The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

wow hayley good goin on your 4lb loss!!! fine with me to!

hi gem hope alls well with you? ive been to football my son was playing at home........wish id stayed home! it was bl**dy freezing!....xx
i'm good thanks smurf. i'm madly applying for jobs again. the thought of going back tomorrow makes my stomach churn!!!

oooh don't envy you the football!!! how are you feeling now? xxx
Wedding talk again...

my dress has gone!!!! it has just disappeared from ebay. i think the listing was removed. but it's okay. i have found some suitable potential replacements.

so i need so help choosing! i have 9 here that i like. think i know which one i like best but just wanted some second and third even fourth opinions hehe!!!

what do you girlies think? xxx


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awwww gem i love the 1 in the middle!! but they are all lovely!! good luck on picking out of those it would be soooo hard for me!
good luck on the job front i dont blame you i could'nt do your job!!
im alot better thankyou ive had time to sit and think.....its not easy!!
im hoping ive had a loss this week but im not holding my breath!! sorry if ive not ladies.........i will make up for it next week!!:(
thanks kellymundy!!! all input is appreciated :)

thankyou Jan! glad to hear you are feeling a bit better.
i have even resorted to applying at Boots just for a job. i have done retail before so i would feel fine about going back. especially knowing it's not forever!!! i can't wait to get to goal and train as a counsellor. i'm having a total crisis future plan wise. i don't seem to be able to find my niche in life :( x
i'm sure you will have Jan. don't fret about it. you are having a tougher time than us! it's not surprising you had a small slip up. don't worry about it :) x
Evening all,

I love all of those dresses Gem, but especially 1,3 and 9 my favs, lovin the addition of the team sig as well x

Jan-Don't worry we love you losing weight, gaining weight or sts so don't even mention it, thats exactly why we are here as we all know that our cambridge journeys won't always be plain sailing, it's how you react to your slip ups that defines your future with cd. Accept it happened and look forwards.

Whats everyone been doing? I've had a real lazy day although a strange one....went food shopping......for myself!!! how odd! I start 810 2moro so not hopeful for a huge loss next week (not sure what the avg is), but will be back to SS a week 2moro never fear!

Not sure how much longer to SS for though i'm getting a little frustrated with the lack of social life, and i've agreed to host christmas dinner for my family this year (i must be mad!) so i'd like to be moving up the plans a few weeks before xmas even if its to 810 or 1000.

Who knows perhaps i will feel different once i've had to think about food again for a week.

Are you all planning to SS to goal? What are your goals is everyone going to bmi 25, above that or below?

Just being nosey really!

Lots of love

hi hayley!

i have had a boring day and i should have been doing my uni work but i am so miserable about going to work tomorrow that i couldn't muster the motivation :(

thanks for the input on the dresses! i have started a poll on the forum so feel free to vote on there if you wish :) you can vote for all 3 if you like!

i am planning to SS all the way except for the 810 weeks and then moving up at the end. i am going to aim for 11st 7lbs which would put me at BMI 25. i can't go much smaller as i have huge hips and i would look awful!!! xxx

oooh is frances in? do we know yet? x
Hi hun,

I PM'd her this morn but not heard anything as yet, all the dresses are gorge to be honest, but i would be a little wary of buying without trying. I'm only saying because you get an idea of what you think will look great but often the dress which you don't even want to try on is the one you fall in love with. You have planty of time so get a good collection of dresses you like and as a treat go and try some on its sooo much fun and will give you something non food related to do. Obv i realise you will be tiny by the time you get wed but its still a nice thing to do and you can get an idea if you want white, ivory, champagne, oyster etc plus the old veil/no veil, long gloves? cape?, wrap or nothing at all.

Look at me getting carried away lol!

Off to vote.

aww thanks for the advice hun! i will definitely go trying on! wow that will be so much fun!!!

i can't wait now!!!! xxx
Wow. I have to say the top left corner, the center, and the bottom right corner. Though a close close 4th is the top right and then the middle row right. Those are all so neck in neck I had to include them all.
Hey team, sorry for taking so long to get back to you, I was out all day visiting my niece. She's 7 and I have seen her practically every weekend since she was born, unless I am out of the country, or she is!

So pleased to be joining a proper team that seem as addicted to Minimins as I am!:bliss:Thanks. Don't worry about KM, it really was a simple misunderstanding, we have PM'd and sorted it out and are friends. As you say, with a loss like that, she will soon be snapped up. She has started a thread on the subject and I think it is great that this is being highlighted -- that joining a team means being able to drop by a few times a week and keep in touch.

I weigh in on Wednesday morning. I get up really early, as I'm always so excited, and go to my gym where I get a little print out, and then go to my CDC's house for another weigh-in and my packs. Her scales weigh about 3lbs lighter than the gym, but I always go by the gym scales as I just feel I haven't earned it on hers (only switched to CD from W8 in August). Then I come home and boot the computer up while I am making my porridge!

Catch you around. I think it's awful that you have been one team member down for so long. I won't let you down.

Welcome aboard!

We are finally a full team again!

Hope everyone is having a good day, i'm having the worst day ever, we've just lost our biggest account and so it looks like xmas will be downsized this year. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We weren't even given the opportunity to fight for it, its all been cloak and dagger and thats it! I'm so angry.

Right better get back to it!

Hope everyone is doing better than me.

hi everyone! well i did have a loss.....3lbs yey!!! i didnt think i had so im over the moon with that result!!

welcome aboard frances to the happy family!!..xx

sorry to hear about your bad news thinkthin hope things turn out for the best!....xx

hope your all havin a good day!...xx
Another 3lbs off....yay, good on you. You'll be down a size in jeans again soon!

CD, that's not fair, especially as you had no chance to fight for it. Was it a PR account? Or marketing? Did it go to a diff agency? If so I can see why you are angry, you should have been given a chance to re-pitch. Hope it didn't throw you off the rails.

I must admit I was a bit upset on Sat night on here -- couldn't believe that I had actually upset someone by not explaining what I meant well enough. I had a CD binge! :rotflmao: Ate Tuesday's Caramel Bar! All in one go, when I always cut it in half and have half for later! Got an extra shake for Tuesday, but I'll miss my bar. It could have been much worst I suppose!
Never mind Frances, at least you didn't eat a plate of pasta or something!!!! Welcome to the team! Thrilled to have you on board! xxx

Hayley that's awful news! Try to keep your chin up though hun! xxx

Jan! Well done you superstar!!!! xxx

Thanks for the input on dresses GT! I still can't decide though!!! xxx

Helen, wherever you are! Just saying hi so you don't feel left out :) x

I got home today and had an answerphone message. Guess who has a job interview!?!?!? ME!!! At Wood Green Animal Shelter as a cat rehomer. I'm so excited!!!! I so want that job! I love cats!!! It's on Thursday at 2:30pm so now I am faced with a dilemma as I can't get the time of work...ARGH!!!!! xxx
Hey, that's sounds a wonderful job. I love cats too. Would do anything for my moggy.

Can't they reshedule? Very best of luck!

Is that Wood Green in London? Heck of a commute!
Thanks Frances. Just got to figure out how to get out of work to get there. The way I see it is I hate my current job and I really want this job so there is no contest about which one I will be going to on Thursday hehe!

It's Wood Green near Huntingdon about 1hr from me so not too bad x