The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Holding on to her title again with another 5lbs loss and our Shrinking Violets Slimmer of the Week is.......SMURF!!

Fantastic hun wd, i though i might have sneaked in this week but i was pipped at the post by our worthy winner. I really don't know how you consistantly loose almost 2.5% of yourself each week, its amazing congratulations!

Smurf -5lbs 2.66%
Thinkthincd -5lbs 2.40%
Francesmag -3lbs 1.70%
Soontobelittlegem -1lb 0.39%

Team percentage 1.69%

Ohhhh we could be in with a chance with that one, well done!

that's not bad. well done Jan!!!

i hope to be winning that crown next week. i am already down by about 3lbs yay!!!! xxx
Woo you go girl! I've got Wi 2moro but my scales have been up and down like a yoyo (never happened before) so will see what the cdc's say, at the end of the day you know me, i'm always 100% so if i haven't lost a lot i will have to console myself with the 5 from last week lol. 4 more weeks SS left....getting scared lol.

Hmmmm been thinking about posting a pic but still not happy with myself at all so not ready to put myself on the net i don't think. I know that sounds really stupid but if i get hold of one from the wedding and its half decent i will flash it up one night when you are all online so you can have a look lol.

ok honey lol i bet you look fab though!!!

good luck for your weigh in!

don't be scared. you are doing so well!!! i just know you will be someone who will get the weight off and keep it off! x
Thanks hun, that really means a lot and i really think i will, can you believe how we have stuck to this diet......i still can't actually believe it....nearly 4 stone! Wd us!!!!

Hi there, just in and I am off staying with a friend tomorrow until Monday night so I ain't going to see the result until then. Which is really annoying as we might have a chance this week. The suspense is gonna kill me. Might ask Irene to text me if we win lol!

Glad to hear you have found somewhere to live Gem, and I totally agree about those wretched trousers. You probably have been a 22 for weeks if those Tesco's jeans are even a little loose on you.

Hayley, if you really want to hear people's honest opinion you have got to post your photos here. And we are the experts in such matters too! LOL. Although I do fail to see why people are not going WOW after losing 4 stone. I can only think they think it's more polite not to say anything. I bet come Christmas when you see friends you might not have seen in a while they will all be gobsmacked by the change in you. And as Gem says, if you really feel uncomfortable you can just post them on this thread and take them down again.
I can't believe we're in the lead!!!!!! :bliss:I've never been on the winning team on this challenge before! Even if we don't win I'll just enjoy being at the top of that list for this evening!!

Congrats to Smurf! Well done!:happy096:
We've won once before Frances with 1.90% so we are in with a good chance!!

You can't go away!!! I will miss you on here too much hehe!!! :(

I can take the jeans on and off without even undoing them Frances!!!! Think I might have to put them on a hot wash and shrink them a bit!

I've got such a stinking headache. I feel rubbish! Hoping this means I am going back into ketosis.

Have a good time while you are away hun! x
Take 'em back and get a size 20! They sound far to big on you. And to think you were judging your size by one pair of trousers! Washing them will help.

Remember you winning when I was on team 4. Should be back early Monday evening. My friend has just moved into a new place and hasn't sorted her internet connection yet, and I haven't quite worked out how to use the internet on my phone yet. Can get emails on it but it is so hard to get round the pages on the web. I'll be back before you know it and you'll be a pound lighter by then, by the sound of it! Jeans you don't need to unzip indeed. Bet you never thought you'd see that day. Take something for your headache, you are allowed!
Morning all,

4lbs off this week, no longer obese lolol!

I'm leaving in an hour, not back until Monday evening. But just wanted to say a very big HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEMMA for tomorrow!!


Well done again Hayley and thanks Frances but unfortunately it is just another day for me. Got to go to stupid work :( have a good time! xxx
:)well done hayley!! bet your pleased your no longer obese! great news...xx

i wi 2moro not had a good week!! sorry ladies in advance!!:(
Have a great time Frances, and i can't wait for wed when your ticker will be in the 29's as well!

Hi Jan thanks very much feel great to know i'm just overweight, sounds stupid i know. Don't worry about your WI you have such good results week on week one little blip won't make a difference, although you do know Gem is after your slimmer of the week crown don't you lol.

Ohhh Gem! What are you hoping for for your bday?

oh bless well gem can have it for her birthday!! lol!
lol thanks Jan!!!

Hayley, I'm not hoping for anything to be honest. Mike got me a pink iPod nano which he gave to me early grrrr!!! And my mum gave me a lovely watch early grrrrrrrrrrr!!!! lol

So I have a couple of cards to open but I'm working anyway. It's going to be a totally crap day if I'm honest!!! xxx
your welcome gem! what are friends for if they cant share!! lol!
i do hope you have a nice day for your birthday and dont have any1 spiol it!...xx