The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

hope everything is okay with your dad smurf!

hopefully you will have a great loss this week thinkthincd. hope we all do!!! i need to lose 6lbs to get to 3st so you must need 7lbs? is it possible in a week!? i really hope so lol!!! but i would be happy with a 4lbs loss.

i've just taken my weekly pic and i don't know if it's coz i am wearing black but i think my hips look smaller? dare i believe it to be true!?!?! xxx


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Ahhh lots of sympathy been there and done that this week, while having a convo about whether 18 months was too early to introduce "the naughty step" quite surreal really but the nurse had a daughter the same age as my son, so we were chattering about our kids lol.

Will keep everything crossed for your dad hun, i genuinely hope you get some good news.

Gem- i've told you before you are mad and kids are crazy lol, if i were you hun i'd get a job in a bar or office no stress (i was a receptionist for 4 years while doing Bsc and Msc) I even used to take my notes and books to work with me and study in between answering the phone lol. My friend did that while doing her teaching degree as well and then used to work at the play schemes etc during 6 week hols.

i think they should have a swap your clothes forum on here! then as people lose the weight they can ask for smaller clothes and its not going to cost a fortune!!!........................just a thought!!!...xx
trouble with me is thinkthincd i can't seem to settle in a job at all! i always want to leave after a couple of months!

i've applied to be a cat rehomer at an animal shelter. at least cats can't talk!!! i think i would really enjoy that job as i love animals xxx

You look loads smaller gem, its come off everywhere this week, your face and hips are really slimming down now, i've noticed it coming off my bottom half this week, (thank god!) so i'm hoping for 7 weeks of lower body slimming now fingers crossed! Don't think 7lbs is possible for me lol i would love to lose 4 though as that would take me to 3lbs short of my wedding weight.

good idea smurf! i can't afford new ones! need a new bra but haven't even measured myself to see what size i need. i could be doing that now actually!

thinkthincd, after this week you should be over halfway to your goal!!! go you!!! xxx
i think you are right thinkthin gem is crazy! but shes also braver then me! lol..xx
aww thanks thinkthincd!!! i know you might not want to post it on here but what is your name? i feel odd keep calling you thinkthincd lol!!! don't worry if you don't want to say. i know some people don't like to x
I would love that job! 2 dogs and 1 high maintenance cat live at my house!

Fab idea Smurf, i've got loads of monsoon dresses i've bought for weddings etc so worn once and now don't fit, just bought a new one which cost me £160 and finally realised it hopefully won't fit me by the end of next month! Might try ebay!

Oh yeah sorry hun never even thought, its Hayley!
ive sold all my big clothes on ebay and got loads of money back for them!! monsoon clothes sell well on there!...xx
Gem- George at asda!!! I bought a lovely new bra for £4 yesterday and guess what... its a 38 E which might sound big but i was a 40G!

hi hayley and welcome to cd!!!!!.......xx
wow thats good! my boobs have shrunk they look more like chicken fillets now :(!..xx
thanks for the tip Hayley! that's so much quicker than typing thinkthincd lol!!!

i don't have hardly any clothes at all to be honest. i'm saving my biggest trousers for when i'm done so i can have a pic of me standing in one leg teehee!!! x
Lol thanks girls, you never know i might even post a pic one day!
Will defo get some on ebay asap, but i think i'll have to put a lot away as have loads of summery type stuff, and sell it next spring.

At least then i won't have the safety blanket of moving up the sizes again.
thats a good idea gem didnt think of that! but then i dont like my pic taken!...xx
thats why i got mine on ebay quick so i didnt have a safety blanket around! and i cant afford to go and buy more!

i need more than jazzercise gem i need a complete body lift! this is the lightest ive been for 18 years!!...xx
Well like i say i refuse to spend a lot while i'm losing weight still (other than my new dress for the wedding) so i bought black trousers £12 a couple of new bras £4 and £6 a vest top £3 and a mac type jacket £15 all from george at asda so i have a few bits i can wear without looking like an idiot. The only thing to beware is they can be a bit skimpy on size (or perhaps i'm not quite the size i think i am yet lol) Defo worth a look for cheap clothes to get you through.
