The shrinking violets official thread - Team 1

Right really unsure on where to even begin. I did really well last year and got really close to target and then completely lost the plot. I was having problems with my heart (passing out and palpitations) so I stopped going to the gym and after several failed attempts at restarting I gave up and just ate myself into oblivion. The turning point has come this morning when at the hospital they weighed me and I am 13 stone 4. OMFG I can't believe i've allowed myself to get so big again and its all my fault. I don't have anybody to blame but myself. I'm desperate and reading Gems story has inspired me to come back and do it this time. i know I can do it. So will you have me? not sure if you have space on the team but I thought maybe I could post on here to help keep me on track as this thread has been a life saver for me in the past. thanks for reading X x x

jen! great to see you back and glad i have inspired you! we will do this together! Frances is the one to ask if we have any space. not sure we do but you are always welcome on this thread xxx
where is everyone? i'm so miserable tonight!!!

mike and i paid out £800 savings for swansea onto his barclaycard to reduce the minimum payments while we were saving and they have reduced the credit limit by £800 with no notice which has taken all of our savings!!! i have cried my eyes out because i don't know what to do and we now have only £500 for moving, putting a deposit on a house, first month's rent and petrol to get over there! totally f*cked!!!

thanks barclaycard!!! :mad::cry:
Oh no Gem what a nightmare. Could you maybe try and get another credit card in just your name? or maybe try and increase your overdraft limits? What a nightmare for you (((((hugs))))))
Thanks for your support. I don't think I could do this on my own. Well its day 1 today and so far i've had 1 shake and 1 1/2 litres of water. i'm going to aim for 4 litres see how i get on. I still can't get over how disappointed I feel in myself for allowing the weight to pile on again. This time its got to be a change for life. Also I think last time I set my target way too low. This time i'm aiming for 10 stone which will have my BMI at 24 then i'm going to maintain. I'd rather maintain at 10 stone than struggle to get to 9 then pile it all back on again. I'm just so down. i want to lock myself away for a few months until i'm slim. i can't bear anybody seeing me :cry:
I'm going to come on here everyday and offer support whenever I can. Gem if ever u fancy I chat i'm on MSN most evenings littlemissprice@ X x x
thanks jen, i can't usually get on msn but am on facebook??? search for Gemma Ellen Smith and that's me. goes for anyone on our team too. find me lol!!!

think we may have won the battle with barclaycard. will explain later as am at work right now x
Thats sounds promising then about Barclaycard.
Well so far today i've had 1 shake 1 soup and nearly 4 litres of water. I've tried to keep myself busy as much as possible but i'm really hungry and exhausted X x x
Aww don't beat yourself up Jen, your health is more important. I remember you getting those little heart scares and having to come of the diet. Hopefully you are feeling fitter now. You will get to 10 stone in no time -- especially if you come on here every night! What height are you? Coz I am 5.3 and weigh 10 5 but still my BMI is just over 25. It will be just under at 10 stone. So having the same problem as you had of getting that last bit off and when to stop. Would like to be comfortably inside 25 before I start maintainance. And of course there is room for you on the team -- once a shrinking violet, always a shrinking violet! We very rarely have 6 results to post in one week, what with the twists and turns people's lives take and trying to fit weigh ins in with work, so worry not.

Sorry to hear about your cc troubles Gem. I was going to say just ask for an increase but it sounds like you have and it is sorted. Hope so. You should look around for a better deal at some point -- transferring the balance to a 0% credit card such as Alliance and Leicester BUT keeping the B'card on for new payments because once you add anything to the lump sum getting 0% interest they start charging you interest. So just set it up to pay the minimum direct debit and leave it there untouched until the end of the term -- which you need to put on your calendar and pay it off immediately the 0% ends.

There doesn't seem to be anymore results and I am off in the morning, so I'm gonna pop on and post our scores now -- you can always update it if any more come in by Sunday.

Have a great week everybody! Here goes trying to lose a couple of pound on holiday!! Hoping it is so hot that all I will want to do is drink water!
morning all!

i'm feeling good today. hopped on the scales for an unofficial week 2 weigh in and i have lost another 4lbs! it's only been 5 days so i am really chuffed!!! i will pm you my stats frances ready for next week's results.

i hope some of you are around today as i will be on here all day! x
OMG!!!! Where are you all???

I'm still going strong and feeling great for being over a stone down already in just 12 days!

Very proud of myself!

However, this morning we got the "if you start flirting with everyone like you did last time you lost all the weight, I will leave you. I can't go through that again." speech from Mike. Really put me on a downer until I said that if he carried on saying things like that, he wouldn't have to leave me because I'd be gone!

