The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

is everyone glugging well today? im on my 5th litre!!x
WOW Smurf! How do you do it? Do be careful though - I heard too much water can be very dangerous. I need to kick my butt into action. Just woke up for the day and 1/5 litre glugged.
hi gtpeach hows you today! good i hope! i just put the bottle on the side and every time i go past it i take a glug!!.xx
Great idea! Lol! I find I do well when I space it. Say, "Okay this bottle must be finished by x o'clock."

Yesterday I ran into an old friend of mine that I used to get breakfast with frequently. He stopped and looked at me funny for a minute. "Georgia?" "Yeah - hey!"

"Hey! How's it going? I didn't recognize you - I thought you were someone else at first. You grew your hair out; it's nice."

We chatted a bit and he says we should go back to Einsteins soon. I said, "Well, maybe when I'm allowed to have carbs again. How about we go to Jason's Deli or somewhere?" (I know he likes that place, and so do I.) He says, "Haha, you sound like my mom but it looks like it's working a lot better for you than it is for her. Sounds good - I'll call you."

Haha - yaaay! I'm so much skinnier, people don't recognize me anymore!!!

Et maitnent, off to take an exam.
bet that made you feel realy proud:) i know it would me! what part of america do you live?
argh! only 1l down so far!!! i can't drink loads at work as i keep needing the loo and i can't go out of lessons. it sucks. i have to come home at 3:15 and drink 4l before bedtime-very hard!!! x

my goals would be to drink at least 5l a day from now on and to weigh in at under 19st by my weigh in on Sat 5th Oct which is just under two weeks from now...i can do it!!!!! we will all acheive our goals! x
Bon chance Gt, hope it all went well! In a weird way i think i'm avoiding people because i kind of want the same thing that happened to you to happen to me. Everyone keeps inviting me over and i'm making excuses not to see them so that they notice a real difference, as the last few times i've bumped in to friends they haven't even noticed. I'm standing there waiting for someone to say "My god you've lost some weight" but no! nothing and then i end up telling them about the diet and how much i've lost and that makes me feel worse lol

Hi Smurf and Gem glad you are both ok!

ARGH! I Hate myself right now!! I am a cheater who had a slice of pizza! ARGH!!!!! GRRR!!!
i'm doing the same thinkthincd. i refuse to go out on the town until people will see a real difference in me.

forget about the pizza GTPeach. it's over and done with, move on to the next day!!!

i got weighed at my new patient healthcheck today and according to the nurse's scales i am only 0.1lbs lighter than i was at weigh in on sat. that better bloody not be right!!!! xxx
Don't worry a ton gem. The weeks where I've only lost a single bloody lb. are the weeks where I had the most noticeable inch difference.
thanks GTPeach. i haven't prepared myself for losing only 1lb though. at least i have been forewarned that it might come to that so i won't be expecting to lose anything this week. if i don't i guess i won't be able to have the bars anymore...this was my first week of having them. only having 4 in total this week and i have been drinking extra water. i will be totally gutted though. i can only hope that my cdc's scales are different. or that i will lose over the next 2 days...fingers crossed!!! xxx

how is everyone today?
Oh smurf - I almost forgot - I live in the southeast part, in Atlanta, GA. :)

Gem - jut keep pushing through. You can do it!
Lol gem! ::chatters
hi gem! hows u 2day! im good have been 2 town with my daughter and my friend so been kept busy!...xx
lol GTPeach it's so quiet tonight!!!

i'm no longer freaking out about the scales. i remembered all the times you said that the scales hadn't moved for days but then you still lost at the end of the week. panic over! i would be happy even to stay the same :) x
hi gtpeach hope your good 2day! i got married in florida!..xx

I'm in the same boat, only lost 1lb so far this week, hoping its down to water retention from Totm, otherwise i will not be a happy bunny!

Whats everyone up to?

sounds like a good day smurf! i've been to work trying to teach brats that don't want to be taught as usual hehe! nearly the weekend woohoo!!! any plans for the weekend? x