Thursday Weighers

Newbie to Thursday weigh-in's

I started slimming world last and i have joined with a new determind attitude than when i have joined previously. i left slimming world just over a year ago and since then i have put on 3.5lb. i supose thats not bad for just over years worth of eating and NO excercise but i want weight loss not gain!! So here goes, i have a lot to go to get to my personal targer of 13st but i am determind to do it. ideally i would like to be less than that but this can be my 1st big target. Will speak next week and let you know how much weight i have lost (hopefully!!)
Leasa said:
I started slimming world last and i have joined with a new determind attitude than when i have joined previously. i left slimming world just over a year ago and since then i have put on 3.5lb. i supose thats not bad for just over years worth of eating and NO excercise but i want weight loss not gain!! So here goes, i have a lot to go to get to my personal targer of 13st but i am determind to do it. ideally i would like to be less than that but this can be my 1st big target. Will speak next week and let you know how much weight i have lost (hopefully!!)

Good luck! Here's to a brill week for us all! :)
Pleased to report 1lb off for me last night and to be honest, I cannot believe how much I've eaten this week (that's one of my problems I think)! Have a good week all. x
1/2lb off for me! Ridiculous when you think I have another 6 stone to lose :-(
But food plan completed for the next week, and shopping done, so I expect a BIG loss next week... Wish me luck!!!
1/2lb off for me! Ridiculous when you think I have another 6 stone to lose :-(
But food plan completed for the next week, and shopping done, so I expect a BIG loss next week... Wish me luck!!!

Good Luck :cross:

I am planning a great week ahead too... I'm aiming for a 3lb loss next Thursday to break my trend of losing less and less each week :D x
And to give me my 1stone sticker!!!

My week will include
  • Lots and lots of water
  • a Ridiculous amount of Superfree Food
  • Max of 5 syns a day
  • Walk to work everyday (6hr 45mins total)
Sounds managable :confused: xx
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i gained a 1lb last night, a little shocked as expected more. Not been on track very well since xmas and my bday. So fingers crossed for next thursday
late weighing in again this week, sorry

I lost 1 and a half pounds, not great but a loss is a loss. I'm trying hard to lose 3 and a half this week to make my first stone but it's TOTM so doubt it's gonna happen :(
late weighing in again this week, sorry

I lost 1 and a half pounds, not great but a loss is a loss. I'm trying hard to lose 3 and a half this week to make my first stone but it's TOTM so doubt it's gonna happen :(
I am also trying hard for my first stone!!!
Just thought I'd report that after having reached my 3 stone award last week, I have today tried on an old pair of jeans which have sat in my wardrobe with the tags on for years, they are 2 sizes smaller than when I started sw 14 weeks ago and they fit me! Couldn't believe my eyes! I remember getting them home and tying to pull them on and they would not go past my knees, I cried then out of sadness and disappointment and i cried today with happiness! Absolutely over the moon! Just goes to show that together.. We can do it!!! X x
nadine21 said:
Just thought I'd report that after having reached my 3 stone award last week, I have today tried on an old pair of jeans which have sat in my wardrobe with the tags on for years, they are 2 sizes smaller than when I started sw 14 weeks ago and they fit me! Couldn't believe my eyes! I remember getting them home and tying to pull them on and they would not go past my knees, I cried then out of sadness and disappointment and i cried today with happiness! Absolutely over the moon! Just goes to show that together.. We can do it!!! X x

That's fantastic!!! :D

Well done you!! Inspiration to me today!! I know this jelly and Ice cream is low syns, but I fear I'm eating too much of it! Lol!

Shopping trip for you now!! :D
Fantastic! Feels so good to get those smaller clothes on!

My week has been good, hope I can keep the momentum until Thursday x
Aw thanks so much! xD already been shopping... Mama n daddy's treat ;) have been spoilt rotten :) lots of lovely new clothes to show off on my weekend away with the boyf! Has been a very good day :)

Definitely keeping things up for this weeks w.i I need to lose more haha! Good luck guys n dolls :) x x


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nadine21 said:
Aw thanks so much! xD already been shopping... Mama n daddy's treat ;) have been spoilt rotten :) lots of lovely new clothes to show off on my weekend away with the boyf! Has been a very good day :)

Definitely keeping things up for this weeks w.i I need to lose more haha! Good luck guys n dolls :) x x

Those boots are cute, I love them

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