The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Thanks hun although it isn't going well so far!!! Getting weighed tomorrow so going to make that my proper restart day. I have eaten for the past two days but tried to cut down on carbs to make the transition easier. One day at a time and all that I think!!! If I could just make it to day 3 I would be fine!!!! I think I need to reward myself. If I make it to day 3, I can buy a new top hehe! Sounds like a good deal to me!!! x
Good to see you back. Hope you are well. Have been looking out for your return. You can do it, i know you can. Good luck Littlegem.

Thanks Nibbles! I am now realising that I should never have come off CD. However it has shown me that I am not ready to eat 'normally'! x
hi Gem, good to see you back. Exactly when you said you would be too. Of course your place on the team is still here waiting for you.

I stayed the same again this week. Boring but to be honest pretty good considering the week I have had. Good luck with your restart Gem. You'll crack this, and I promise you, if you do this properly, you will be fine with normal food again. It is only now I am on my last stone that my head has straightened out foodwise. I will never go back up again.
I wish I could be as optimistic Frances!!!

Got weighed today and I am still 4st down on what I was originally so I guess I should still be proud of that. I have had a good day today. Not been tempted to eat at all. I swear that if I can make it to day 3, I will be laughing!!! x
Aw Gem, don't beat yourself up over it, just focus on getting back on track as you know full well that once you find your mojo again that weight will fly off. You have been known to lose nearly a stone in a week! You know you can do this.
Well done Gem on a good day...

I only lost 1lb this week, but I ate out twice and got a bit lax with weighing my food, so only have myself to blame. Have now got more focused and will be doing SS+ for 4 weeks and then working up the plans, so at last there is an end in sight.
well done on the lb -- at least your scales are still working, mine are stuck lol! Stick at it girl, I'm the same, back to bascis I think!
Well done Greeneyes!

I weighed myself this morning after a fantastic day of SS in which I did not cheat once and was not tempted even once to eat - I even cooked Mike's dinner and was not tempted to eat it - and the scales show a loss of 5lbs already!!! Result! I am very motivated now and I know I can do this! x
Wow, that is excellent weightloss, just think how much it will be after a week.....

I have put before and after pics in my sig, but you know what, I dont think I look that different.... lol. Obviously I must do but I couldn't find a very good before photo as I am always the one behind the camera...
Greeneyes, you look fab! Even from the before photo you can see such a difference and you look so much younger! Well done you! x
Woohoo well done Gem, I have just made day 4 of total 100% SS+ but I am still hungry and struggling.... but I weighed myself this morning and have lost 1lb, am desperate to get into the 10s and according to my scales this morning I weighed 11 stone 0.2lb.... ooooh so close I can almost taste it, so why am I struggling so much...
Linda you need your eyes tested..........there is a HUGE difference between your two pics, especially tum and legs! You are so getting there!

And as for you Gem, WELL DONE TOO! I cannot tell you how happy I am to hear you have cracked day 3. You're gonna do it this time. I can just tell.Sorry I haven't been around for you I am walking the South Downs Way -- 106 miles until 13th when I go up to Northampton to do my CDC training day!


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Woohoo, have got on the scales this morning and have reached those elusive 10s.... I weighed in at 10stone 13.2lb... so only just but I am there at last lets hope the scales dont make an upturn by tomorrow... this is a huge encouragement to me and I think for a while at least I will find it easier to stick to... I hovered around 11.4 and 11.6 for a week and it was very disheartening.... cant wait to see the 10s go downwards now.... so nearly at goal...
Keep up the good work for the weekend Gem, I actually find the weekends easier as I have more to distract me, but I know a lot of people find the weekends much harder.
Have a good walk Frances, I quite like walking now and walk around five miles on a Saturday, something I would never have done before CD... lol. Next fear to overcome is getting a swimming costume and taking the children swimming as they love swimming and I dont so DH only takes them rarely... but it is cheap on a Saturday round here...
Where is Andrea this week... haven't seen her... Andrea how are you doing after your brilliant weightloss last week, come and let us know...
Well done Greeneyes!!!! Gosh the 10s are just a distant dream for me. My target is 11st 7lbs because I don't think I could manage 10st anything!!!

My scales are showing 10lbs loss now in 4 days!!! I seem to be going great guns! I am dead on 17st now so should be back in the 16s by weigh in on Tuesday. WHOOP WHOOP!!!

