This or That


Chicken or tomato soup?
Tomato, as I don't eat meat but I don't like tomate soup!

Internet orders: deliver to your house or to the store?
If its 5 star ill go for the hotel, but either would be great!

Plasters: slowly slowly or rip it off in one
Roses (as my middle name is Rose)

fluffy or smooth
David Essex, he was my first ever crush (along with Rock Hudson and my teacher's fireman husband!) when I was about 8. :)

Cheddar or Camembert?
That's a toughie, both are lovely, but I'll go with Jam. :)

Monopoly or Trivial Pursuit?
Fig roll unless Swiss roll homemade..can't stand the shop bought ones

Arnie or sly? (Showing my age...)
Tricky..depends on the situation. Crusty's better with bacon so ill go with that.

Book or kindle?

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