The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

i felt like that when i only lost 1lb. i was absolutely starving!!!

you'll lose more next week hun, don't get too disheartened about it.

how has your day been otherwise? xxx
hi gem that was good news your 6lbs loss! bet thats put you back on a high! really pleased for you...xx
i felt like that when i only lost 1lb. i was absolutely starving!!!

Isn't it funny how disappointment makes you hungry!!

I'm OK, hanging in there. Had 4 packs yesterday but drank 4 litres of water which I am pleased with. My CDC says my chocoloate tetras and Choc Mint shakes will not be in until MONDAY:eek::eek::eek: How am I gonna survive until then? She says she's gonna try and see if you can get some for me from "somewhere else" whatever that means? Another CDC? Buy them back off someone who has jacked it in? Or is there a black market for chocolate shakes somewhere that we don't know about?! LOL Waiting by the phone with fingers crossed!
Hope you get your order Frances!!!

I am going to view a house tonight with Mike so won't be about much. Then I have Jazzercise! I shall speak to you all tomorrow!!! xxx
Evening girls,

Frances- I have loads in at the mo (bought a months supply last time) if you get desperate i can always next day you some hun-i'm not joking!!! there would be world war 3 if i couldn't get my choccie tetras!

I think when you haven't lost as much as you wanted to you start to focus on what you could be eating and staying the same without CD but don't let it get to you, you are made of stronger stuff hun.

Hey Jan, how are you? Not had an online gossip for ages, you will have to let me know when you get 5 mins so i can catch up with you.xx

Gem- House hunting? very exciting and well done on being able to motivate yourself to get off the sofa....i can't be arsed at all tonight i've just poured myself a sparkling summer berry in a huge wine glass and going to pretend its alcoholic! I never missed alcohol once when i was preggers and yet now....i'm desperate for a cheeky snifter lol.

Gt-How are things this week GT? I'm still not sure when your official WI is so good luck if its anytime soon.

Evening Helen, hope you are ok and had a great bonfire night.

Don't forget to pm your results as well this week please.

Thank you girlies

Lots of love

Aww thanks Hayley, but the briks are too heavy to post. Susan has kindly lent me 2 Chocolate Mint shakes, put them in the post today, to tide me over the weekend until the Monday order comes in. My CDC never did call back today. Can't be too hard on her as she is going through a bit of a bad time at the moment, splitting up with her OH and just sold her house.

Will definitely make sure I buy a few extra next week of the popular ones so this doesn't happen again. I used to have a few spares but I have let them run down recently, because my favourites changed slightly. Never even used to get chocolate tetras as I didn't like 'em much until I tried them hot!

Very best of luck with your weigh-ins everybody!
Hi everyone! Thank God it's the weekend!!! Weigh in tomorrow and I can't wait!!!

Had an awful day today. Got asked by a teacher to take a particularly nasty boy out of the lesson and to work with him in the special needs block. He refused and said "I hate you for obvious reasons. Everyone takes the piss out of you."...what a confidence booster! I nearly cried. A kid made me cry, I mean how pathetic am I?!?!?

I am so not cut out for teaching and am so glad I have realised this sooner rather than later.

Oh well, I am just going to focus on the future and try and survive a few more months in this job. Only 6 weeks until the Christmas holiday thankfully!!!

How is everyone today? xxx
Nasty little S**t!!! I would have been FUMING! Please don't let some small minded little idiot bring you down Gem, you look great and don't let anybody take your achievements so far away from you. I'm going to include your WI this week in this weeks results if that makes sense, it won't make any diff, it will just mean that instead of starting the week you WI will be one of the last to come in.

Glad you got sorted Frances, we use Fed Ex to ship all of our parcels so i could have sent them to you hun no probs, i'd hate to think of a weekend with CD food that you hated.

So as far as i'm aware i'm waiting on results from Gem, Gt and Helen, if for any reason you are not getting weighed can you just let me know so i don't include your result for the week.

I'm well fed up the scales still haven't moved (unless you count 0.6) but can't moan as the last few weeks have been good so trying to be positive about it..."still 1 more day to WI!" Just a little concerned as i only have 3 more weeks SS left and a size 16 dress to get in to!

Off to read some posts, i'll be on for a while if anyone wants me.

Hiya Hayley,

Ok, I will have the result for you tomorrow afternoon/evening.

Please don't be too disheartened about the scales not moving. You will probably lose a chunk just before weigh in day! That's how it often works!!!

Where is everyone else??? xxx
Hi there, I'm just in. Had to take this guy I am seeing to the hossie to have a toenail removed. Yuk! He's fine though. Ex-army and all that. Hard as nails hahaha.

Gem, you are not alone, think I would have felt the same way. I don't know how I would have stopped myself saying something not nice back to him. Children can say awful things. He obviously has problems.

How was the property you looked at? Did you like it? Good luck with your official weigh in. Hope it's a good.
it is a gorgeous house Frances. perfect for us! 2 bed semi, quiet cul-de-sac, 2 off road parking spaces, new kitchen and bathroom, newly decorated, massive gardens. mike got a loan from his boss for the deposit and first month's rent which should be in his account on friday. we're going to put a holding deposit down and send off the referencing forms so fingers crossed we will be moving in the week after next!!!

hopped on the scales at mum's and they say 8.5lbs lost so fingers crossed!!! xxx
yay yay yay!!!!

official weight loss is 7lbs!!! so pleased!!! am firmly in the 17s, firmly in the 30s BMI and firmly back on track! yay!!! xxx

Thats FANTASTIC! I'm so pleased for you, what an amzing result...that must be one of the biggest WI results on our team thread ever(bar 1st week WI's) Congratulations again.

Helen and GT- Can you let me have your WI results please guys, i have to post them by 2moro xx
Congrats on losing OVER 4 stone as well now hun!

Aww thanks hun! I'm so pleased to see that number 4 lol!!!

It seems to have gone awfully quiet on here lately :confused: x
I know ...whats that about? Us Violets aren't generally known for being quiet, do you think it's because we all know what we are doing now so need this site less? (Defo not the case for me i need it more!)

no i'm the same as you-i need it more too!! people tend to drift away when they can't stick to it i have noticed.

did we ever find out about 161ds? x
No never heard from her again, it was such a shame she was lovely!

You must be on cloud nine at the mo, 7lbs is awesome, you'll be out of those 17's before you know it!
It was a shame :(

I am thrilled but I don't know about you, when I get to one milestone I am hankering after the next!!! Eager to see 5st lost now lol!!! Still got 6st 3lbs to go to get to goal though xxx
I'm SO the same, never satisfied can't wait to rush down to the next dress size/number/stone etc. I know it might feel like you have a long way to go but it will fly, and just cast your mind back to where you started. Once you get past you own personal barrier (i know you wanted to get in to the 17's) It gets a lot more exciting as you will jump down those dress sizes and you won't believe that you really have lost so much weight.

Just posted on another thread...i tried my black dress on today and it fits!