Soon shut him up. Guess I will just see how it goes! x
Back from my hols, been mega busy though washing and ironing, nearly finished the washing, but actually haven't started the ironing yet... lol

Well done Gem on keeping on track with your diet, excellent news and well done on being over a stone down already. I was really pleased when I got home and found I had only put on 1.6lb... especially as we had a special meal out for end of holiday on Friday and although I was really full I had a dessert and I knew I shouldn't have, if I had of been at home I wouldn't have bothered.... anyway, back on diet big time tomorrow...need to shift the extra weight and some more, cannot wait to get into the 9 stones, that is my incentive and hopefully if I stay really good for a week I will achieve that at not this weeks WI but next weeks.... will have to stay really good though.

Keep up the good work Gemma and you will probably be slimmer of the week next week too.... woohoo for you!!!
well done for only putting on a small amount Linda, that's a great achievement!

i'm moving up to SS+ for today and tomorrow because we are going to Swansea and it will be hard because i will have to be around Mike when he is eating for the first time since restarting. i haven't been around anyone eating since restarting to be honest and i think i will find it hard to begin with so rather than falling off the wagon at this early stage, i am going to SS+.

even if i only lose 1lb or freakishly end up gaining from this, it's better than totally falling off the wagon.

i hope i am doing the right thing. i'm so wound up thinking that Mike and i are going to go off the rails again. i don't want to end up having a full blown binge and i'm hoping a bit of chicken will keep me on track. here's hoping!!!! x
Good plan Gem, much better to SS+ than totally lose it altogether. This is what I thought last week on holiday, I will eat healthily as much as possible but like on our meal out I ate what I wanted and then went straight back to healthy eating, much better than totally blowing it for the whole week and I had a good time doing this, I think I am managing to train my brain that lots of food does not make a great holiday, and the odd treat is much more enjoyable. My friend who was on LL a while back had a fried breakfast every day last week and has said today that she feels awful, ill and bloated and that the breakfast obviously caused it as it was sooooo unhealthy.... she is now going to start Cambridge Diet soon to lose the weight she has put on.
The thought of a fried breakfast turns my stomach!!!

I feel as though now that if I did have a slip, I would get straight back on SS because I know I can do it. This is a turning point in itself because before I would have carried on eating for a week or two before finally admitting that I had a problem and probably should start CD again.

The next time I eat after these two days will be week 13 when I do 810. I'm not looking forward to 810 because that is where it all went wrong last time. It was like "Ooh a can of tuna won't hurt", "Oooh it's okay to have turkey every night", "Oh one slice of garlic bread won't do any damage" and then seeing that it didn't do any damage, it became 2 slices, then a whole garlic baguette!!!

I'm so disgusted with myself and how I eat when I do eat. I really need to get through this and then go through maintenance. I certainly won't be one of those that skips the steps.

I look forward to weigh in days and I actually enjoy the control of the diet. It's like I am focussed on what I put in my mouth rather than eating loads and not remembering doing it. It's like I would be walking to the fridge thinking "I'm going to have some peanut butter" and even though I am telling myself that I mustn't have it and that I don't really want it, before I know it, it's in my mouth and then I'm thinking how can I undo what I've just done? The thought has crossed my mind before now to make myself sick to get rid of it but I never have because I know that's even more unhealthy that the spoonful of peanut butter!!! My God, I really do have some kind of binge eating problem. The fact that I actually can't seem to stop myself from eating something once the thought has crossed my mind is so wrong!

I've waffled again, sorry!!! x
Back to SS for me today! And not even difficult considering I did SS+ for the past two days but cheated immensely (pizza, jelly babies, hot chocolate etc. etc. etc.). Scales showing a huge gain (+5lbs?!?!?)-soooooooo hoping they are just wrong!!!

Mike is not very supportive I have discovered. He actively encourages me to eat and then I cave in. I need to be made of stronger stuff! Foot down this time. SS 100% until my 810 week which is 12th October. I will do this. I need to!!! Mike doesn't want me getting skinny in case I run off with someone else. Why should I have to remain overweight and unhappy because of his insecurities. Well no more. I am doing this and no-one will stop me! Annoyed I have to get back into ketosis and have probably set myself back a week or so but no use dwelling on what has been done.

On a plus point, we now have a house in Swansea woohoo! Lovely 3 bedroomed semi detached and it has been totally refurbished inside. Plus it has a small conservatory (dog's new home). Bonus! All for only £400PCM. Bargain!

