This time I will do it!!...

Evening chick - good to hear your right back on it well done. Well done on the planning ahead thats brill. Pants to the work situ x
Thanks both.

Dreading work tomorrow, feel physically sick at the thought of it. X
Oh no, I hope work isn't too bad for you tomorrow :( can't be very nice at all.

Are you still looking for another job? X
Still looking but nothing around on the salary i need it to be :-(

Been up half the night worrying. Feel awful, just don't want to go in xx
Heya hun. Sorry didn't respond last night - had an early night.

Well, am really annoyed with myself today. It's not even half 8 and I've already had a Twix! Someone in work done the tea round and brought Twix around to have with them as everyone in work is so fed up. Argh!

Considering going back to the gym. Don't know how I'll pay for it but I am missing it and found it helped me to stick to plan. Only 4weeks to holidays too and I want to look more toned for that. What you all think?
This last stone just won't budge - been virtually the same weight since March!

Have my 1-2-1 with my manager this morning and intend to fully state how I feel - what do I have to lose? I'm a permanent member of staff so they can hardly sack me without jumping through hoops but I cannot carry on as I am and feel I need to say how I feel for my own sanity.

Rant over!
Have a nice day everyone xx
She cancelled until tomorrow morning!! Argh!

Off to Drs soon as I cannot stick this pain anymore.
The base of my back is also burning now.
And totally peeved off with my weight - up about 2lbs! It's getting ridiculous, I'm getting fatter not thinner! Argh!!! X
Oh no! Sounds like you are really suffering. One thing at at a time - get your pain sorted.
At your meeting tomorrow tell your manager that the work situation is causing you physical pain. I can see at your pains have increased in relation to your stress at work! That should make your manager sit up and take some notice!
Thanks everyone.
Dr arranging an ultrasound scan to rule out ovarian cysts. Will take around 6weeks though so he's given me some dicolofenac in the meantime :-(.

Work is making me very stressed. Just want to get my 1-2-1 over with tomorrow and say my bit. Need to get things off my chest xx