The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

:flowers:WOW!! cant belive ive only 7lbs left till i get to goal and its been a great journey getin there! even with all my ups n downs along they way but i do no for sure i wouldnt have done it without you girls and this forum!!
SO A BIG THANKU TO U ALL!!:grouphugg:
Well done on your 3lbs loss this week Jan, and well done on only having 7lbs left to go until you reach goal, only a matter of weeks to go for you now before you move onto maintenance.
I've only lost 1lb again this week grrrr. Any idea what i'm doing wrong? I'm on 810 but i stick ridigly to the plan. I exercise and i drink around 4ltrs of water a day, i'm at a loss. My losses were great on ss but ever since I moved onto 810 they have dramatically slowed. Only 4lbs lost now in the last 3 weeks. I wish I could still ss as its going to take me 3 months to get this last stone off at this rate grrrrrr.
littlemissspendthrift I used to only have a small loss at totm, but don't be too disheartened you'll have a whopping loss next week i'm sure.
Jayne well done on winning the team challenge this week thats an amazing % of weight loss for 1 week X x x
Hi guys, sorry missed all the gossip i seem to have been permanently at work, have fitted in a few extra shifts and am doing ok with my finance goal. I'm so thrilled that my head seems to be in the right place on this restart. Am just doing what we're supposed to do and watching what happens, guess none of us can do more than that.
Gem, what day do we need to have our stats to you?
On a day off today so will be dipping in and out, will be on computer most of day trying to do my new years resolution of getting my to do list down to one page of A4 from 7 , wish me luck
had a sneaky weigh in, not official so won't be posting but have updated my tickers, 3lbs to 1st feb goal and only 8lbs left to valentines day goal, which means I should be able to achieve them, saying should because I have crashed and burned on many occasions, and fallen at the near to last hurdle. I'm sure that its the support of you guys that is making it seem more possible to do this on this try
Thanks everyone
:gen147:HI guys, despite how well I was doing this morning I've had a crap day and have now eaten ham (bizzarely I checked the labelsa and decided that the carbs were low and the cals were ok I KNOW THAT'S NOT THE POINT), then progressed to a smoked mackerel fillet that was lurking in the fridge and then a little feta to top it off. On reflection at least the carbs were low so I may stay in ketosis but the fat and cals were high. (yes I know that on atkins you can eat this stuff but SS isn't atkins) - Why did I do it, don't know really. I know that I'm freezing cold, knackered, am on annual leave but have been doing work stuff all day and spent 3 hours at the uni this afternoon. Am feeling sorry for myself but why did I eat, it wasn't a treat, treats shouldn't make you feel bad.

Am going to have a nice hot bath with bubbles and read my book. Am going to put all work away for tonight (its all over my bed so I'm going to have to move it to be able to get in there tonight) Will then have at least a litre of water. i know i won't eat anything else as I feel s**t now.

Will be back later J xxxxxxxxx
Awwwh Jayne, please don't be too hard on yourself, everyone falls off the wagon its the way in which we get back on that matters. Forget today, put it behind you and refocus. You can get straight back onto ss tomorrow and i'm sure that this blip will have little impact on your loss this week. (((((hugs)))))
Have you got anything nice planned whilst your off on annual leave? You should go and treat yourself and forget about the stresses and strains of work for a day. You work too hard X x x
hi, and welcome to the team littlemissspendthrift, what is your name? So good to have a full team again and I hope that we can all inspire each other to our goals. Promise I will come on more again. Just finding it so hard to keep plodding along while I am plateauing so much. I usually get weighed on a Wednesday morning but I can't go tomorrow as I have to go up to London first thing so I picked up my week's packs this evening. I'm sorry but I refused to get on the scales as I knew I would be heavier with an evening weigh in and I didn't want it to set me back (the last thing I need right now) so can you put me down for a sts this week and I am sure NEXT week the scales will have finally started moving again.