I'm very excited now!!!! :character00100:
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Where are you all? :confused: I know Frances is in Spain but where are you Linda? happyway? Jen? Amanda? Jayne??? Even merriefach hasn't popped on here in a while. I'm so alone!!! :(

I managed to stay 100% yesterday so looks like I have found my mojo again thankfully. The scales still show a gain of 6lbs which can't be right, can it??? 1 day off plan and I've gained 6lbs??? REALLY??? :confused: I suppose I did eat the worst thing I could. Pizza-all those carbs!!! Please body, let go of that 6lbs pleeeeeeeease!!! :(

I hope not anyway, because that means I have to lose 7lbs in 3 days to get 1lb lower than I was at last weigh in. Not happy if that is the case!!!! Suppose it has taught me a lesson though! :sigh:

I have sat and worked out when I will reach goal if I only lose 3lbs a week and I have based it on what the scales say now. That means goal day will be the end of February. Not so bad. Only 6 months into uni but I have Christmas in the middle of that so looks like a SSing Christmas for me again. Mind you, it serves me right! I could have been maintaining now if I hadn't messed up so many times grrrr :mad: Oh well, no use dwelling on the past. Onwards and downwards!!! :)

Only 4 weeks left at work now. It's going so fast!!! I don't think I will hit my target of 15st by the time I go to uni. If the scales are to be believed, I have to lose 2st 1lb in 6 weeks. I doubt I will do that. That would mean losing nearly 5lbs a week. Hmm...again, tall order!!! :confused:

I just so do not want to be posting a gain on Saturday. Why the hell did I cheat??? It wasn't worth it at all! I shall remember this next time I am tempted. The thought of food turns my stomach at the moment and I am still suffering with acid reflux :(
Hi Gem, just dont let this blip and weight gain send you into a spiral, take it as a lesson learnt, you cheat, the scales go up and that is another flippin weeks worth of money on CD.... maybe if next time you think you may cheat remember, it will cost you thirty odd quid because it will put you a week behind. Maybe the money will help you to stay on track.... I am not doing too well either, I am hoping to have lost 1lb this week, but I guess that is over 2 weeks really as haven't been weighed in 2 weeks.... I am now thinking that I will maintain at the weight I am and not lose anymore weight, I think I really need to start eating normally again and the weight is coming off really slowly, have asked my CDC for more bars today, but might make this my last lot. I know what you mean about the cheating not being worth it either, I had a piece of chocolate cake the other day, took a bite out of it and decided not to eat the rest, it didn't taste as good as I expected and I didn't think the calories were worth the taste if you see what I mean, so I was really pleased that I was able to stop myself eating the rest.....
Gem, I cannot believe after all these months I am still dieting, it has never happened before, so I am sure that February will come round pretty quickly, we are racing towards Christmas as it is and just think you can start the new year much slimmer than now which will be wonderful as that is normally the time people start to think about losing weight... you will already be nearly there by then. Keep up the 100% Gem, you will get there....
Thanks Linda,

If anything it has made me more determined to do it this time. It's going to be hard at uni financially so I cannot afford any extra weeks on CD. I really need to focus and get on with it. Last time the 7st flew off and it really didn't feel like I was dieting for long. 148 days until Christmas and if I lose 3lbs a week, I will be at 12st 7lbs by then-the lowest I have ever been! I can't even imagine what I will look like that small! It's exciting because I want to know what it's like to shop in 'normal' shops and I want to get my belly button pierced as a treat for Christmas. Certainly won't be doing it now!!! I'm not showing my rolls to anyone!!!

Good move on the cake. At least you didn't eat the whole lot! When I ate the pizza, I knew I didn't want it even before I took a bite but I still ate it all :confused:

This is it for me. I am doing it this time. This is the last time so I have to succeed! x
Woohoo, have managed to lose 1lb this week, really pleased as not particularly trying now, am going to move up to 1500 this week so that I can finish the diet soon, but am hoping to lose a couple more lb and maybe reach my first goal of 10stone.... I weighed 10 stone 4lb on my CDC scale, but only 10stone 2lb on mine as I weigh myself first thing in the morning with no clothes, so will be going by my scales from now on as next week will probably be my last WI and then she says she will weigh me once a month to make sure I maintain.... lol
Gem, that will be excellent if you get into the 12 stones by Christmas, it has made such a difference to how I feel being able to go into "normal" shops and buy clothes, even though I struggle to find size 10 jeans anywhere... lol. I find there are plenty of 18 and 20s now but there never was when I wanted them... sods law I guess. Well off to do a healthy shop now, but will be back later if you need me.... take care.