my last 4 weeks of SS, I'm then moving up to 810 where I will hopefully lose the remaining weight I want to lose. I've also decided not to weigh myself until i meet up with my cdc on friday, don't see what it would positively bring me. I will be 100% this week (and will only have 3 more to go), so I'm giving it my all. Hope everyone had a fab weekend.
Well you are more than welcome Greeneyes!

I had a good weekend but the scales are showing a 7lb gain! I know it's not possible to gain 7lbs of fat in that time unless I ate about 18000kcals over what I should have so guessing it's mostly water retention.

Hoping to be less than I was last Saturday by this Saturday!!! x
Hiya Peeps

Gem - Dont worry that weight will drop off in no time.. Keep at it, Glad u enjoyed your birthday thats all that matters.

Greeneyes - Huge welcome..

Enlighten - How u getting on?

Well off work & sick of Xmas Shopping & Wrapping Pressies, tbh I wish I was back at work as I find CD so much easier.. :sigh:

When I am out all day I am struggling with drinking the water, when I am in all day I am struggling to stick with it..
Argghhhh HELP?!?!?

Also struggling with 'going to the loo' havent been for days so scales are not being good to me at all lately!!


Hiya girls!

Sorry I haven't posted sooner.

I lost all my birthday 'gain' and 2lbs more so I'm happy.

How are you all doing? x
Whhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Went to a CDC up in Scotland here and I weighed 12 stone 10 lbs!!!! :banghead:

Can't believe it. A mixture of crap really. My CDC really let me down and didn't my stuff in so I had to come off suddenly as I was flying to Spain without my bars. Then I got CHICKEN POX! And ate so much chocolate you wouldn't believe!

This isn't happening. I was aware it was going on but so much, so fast?? I always vowed I wouold come off CD slowly but as I said my CDC left me with no packs! I could always blame David but that probably wouldn't be fair.

Anyways, I am feeling so uncomfortable in my clothes I took the plunge tonight. Bought 2 weeks' worth and start on 810 in the morning. There is no way I am waiting until after Christmas and undo ALL the work I have done.

12 flipping 10! From In May I was 10 10! Phhffff!

Hello Gem, see you on fb lots, hello enlightenme and Kelly, and remember me Linda?

Well done gem that's bloody fab.. :)

Night owl good to have u back.. U will shift a few pound off in 2 weeks no bother..
Are u better now then??

I am totally stressed at the mo, I am having my packs but struggling with the water which is not normally an issue with me tbh.. I was just under 12.5 on Monday morning, gonna weigh in morning, if I done crap I need to sort my h20 out big time.

I feel like I am getting nowhere fast, I need to get to goal but really struggling this time!! My packs run outta date middle of dec so I need to sort myself out!! :-(

Well girls I lost 4lb in 4 days not bad really. Back to 12.1 only 8 to go for goal...
Come on...... Lol

How u all doing?? X
Hi girls,

Sorry I haven't been about for a while, I've been doing a lot of thinking.

I've decided to switch to WW. I've had a good run on CD, and I'm over 4st down but I want to do this more conventionally now. I haven't been feeling well on CD for some time now and my hair has been falling out in handfuls!!!

I've started WW today and I love it so far. I'll be going to the meetings for the support which I am looking forward to.

I will keep popping back to keep you updated and check how you are all doing!

Gem xxx
Sounds like a plan, Gem and well done Kel, the goal is in sight. Sorry to hear about your hair and hope WW will sort things for you. Have look on here, there was a thread on hair loss and I can't remember what people took for it -- zinc maybe.

Day 2 of 810.

Got to stick at this.
Hello ladies, how are we all doing?

Well, I am loving WW and am pleased to report a 3lbs loss after 5 days! :D Was expecting a gain so I'm thrilled!!!

Good to see you back Frances! You can crack this! xxx