My start weight back in June was 15 stone 8lbs
Current weight: 11 stone 12 lbs
this week: sts

Well done on your 6lbs Gem. I really do not see why you cannot count it. For goodness sake, you worked hard and lost that weight, why can't it be counted? Obviously you can't double count but I don't see why it matters what week you lost it, so long as it is recorded in the weekly challenge. Glad you are enjoying your new job so much, what is it you are doing? Have a pair of size 16 black cords up for grabs but I worry they might be too short for you. I'll measure the inside leg and see what you think.
Hiya Frances, i don't blame you for not wanting to step on the scales last night. I can be upto 4lbs heavier after the 4 lts of water and packs. i'm sure the scales will start moving again next week for you. I hope next weeks the week for me too as i have plateued recently too. on a positive note i read that lots of dieters go through a plateau and many give up, but if you continue on through the plateau and start losing again your more likely to maintain your goal weight. Its character building if nothing else, but its so frustrating. X x x
hi everyone.. sorry havent had a chance to log on last couple of days been very busy with work.

night owl - my name is Taryn... there are two of us on this site!!! which is a novelty cos im usually the only one!:8855:

been struggling with my water this week, not sure why but im making an effort to drink at least3 litres. Hopefully i will have a loss this week - altho havent been near the scales this week. waiting to weigh in with CDC tomorrow!
Whooop! Day off!!!

Oh my God I had a lot to catch up on!!!

Well I lost 3lbs this week so I am pleased!!! And I am walking around in some lovely size 18 jeans and they are slightly loose whoop whoop!!!

I usually have a 30in leg Frances but prefer 31in as I like them to cover my shoes hehe!!!

I have a new picture!!! Been weeks since I did a pic so I shall post that in my album! x
Wow Gem you look amazing! Your waist is tiny, You really don't look anything like a size 18. Well done on the 3lbs lost this week too thats fab X x x
hi guys. thanks so much for the support especially jen, I know you know what its like. Have stopped feeling sorry for myself now. I did make the situation worse last night by eating some more, in fact had to climb to the top of a very high cupboard to get a crunchie out of a selection pack but have started again this morning on sole source. Was having to concentrate on doing one hour at a time till about 4pm but then jumped up , cleaned the house, have done the ironing etc.
On reflection what I should have done last night was said to be lovely hubby that i was feeling munchy and not that strong and he would have cooked the tea for them which would have kept me out of the kitchen. I'm so bloody minded though that I think I can do it despite the odds. I watched ann diamonds war on fat today and one of the things someone said struck home - it was that when you eat something that it would have been better not to choose your not weak or a failure, you are just following a learned response. That struck home to me.
Anyway need to go and piddle on a ketostick, I had no ketones this morning but am hoping that I might have now. Usually when I'm feeling ok with SS its cos I'm well into ketosis.
Keep up the good work everyone and I'll be weighing in on 16th as planned. Jayne
thanks Gem, I know I can, I'll get there in the end, sometimes its just really hard though isn't it. I've been fine this evening. I've just cooked roast lamb meal for the family and even have a beef casserole in the oven as i've got guests tomorrow for lunch and didn't want any temptations in the morning. House is clean and tidy and all washing and ironing done. I haven't done any work for work today but on friday I am going to set myself a plan to get all my work stuff done for the end of feb, another month from my initial goal, and if it needs doing any quicker then they'll have to give me time in my working day to do it.
Get weighed on friday so hope that I can undo any harm that i did yesterday. Have realised that what I should have done if I needed to eat that much then I should have done add a meal . its easy in hindsight isn't it.
Am beginning to recognise what triggers make me slip eg being tired, stressed, upset. - hope to figure out what to do about it though
hi Taryn, good luck with your weigh-in. Thanks jen, I know I'll get there eventually. Jayne, please don't beat yourself up. One thing I have learned is that you have to move on the next day. It is nothing in the grand scale of things. Love the new pic Gem, isn't it so lovely when you rediscover your waist. Bet your bum has shrunk too!

Onwards and downwards. Had a pretty good day today but only drank 2 litres of water so must work on that tomorrow. It's harder when I am up in London -- which I am rest of this week. Focus!