The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

oh well we will have a good week next week!..xx
yeah we better!!!! i'm sure we will. just a bit hard with 161ds not posting results. mind you i suppose one person doesn't make too much difference to the percentage. x
Hi girls,

Yeah, if we are a member down i just don't include their results at all so the average loss team loss is only representative of the team members which posted their WI results. I though it was fairer that way.

Mood board looks great Gem, it will be fab! We were engaged for 5 years before we got married, i didn't want to get married while i was so overweight so rather than lose weight i just kept putting it off! How crazy does that sound! We got engaged on my 21st bday, but we've been together since i was 17. It's weird that it will only be our 3rd wedding anniversary next year when actually we've been together for 12!

I just wish i had known about CD years ago but to be fair its worth waiting for!

Hi Jan, can't believe you got married same day thats sooo romantic! How are you Helen and GT?

Got last night xfactor and strictly on the sky plus planner as had friends over last night. So looking forward to a night in front of the tv!

OMG Gem!! Your wedding looks GORGEOUS!! I hope I end up marrying someone understanding; I've already got my whole ceremony mapped out in my head. I want it all white, white roses going in but red roses coming out to show the change from innocence to love. Also, I want it in a big, pretty church with lots of light. Traditional music, traditional ceremony, and oh my gosh if any of the guests dare to wear a completely white outfit I might just turn into Bridezilla. Lol! The reception can be left entirely up to the groom-t-be, so long as I get to pick the song I dance with my daddy - it will be I Loved Her First by Heartland, the lyrics are so amazing.

Ack - I think every woman has some idea. I don't even have a fiance yet, or really the desire to marry. I'm still so young. But....
How old are you GT?
Good afternoon everyone, how are we all 2day? i had my WI 2day and have lost another 5LBs...whoop whoop!! i am now in the 13stones mark. x

Thats fantastic Jan!!

I can't believe your losses they have been astounding week on week, well done on another great result. GOOOOOOOOOO TEAM 10!

Just updated the spreadsheet and with only 3 results in so far this week we have already beat the amount of pounds lost collectively last week!!

thanks GT!

Jan that is fan-bloody-tastic!!! although i am slightly disappointed as i thought i might be the loser of the week this week on our team but as you weigh less than me, your percentage will be lower. ho-hum, there's always next week!!! really pleased for you hun!!! keep it up! xxx

Hayley-that's great news about the collective losses!!! let's hope we win it this week!!! x
awwww gem im soooooooo sorry!!:hug99: im just amazed at what ive lost they said the diet was good but not this good!!
how are you 2day? have you had a good day at school!....xx
don't worry smurf lol i'm still chuffed with what i lost!

today was awful. a teacher totally humiliated me and spoke down to me in front of the students today. not happy.

i'm so sick of it. i just want a job where i can be happy for the next 3 years while i finish my degree!

how was your day? x
hope you have fun! let me no how it goes!!...xx
im a bit up and down 2day! long story! but diets ok...just....xx
try not!....xx

it rocked!!! i feel so great! exhausted but great!

i found muscles i never knew i had! my God it was hard though. there came a point about halfway through where i thought i was going to have to sit out but i pushed through it and the warm down and muscle toning section began.

trying to pump 1kg weights into the air with oversized bingo wings is not easy!!! but i did it. even though it nearly killed me!

definitely going back thursday!!! so that's one of my targets achieved yay!!!

1. to weigh in at under 18st at my weigh in on Sat 1st November:scale:

2. to start Jazzercise this week (W/C Monday 6th October):character00116: DONE TUES 7TH OCTOBER :D

3. to go to Jazzercise at least twice a week for the whole of October :character00115:

4. to go for a long walk twice a week for the whole of October :chores016:

5. to get into those elusive size 22 trousers by Halloween :gimi:

only 4 more to go!!! x