The two kinds of people who do a VLCD

searced for this for 4 nites after i first read it !Found it

I know this was posted last September but its really helped me so much as it so accurate .
I think every c.d or l.l should say this as we start our journey out of food and despair into our new way of being.Thanks once again now i can relax and read it when i start to falter.Maria

For myself it was commpletely a choice. I had reached a place in my head where I could no longer go on in fat clothes and feeling depressed all the time. My counsellor said that sometimes loosing the weight is not enough but for me it was everything. It has completely transformed my life. The horrid depression has dissapeared and I am so happy.

This diet has shown me that life is all about choice!! The word choice features many times thoughout my every day.
I missed this one back in September so thanks 'fitter at 51' for taking the time to search for it and bump it back up.

I wonder just how many other gems I miss because I don't have time to read all posts!

I too am one of those who saw LL as an opportunity to get slim and healthy, and didn't feel deprived while doing it.

My heart sinks when I read about members who have eaten something because they felt deprived or fed up, because I know that it means a bigger mountain to climb for them.

It is all in the mind, really. If you can get your mindset in the right place, everything else falls into place and, as some posters have said, it is easy.

It did take me 30 years to achieve the weightloss, and perhaps LL came along at a time when I was finally ready to commit 100%. Would I have been as successful 10 or 20 or even 30 years ago? I will never know!
Hi AmandaJayne, I often ask myself that question, would I have been so succesful???

Hmm, I think not, for some reason, CD came in to my life when it was needed, when it was the only thing that could help me.

Took me 18 yrs to lose the weight, but only 5 months in the end!!!

Like you say, its the mindset, Icemoose is so right, I loved this post first time round, and I still love it now.

Eyes on the prize, 18 yrs to battle with the weight, or 5 months to win it????

I know which I would choose x
I have definitely noticed that there are two kinds of people who do the crazy diet of a VLCD :)

The first kind are those that see the diet as a prison, they aren't allowed to eat, they aren't allowed to drink, they aren't allowed to go out and socialise on the diet, they aren't allowed to do things they want to do.

The second kind are those that see the diet as a choice, at anytime they can go and eat what they want, they can go and drink what they want but they choose not to because they want to lose weight and be slim more than they want to eat or drink.
i think this is me
i chose this diet because it has taken my problems with food right away, i dont have to think what can i eat
i admit i really crave some foods and get right to edge of nibbling but i do say to myself no i can have it when i reach goal
i still go out socialising and have been to many oocasions and took my tetra with me
we also go to the pub most saturday afternoons and i have iced water
there is no reason why you should give up going out just make different choices when it comes to food and drink
The people who see the diet as a prison sentence tend to hate the diet all the way through, they generally feel unhappy while losing weight and from my experience tend to "escape" from the prison at some point and eat and drink and then the diet becomes even tougher.
yep has happend to many of my friends

For those that make a choice to just not eat or drink I find they tend to enjoy the diet!! They have made a good choice as they can feel the results and with the right mindset it is just a matter of keeping yourself focussed for a few months while you get to where you really want to get to.
cant say i alwasy enjoy it but i definetly enjoy the results and the self achievment i feel when i see the pounds coming off. it is so right your mind has to be there you need to focus and stay strong bit it is damn hard aswell

All of us who start a VLCD desperately want to lose weight for many reasons and we all know the diet is in our own heads. If you drink the packs and drink the water and avoid food then you will lose weight as it is impossible not to, the only problem is whether your mind makes you falter along the way.

mine falterd on week 13 i ate some toast and then i was so down and ashamed of myself for giving in
but i`m glad to say it was just that moment and as much as the brain chats away telling me to nibble i will beat it every time cos i want to complete my journey looking slimmer and healthier

So please please see the diet as a choice, and a very good choice as it will change your life for the better.


nice one mike
so very true
come on everyone you can do it

hey Mike!

You know what i completely agree. I feel last time i was the person trying to escape from the prison and this time i am the second person you mention which is making this diet FUN!

When i started CD 18months ago i felt i was being deprived and hunger totally took over.
This time i feel totally in control of my actions and using it an exciting challenge to see who i become.
Excellent :)

Key to success on a diet is enjoying the experience and seeing it as a major positive in your life, if you procrastinate and constantly say how hard it is and how much you hate it then your chances of suceeding are very low, if you enjoy the diet and do it with a smile on your face then it suddenly isn't hard at all :)

Love this post...words can be very powerful....I started using the word 'choose' when I got fet up with hearing myself moaning all the time:
"moan, got to go to work"
"moan, got to do something about my weight"
"moan, got to go to the gym"
I changed the "got to" to " I choose to". The realisation hit me that I can 'choose to do' or 'choose not to' and it has made a big difference to my behaviors!
I now choose to do things that will benefit me, and choose not to do things that in my heart I don't want to do!
The day has (almost) come I see my CDC for the 1st time tomorrow....I have been 'no-carbs' for a week in prep AND I CAN'T WAIT.
I'm a bit 'buzzy' today (anticipation and possible ketosis) so excuse my 'choose fest' but hey.....I know you all get me!!! :eek:)
Yep - certainly true, and this is the first diet I've been on where I've been the chooser, not the prisoner - hence why I've enjoyed it and it worked!