Fab photo Frances! You are so tiny now!!!! Enjoy your walking and roll on your CDC training! You will be the best CDC! x
Well done on day 4, I so pleased for you and the way it is just falling off you. And Linda, well done too. I can still remember the thrill of breaking 11 stone. You will get there if you want to Gem. The way you are now, sorted and focused, you can get to wherever you want to.

Yes, Andrea, how's it going? Missing you. Do come and see us soon.
Thanks Frances!

Who exactly is in our team now? I feel so out of the loop :wave_cry:

Mike and I have been busy making plans. We are moving to Swansea in October and then next year I am applying to Swansea University to study Egyptology. Whoop! I'm so excited even if it is ages away!!! x
Hey, can't wait until your start Egyptology, we'll have to stay in touch now. Can you send me the syllabus or something. I was looking for one on OU and couldn't find anything. Do they do one? Where else can you study it, part time?? Why Swansea, apart from the fact you can study Egyptology. Know you have visited Wales a lot and love it but is Mike Welsh perchance?

From the sound of it you are still on the straight and narrow coz you would have said otherwise. Well done. I only came on here quickly to check on you.

I don't know who is on our team anymore (did you see that GTPeach popped in to say hello!). I have tried to recruit newbies but they keep disappearing. There's me, you and Greeneyes (Linda) regularly posting. Dana does seem to come back on a fairly regular basis, although with big gaps, and we do hear from a few others from time to time but less so as time passes. Still hoping that Caress (Andrea) will be back this week. Maybe I will have another go at recruiting, and maybe go to the main CD page because I don't think new people really understand what the team thing is about?

But at the end of the day, this has always been the trouble with teams. I sometimes wish we could reorganise teams and merge them so there are perhaps less of them but full with the committed ones. People don't seem to get it that it is not about just posting your losses but about the support and friendship -- and about getting through the hard times together as much, or more than, the good! It is such a shame that people seem to disappear because they have given up, when that is the time they should be on here.
Wow Gem, Egyptology sounds really exciting, my daughter was really interested in all that at one time, she wanted to be an archaeologist and collected lots of Egypt stuff which she still has, but now is studying to be a doctor.... how exciting a move and everything, I bet you cannot wait...

My daughter is off to South Africa tomorrow, bit worrying as she just does not understand how dangerous it is out there, but she has realised Johannesburg is dangerous and wont be leaving the airport once she gets there, she just needs to get a connecting flight to Blomfontain, which is quite a safe place (she is going with her boyfriend and staying at some of his relatives), they have decided against hiring a car because of all the car jacking, but she is a very white white person and is so obvious a tourist... she will be there for 4 weeks, and I will miss hearing from her every day. Last year she went to Australia for 8 weeks and staying with my inlaws but we still spoke on the phone every day as our 3 mobile minutes were still included over there as they had a 3 network... no such luck in South Africa though.

I set myself some goals and prizes once I got to those goals so for getting to 11 stone I promised myself a certain pair of Schuh shoes which were quite expensive at £40, but now I have reached that goal I cannot find them anywhere, not even on the Schuh website, so went to Billabong yesterday and bought a hoodie instead in a kind of orange and cream colour (I normally wear only black or dark colours) and when I asked hubby and daughter if it suited me it totally threw them as they have never seen me in bright colours before, so I bought it anyway because it is so different to anything I would normally have worn in the past....

Have a good 100% day Gem, keep up the good work everyone, maybe we can all have some good losses this week...
Weigh in result!!!

YAY! I did it! A whole week on SS and it paid. This week I lost.....


I am so pleased!! My target doesn't seem so far away now!

So my results this week are:

Last week: 249lbs
This week: 237lbs
Loss: -12lbs

Hopefully that will get our team off to a flying start!

Frances-have chosen Swansea because it is one of only about 3 universities that teach an Egyptology degree (the other two are Oxford (no chance!) and Manchester which I didn't fancy). Mike isn't Welsh but we do love Wales and want a clean break and a fresh start somewhere new.

The University of Manchester does Egyptology via distance learning I believe and the University of Exeter does too but they are non-credit bearing modules (you won't get any qualifications by doing them). I am going to be studying full time at Swansea-I really cannot wait!!!

I did see that GTPeach popped in. I had a trawl through all the messages when I came back :D x