This time I will do it!!...

Lol ditto but we'd have laugh! Lol x
Heya hun. Another lazy day today, mooching around. Have cleaned the house top to bottom though and the car.
Could get quite used to being home :).

What have you been up to? X
Heya hun. Another lazy day today, mooching around. Have cleaned the house top to bottom though and the car.
Could get quite used to being home :).

What have you been up to? X

Haha its great being off isnt it. I had a lie in until 11, OH made me a cuppa I got up and made a SB cake and had half of that with fruit for brekkie. I popped to the local shops as I needed bread fruit etc - Asda was rammed I couldnt wait to get out, I felt all hot and dizzy people were crowding me whilst I was looking at the sale stuff (I would be no good going to these mega sales where everyone runs when the doors open lol)

Im hope with my new slippers on - chilling before I make some tea, im starving as I had no lunch oops x
Make something to eat mrs, you need food.
I can't face the shops either, far too busy for me. Online shopping is far easier lol.

I bought some SB yesterday so may make a cake later... X
Hungry day today! I blame TOTM, it is fast approaching and I find I'm always particularly hungry a few days before it arrive. Sorry if TMI.

OH popped over to Lidl earlier (handy as it's literally a 2min walk from home) and bought a Honey Pomello - have never tried one before, had to Google how to even eat it! So will be having that for my evening snack.

Bought some more leeks and tomatoes earlier too as well as a new flask and thermal mug, not very exciting but am planning to make some lovely warming soup to take to work next week. So tomorrow's job is making batches of soup!

Anyway, today's food:
HExA = 2x Babybel Light
HExB = Hi-Fi Christmas Pudding Bar


Potato 'Cakes' (Smash, 1/2 veg stock pot, salt, pepper & 'fried' leeks) with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Quorn Sausage (1 syn), 'fried' Egg and Brown Sauce (1 syn)

SW Roast Potatoes with Gravy (5 syns) and Mint Sauce

Honey Pomelo

Hungry day today! I blame TOTM, it is fast approaching and I find I'm always particularly hungry a few days before it arrive. Sorry if TMI.

OH popped over to Lidl earlier (handy as it's literally a 2min walk from home) and bought a Honey Pomello - have never tried one before, had to Google how to even eat it! So will be having that for my evening snack.

Bought some more leeks and tomatoes earlier too as well as a new flask and thermal mug, not very exciting but am planning to make some lovely warming soup to take to work next week. So tomorrow's job is making batches of soup!

Anyway, today's food:
HExA = 2x Babybel Light
HExB = Hi-Fi Christmas Pudding Bar


Potato 'Cakes' (Smash, 1/2 veg stock pot, salt, pepper & 'fried' leeks) with Mushrooms, Tomatoes, Quorn Sausage (1 syn), 'fried' Egg and Brown Sauce (1 syn)

SW Roast Potatoes with Gravy (5 syns) and Mint Sauce

Honey Pomelo


Lol Pomello is just like a grapefruit once your inside. It just takes some peeling lol.

I had roast pots on my tea too, lamb steaks, SW roast pots, peas and salad with balsamic glaze over yummmy
Hey xx I'm determined myself to do this time and have just online for slimming world. My history is same as yours and if I get time I will put my diary on here xx Good luck xx
Ooh, not too keen on grapefruit so will have to try it and see.

I made Cherry SB Cake earlier, haven't had one in ages, smelt lovely whilst cooking! X
Hey xx I'm determined myself to do this time and have just online for slimming world. My history is same as yours and if I get time I will put my diary on here xx Good luck xx

Good luck with your journey - SW is a great plan.
Let us know if you pop a diary on here and I'll pop along and subscribe :) x
Good luck with your journey - SW is a great plan.
Let us know if you pop a diary on here and I'll pop along and subscribe :) x

Thanks I have lost 3 stone before on SW but got cock sure of myself after getting married and piled it all back on again lol yes I most definately will xx