The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Lol Frances,

I'm not sure if we are allowed to pinch team members hun, you will have to see what your team leader says. Of course we would love to have you, but i don't want to cause any friction.

You can always chat to us anyway hun, we all usually post at least once a day so feel free to join in.

Good luck today Gem! Hoping for a biggie for you hun, i'm hopeful for my WI tom, but NERVOUS about starting 810 on monday eek!!

Go GT, a bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone, game on for shrinking violets slimmer of the week for this week lol.

Speak later, off to try my wedding dress on.....i'm now 1lb lighter than when i got married yay!

Hi everyone!! well hope you've all been ok! i picked myself up from having a real s**t week what with one thing and another!! so im not going to have a great loss this week.....sorry ladies!

gtpeach you go for girl!...... but i will give you a run for your money next week!! yay!:whoopass:...xx
I know............defection to another team would be a bit of a first wouldn't it! Don't think I could do that to our team leader Bunny. Another one seems to have gone AWOL this week, hope she's OK, but hopefully as new members come on board we can get our act together again and be a proper team again.

Well done on getting back to your wedding weight!
congratulations hayley!!
Hi Girls,

Thanks Jan and Frances, although it was a bit of an anti climax, my dress is laced corset style at the back and so obviously i couldn't fasten it myself lol! Mum is coming over tonight and so i think i will ask her to help.

Jan (hugs) really please you have got yourself back on track, you are doing so well! Remember we are all here if you ever need to rant or chat.

So then team.....shall we advertise for a new member? How do you want to do it? 1st come 1st served? The only concern i have is that we are such a close knit team, i don't want somebody to join and then just disappear, its already happened 3 times with different team members.

What do you guys think?

thanks hayley that means alot
:flowers:! you will have to post a pic of your dress would love to see it!!....xx
hiya girls!

i think first come first serve would be a good idea. maybe put up a thread advertising for a new member but let them know they have to post every week and that they need to keep in regular contact.

just spent the afternoon at my cdc's as she had an open house. got to meet loads of people and it was very inspiring!

sorry to disappoint you Hayley but only lost 3lbs this week! mind you my cdc said i am right on target and that i had a great week so i'm pretty pleased. expected it to slow a bit because of Jazzercise anyway. apparently 3lbs a week is the norm!!

good to hear you are back on track Jan and GT-good to hear you are back on SS.

it would be lovely to have you onboard Frances-shame you can't defect :(

Gem x
Aw don't say that hun, 3-4lbs is what i aspire to i just hate the 2's!
Your losses have been well above average to date and as you have less to lose they will slow down a little anyway. 3lbs is a huge achievement, its just easy to become addicted to the faster losses with CD but at 3lb a week its still almost a stone a month (which is avg) and you have lost a lot more than that over the last few weeks.

Its very easy to focus on each weeks result, when my CDC told me to look at the bigger picture....44lbs lost hun its amazing! AND a new found love for jazzercise!


I'll post regarding a new team member in the morn, when i have a little more time.

Have a good night everyone

STOP PRESS! I have left team 4, I can join you. Pleeeeese don't advertise, I am very committed and will not go and disappear on you!!!!!!!!!!!

PM'ed the lovely Bunnyg and she understood totally how I was feeling. In fact she was feeling the same way and might even disband Team 4.

I'm here for the longhaul and I want a team that will spur me on. I am just coming up to my half way mark and need all the help I can get for the second leg of my diet. Still have more than 3 stone to lose. I am on 810 and lose a regular 1-4lbs a week usually, but I may consider switching to SS+ or SS if I start to plateau.

More soon, want to get this up before you start you ad campaign. Please say Yes, as I've officially left team 4 now anyway, I'm a free woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :party0011:

Me, me , me :p!!! LOL. I was here first AND I have no team to go to now because team 4 has been disbanded! :eek:
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Blimey, what have I started........people are now defecting from Skinny Minis now! KM's advertising her 7lbs loss up for grabs. Great idea for teams out there with missing happens a lot these days! You have already posted your results, but if you wanna take KM and re-post your results by 6pm Sunday I'm OK with that. I'm sure there will be lots of team spaces coming up on Monday. There always are.
Very unfair of you hun!:mad:
It really wasn't. What I meant was that I am not the only one looking for a more supportive team, and if anything I was offering to step aside for you to join team 10!

Badly put, though, I agree, I'm mortified!
Sorry for any offence. Please take KellyMundy, the fun has gone out it now for me realising someone has actually got upset by it all.
All the very best,
catch you online soon,
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To be fair, frances WAS the first person to ask....
I agree, Frances did ask us first days ago. What does everyone else think?

kellymundy will be snapped up with a loss like that! Good going girl! x
Ooooohh dear i hope we haven't all got our handbags out!lolol

Don't worry Km and Frances i'm sure neither of you meant any offence to each other. Right so if its the case that your team has "legally" disbanded then i can't see the harm in one of you joining us.

In order to be fair i have to offer the place to Frances as she asked us first sorry to dissapoint KM but if for any reason Frances doesn't want to join i will contact you before i advertise on minimins. I think thats the only fair way to go about this, and i hope you both agree.

Is this ok with the rest of the team?


Ps- 4lbs for me this week xx
i discovered the water flavourings at my cdc's open house yesterday!!! why have i waited so long!!! they makes water drinking so much nicer!!!

it's so quiet round here today. i'm always on here on a sunday but everyone else must actually have a life to live hehe! x