The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

fantastic jan!

i'm currently wearing a size 20 jumper and i was a 24! yippeee!!!! still no shift on the trouser front though :( soon, soon
if your anything like me it will drop off all of a suden! i only bought my 18s 2 weeks ago thats just unreal!..xx
that's amazing jan! well done!

well...i just managed to fit into my size 22 Papaya tracksuit that i couldn't even fit into when i was a size 22!!! so in your face stupid black trousers!!!!

this means, coupled with the evidence of my size 24 jeans falling off me ( i mean actually falling off!) and my size 24 black trousers having to be constantly pulled up, that i have dropped a size in trousers in some brands. :bliss:

i am happy in the knowledge that when i start Jazzercise, i have something to wear!!! :D xxx

our other team members seem awfully quiet...:(
Hi all! Just checking in; I've been pretty quiet this weekend.

Thursday, my mates and I went to a goodbye party for Lucas, who is off to Birmingham, England for the next few years. Got in around 3am. Was nice, but the sleeping on Carole and Ross' couch bit... not so much.

Yesterday, I went to a Pakistani restaurant with some of my best mates. It was amazing! The food was so freaking amazing!!! We got back in around 1am, but brought the party back to their flat. Ended up staying awake until about 4:30 am or so.

Woke up early to go to a ball game; left at halftime and checked in on the ManU score - we were up by 1. Drove to "J-Vegas" where I am now hanging out with my sister. Going to watch her ball game. Staying the night, then up early in the AM to make it home in time for cooking class.

How's everyone doing?
i'm great thanks GTPeach. looking forward to next saturday's weigh in already!

i have had to adjust my targets as i was powering ahead and i like a challenge so made them all a bit harder hehe! x
My little team goals...

argh! only 1l down so far!!! i can't drink loads at work as i keep needing the loo and i can't go out of lessons. it sucks. i have to come home at 3:15 and drink 4l before bedtime-very hard!!! x

my goals would be to drink at least 5l a day from now on and to weigh in at under 19st by my weigh in on Sat 4th Oct which is just under two weeks from now...i can do it!!!!! we will all acheive our goals! x

i've just realised! i have achieved my goals!

5l of water down each day :tear_drop: :tear_drop: :tear_drop: :tear_drop: :tear_drop: and i weighed in today at 18st 12lbs!!! :party0011:

so my next little goals are:

1. to weigh in at under 18st at my weigh in on Sat 1st November:scale:

2. to start Jazzercise this week (W/C Monday 6th October):character00116:

3. to go to Jazzercise at least twice a week for the whole of October :character00115:

4. to go for a long walk twice a week for the whole of October :chores016:

5. to get into those elusive size 22 trousers by Halloween :gimi:

i have set 5 because there are so many things i need to focus on. i am now off to try and put these into my signature so i can remember them...this will be a challenge!!! x
ok i'm just going mad on posts here because i am home alone (Mike's on nights :() and also you lot seem to have scarpered hehe! x

i have been wedding "window" shopping and i have found a dress i really REALLY like. the good thing is it is on eBay, it is made by a company who make them in all different sizes and it is under £100! bargain!

what do you think?

gem xxx


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OMG that dress is gorgeous!!!!

I want one!!!

Well done Gem on the trackies, i would ignore the black trousers, if your 24's are falling off then you are a 22 girl, go and have a try on in a few shops when you get chance, i bet you are surprised.

Just back from WI.....4lbs gone for me! YAYYAYAYAYAYAY! Didn't quite achieve my target but only by 1lb so not too worried. I'm now officially over halfway (i bet i alter that ticker soon, think i might want to go to bmi 25!)

My next goal:

To lose 6lbs by 19th Oct (the day after the wedding)

I know its prob ambitious as i am eating the day before, but that would take me in to the 14's, a place i've not been for a very very long time.

Enjoy your sunday

Ahhhh Jan!

Just re read my post and meant to say congrats on your size 16's! You must be feeling great, loads more shops for you to choose from now.

Results are looking good for the team challenge, keep it up everyone!

you'll do it Hayley! think positive!!!

well done on the 4lbs! great result!!! hopefully we will be closer to a 2% loss overall for the team this week!!!

has anyone heard from 161ds yet? xxx
No not yet hun will pm her now brb,

How are you today?
i'm great thanks, you?

i've got wedding fever! :love047:
found the bridesmaids dresses i want and at £15 a go they are a total bargain and look so expensive! i'm making up a picture board of everything i would like as i am going with a silver and white theme because it will be a winter wedding.

i will post it when i'm done as i would love some input on what looks good and what doesn't. we have a tight budget so i can't splash out but to be honest it's not about the money and you can get some lovely things for not much nowadays xxx
Yay i had a winter wedding Gem, i would post some pics but they are all on my old laptop. Sounds fab let us know all of the details i'm a total wedding fiend! I really can't believe you can buy a dress as beautiful as the one you showed us, for less that £100! Thats crazy my veil cost £155 3 years ago and now its sat in a box in the loft with holes in the back where it was trodden on. I really wish i'd have thought about ebay as the shops just go in to rip off mode as soon as they hear wedding and although its the most fantastic day ever, you only get to wear it all once.

One of my friends got married last year and ordered her veil from ebay it cost her £25 and was almost identical to mine! so defo shop around i booked and planned my wedding in 3 months so didn't really have chance to look around but wish i had as i'd have saved a fortune!

i have a whole year to plan mine thankfully!!! i have a friend who makes jewellery so i have collared her and asked her to make me a crystal bouquet and buttonholes. i think real flowers although lovely are a total waste! i would love to have something bespoke that i can keep.

might have to ask her to help me with the church decoration and the reception decoration aswell!!! that's what you get for volunteering to help hehe!

i wasn't too into the wedding planning thing up until now. i emailed the vicar and the reception venue yesterday and i think that made me think "better get my skates on!!!"

we want a snow honeymoon aswell so i have to get my thinking cap on to find somewhere in europe that will have snow in Oct/Nov. i know that's a rarity now though! might end up going to the scandinavian fjords or something.

eeeeeeeeeeeee i'm so excited!!! x
You should be fine with any of the ski type resorts, french/swiss alps etc. Crystals look fab and agree with the flowers, i had real bouquets but had crystal centerpieces for the tables and crystal garlands on the top table all lit by candles and everything looked icy and frosty. It worked really well.

Better go and start lunch for my little one, he'll be up from his nap in a mo and ready to terrorise us again lol.

aww bless!

candles are a great idea. i didn't think of that!

here is the illustious wedding plan lol can you tell i am a compulsive planner???

have a good day hun! x


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gem you would love lapland and being near christmas it would be magic! i went 2 years ago and i would love to go back when ive lost my weight because i wouldnt join in as i was sooooooo overweight!!...xx
yeah i thought about Lapland Jan but it's soooooo expensive!!! that's why i think we are going to have to stick a bit closer to home. it sucks but we will probably go on a second honeymoon at some point and that will be the big one-going to Egypt then! xxx
how nice! i got married the second time in florida it was'nt planned we woke up 1 morning and he asked me to marry him i said yes and we got married the same day!! it cost us about £50!!....xx
blimey! that's pretty romantic :) Mike proposed to me and we had only been together about 2 months!!! i turned him down (even though i wanted to say yes!) because i wanted him to make sure he was sure. 4 months later he proposed to me on Christmas Day 2006 when we were enjoying a lovely frosty walk in the Snowdonia National Park :) it was lovely! x