Gillian Riley talks alot about this subject in her book "Eating Less - Say Goodbye to Overeating" - a book I'd highly recommend!
I've only just found this post and it is a great one to remember. In all the diets I've done before, VLCD and others, it has always been a sacrifice, a punishment but this time it has been my choice, my will and damn it, I don't mind the shakes, the soups and I love the feeling of being in control... for the first time ever, I am in control of what I eat not the other way round. I think this is why I've stayed so focused and am enjoying my journey (yes, enjoying it!!) Every week I feel like I've achieved a miracle :cool:
Luckly I enjoyed the diet... I also think it is all in the head.
I really enjoy the diet I feel great and know I will friend however hates the diet and thinks its hell....she said shes only going to do it for a couple of weeks i just dont get it

Great post Mike its soooo true!
Reading this again .... so, so, right!!! :)
I started Lipotrim as a friend in work was talking about it. i can't do Cambridge or LL because you need a doctor's permission and my GP refused when I asked (not because i am not healthy because he does not agree with the diets). My friend stayed on the diet less than 2 days and she was definitely the first type - she said she went home and cried because she could not eat. I on the other hand have felt it really good - it is not nearly as hard as I would have thought it would be. I do see it as a way out of my fat prison. I was feeling desperate and now after almost a week I feel optimistic.

My big shame was when I tried on a pair of size 22 trousers and they were too small but I bought them anyway because I could not bear to buy 24. The button on them broke and I had to hold them up with a safety pin.
The other bad one was when the skin broke on the inside of my thigh from the chafing and it was all red and sore. I was too scared to go to my doctor becuase I knew he would tell me off about my weight. Eventually it cleared up but it really opened my eyes.
Spannerpan I am so with you in what you say. I too have had that dreadful inner thigh rub, so painful it bought tears to my eyes and I can't have that ever again. In fact everyone on this thread is speaking from the heart. Thankfully I am in Icemooses 2nd group, and I know that the want to pick will come soon. Thankfully reading this thread has given me insight into my behaviour and I won't be a rebellious child!
I'm in the second group too. Instead of seeing the diet (in my case, Lipotrim) as a prison, I see it as a form of release; a way to break free from the prison of obesity.

Anna, I sympathise with you regarding your doctor. He criticises you for being overweight but doesn't approve of proven diets. Shame on him. My own GP is of a similar mindset. Before I started my diet I asked him about referral to a weight management clinic: his response was that I should throw away my frying pan. If I'd had it with me, I'd have belted him with it. He was going to give me a "special" diet sheet (downloaded from the internet, no less) but his printer wasn't working, so he said he'd send it to me. I'm still waiting.

Oh yes, and his scales were rubbish. I weighed almost one stone over what I weighed at the pharmacy.
Brilliant Post! I'm going to print this off!!

I see this diet as my new life awaiting, its my choice to do it, its not a prison, it's someone opening a door and giving me an option to remove this coffin of fat around me and give me more years of life and 'living' instead of 'existing' I'm so excited about the future ahead, I dont care how hard it gets, I havent cheated once and wont either! :D:D
I must be mad because I'm enjoying this diet.

I never saw it as a prison sentence. I already felt I was in prison because I wasn't living my life.

Now I feel tons better and I've enjoyed every day so far (and I'm coming up to 140 days tomorrow). I've not cheated once and never considered giving up.

flipping eck I sound like a right swot :eek: :eek: :eek:

Wow, I've just been looking at your blog and then I saw your before and after pictures!!! that is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have completely spurred me on!!!! you have totally transformed!!!!! wow wow wow! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D
Just found this thread and.......Oh my God are you in my head Mike? That is so true, this diet (CD at present but swapping back to LL soon) for me is a prison. When I did LL last year I hated EVERY SINGLE MINUTE and was soooooo neagtive to the point where even the weight loss didn't seem worth the cost. How sad is that?!!
Question is, now that this has been pointed out will it help me stick to the diet? Hmmmmmmmmmmm.

I loved my vlcd 1st time round & in 4 1/2 months didn't cheat once & lost 7 stone... fell pregnant & went back to my old ways so am back up to being BIG again.

This time (well about the 47th time) of trying to get back on it is terrible, I am definately in the prison frame of mind & I'm trying so hard to stop this way of thinking. If I could afford it I would try a different vlcd & see if that would help my mindset!
