This time I will do it!!...

Aww no!!! so sorry hun - I hope they can sort it out so that it doesnt come to the worst scenario. ((( big hugs)))
Thanks hun. Just seems that everytime we turn a corner, something else knocks us back.

My parents, my brother and I are a really close and we normally laugh our way through everything but it's getting tough now.

I guess it could always be worse x
Its good that your close hun it will get you all through tough times. Life is shyte sometimes - try to stay positive hun. Ill be keeping my fingers crossed xx
No need for thanks hun just you take care and keep me posted xx just drop me a message if you need an ear to sound off to
Sorry to hear about ya dad, hope its not worse case scenario. Don't worry about the food just concentrate on what's best for you and your family xx
Still eating for Wales! Lol.

Dad been moved to Trauma ward for some reason. They said it's cos he needs more care?

No other real change, just have to wait I guess...

I know it's selfish but missing the kids as well, I've barely seen them cos I'm in the hospital so much x
Im not surprised. You have a lot on your plate. They will be pumping him with strong antibiotics I suspect?

Your not being selfish at all hun, you cant tear yourself in 2 and your bound to miss them.
Yeah intravenous antibiotics and anti-rejection drugs as he has had doner bone inserted around the spine as he had a metal cage fitted around the spine and his own bone wasn't strong enough for them to screw the frame to. X
Another rubbish food day. Not even posting a diary.

Can't give it too much thought - too much going on at the mo.

I will try tomorrow or I'll end up a stone heavier on Thursday.

Strange really, food used to really comfort me. Now I'm eating it hoping for the same comfort it once gave me and I don't feel anything expect despair at how much cr@p I've eaten!
You do have a lot going on hun - and you wont be a stone heavier lol. You have just said the food isnt comforting you so lets hope there is little or no damage, even it there is, it cant be helped your prioritising and thats the main thing x
Yet another awful day, what a surprise

Got me thinking - is it best to be fat and firm-ish or slim and flabby???

Can't be bothered with this anymore.
Yet another awful day, what a surprise

Got me thinking - is it best to be fat and firm-ish or slim and flabby???

Can't be bothered with this anymore.

It's best to be what your happiest been. If you need a break take it Hun, you've got alot on at the min. You may see things more clearly. If you want to carry on dont worry about a maintain/ gain you can deal with it when your ready. Just remember how amazing you felt getting into the 11's you can do this whenever you feel ready xx
Thanks Kel.

Just feeling so downbeat at the min.

I've been off plan since Thursday and weighed this morning an am already 2.5lb up.

I do want to b thin but its so hard at the min. Maybe I need to relax a little and accept the gains\maintains x
Hi chick - You have to do what feels right for you at the moment. You have lots going on and healthy eating will be the last thing on your mind. Kel is right if you need to take a break until things settle down, then do it. You know you can get back on it, its just the willpower to do it. You could put a couple of weeks holiday in at group and then see how you feel when you know whats happening with your dad. Your C will understand hun and tbh they should relax things a bit for you.

The support is here for you whatever you decide. Its hard I know ive been there when I was on WW. Chin up hun xx
Thanks Texty

I really haven't got time at the mo but I know that if I stop completely I'll put it all back on...

We have a stand-in C at the mo as our C's father is also ill. I don't even know our stand in's number to ask her opinion.

I'll have a think overnight - I always like to sleep on things lol - and decide what I'm going to do x