Tiggertoes on Atkins

As long as your enjoying it, thats what matters!!
As long as you are determined to get back on track. I've been enjoying your diary, dont let it all slip you've made a really good start!
j x
You'll soon be back in the zone! Have you seen any of Charles Clarke books, he recommends 40g carbs and allows one piece of wholemeal bread a day :)
I'm definitely not giving in. Can't get rid of me that quickly ;)

Nights and girl week just taking its toll. Shift work is really hard on my system and sometimes I find it easier than other times to avoid blow-outs.

Thanks for the suggestion Sands, I've not read any of his stuff but I can't even have bread as I've recently been diagnosed with Celiac disease and bread in particular whole meal makes me very ill. Cake "unfortunately " only has mild effect on me...

I tried to bake ML 's cheesecake cupcakes yesterday and they flopped and ended in the bin and then I tried baking a flax / almond flour loaf which is edible but incredibly dense and takes some effort to swallow so I think I felt a bit defeated in the sugar free baking department which led to my demise today. That and too many hours at work and not being able to plan and prepare my meals.

My head is in the right place and I will get back on top of things. Fear not my friends.

Weightloss is going so well at the moment and I don't want to screw that up. Almost fit comfortably back into my size 16 jeans again.

Totally of of Ketosis already :( so I'll have to go through all of that again.

Night night all xx
Oh dear, sorry you've been feeling so rough. Totm for me too and it's never fun.

Did the cheesecakes sink in the middle or flopped as in didn't taste right? In the recipe I was working from them sinking was a common problem - cooking in a waterbath and letting them cool very slowly in the oven solved it for most people. My first lot before I tried that were all misshapen - but still if that happens they should still taste ok? People were just putting cream in the dips where they sunk.

I made an almond bread today - recipe in my diary which I think with the addition of some cream, sweetener and vanilla flavor in the mix would also make a nice sponge.

Or there's the old standard of the chocolate mim.

Rhubarb, strawberries and blueberries are good go to fruits when you're desperate. Also sugar free jelly.

We all have slips and moments when we need something else. Please be careful if you're celiac though, even if cake doesn't make you feel bad the damage it might be doing isn't worth it, especially as there are gorgeous gluten free cakes out there if you still need the sugar ;) not lecturing, I've just had similar problems to the ones celiac throw up and know you really want to avoid it if you can.

You'll be fine though, just get back on plan when you're able and you'll be shifting the lbs again in no time.
Oh there's also no bake cheesecake - to totally take the risk out of it. Whip some cream until it's stiff then fold in cream cheese and add sweetener and flavoring or cocoa. Mix together well and set in the fridge for a few hours.

Or mousse: mix a pack of sugar free jelly of your choice and let it set half way- then whisk in a few gluts of heavy cream, put in little pots and leave to set.
Hi ML. Thanks for the suggestions.

My cheesecakes tasted terrific but they sunk and I think it has to do with the paper cupcake cups. They're utter rubbish. I'm still trying to find my feet with baking and I think once it takes off I'll be fine. I need new equipment but I have no more space in my tiny kitchen. :(

I had a look at your almond bread and it looks good. I might try that next. I'm glad you pointed out it doesn't taste eggy because I can't handle eggy tastes and smells unless their coming off eggs.

I've just come off the rails slightly this week but I'll be back in action next week.

I'm currently working 12hr shifts and my last one is on Tuesday so I'll have a couple of days next week to make some new gf/sf food.

I think I'm still in denial about Celiac. I am trying to convince myself that it's only bread... Silly I know. I've heard some nasty stuff about gluten free products but I suppose until I try for myself I'll never know.
If they tasted fine, no reason to chuck them - just top with some whipped cream and nobody knows ;)

I think I got my little silicone cupcake wrappers from the pound shop. I just put water in a deep baking tray and stand them in that.

It is really important to look after yourself with celiac. It's not just about how you feel immediately after, it's what it can do inside you. I know it's frightening to be dealing with a new condition but the good news with celiac is that as long as you follow a gluten free diet the risks associated with it go back to zero. For most people the condition can be completely controlled with diet. Once you're on maintenance with Atkins get yourself a few cookbooks - wonders can bs performed with almond flour and coconut flour etc. Lots of amazing chocolate cakes to be made, too. My mum and grandmother both eat gluten free and the pastas and breads are pretty good now, a few years ago the options weren't great but not waitrose do some really nice stuff, so do marks and sparks. Mums only complaints about gluten free is that the pasta can't be cooked al-dente, it has to be soft, and it's hard to get properly crusty bread. She eats these gluten free pretzel snacks that I like better than normal ones!

Hope your shifts go smoothly and you start feeling more upbeat soon. Don't worry about the slip on the eating plan, we've all done it. Xx
Morning TT, good luck getting back on track!
Hey Tigs

Sorry to hear about the celiac but as ML says, there's loads of wheat free stuff out there.

I'm craving sweet stuff too as totm approaches, and I'd give my right arm for a crusty roll right now! Time to make some flax bread, I think!
Hello girls. Thanks a lot for the support. I'm relatively confident it will eventually become part of my everyday.

I'm currently low carbing with the addition of fruits and the occasional l/f s/f g/f treat but I will get back to 100% Atkins week after next.

Weight still staying away so not all bad in my camp.
Unfortunately I have heaps of house work to do so that's probably most of my week gone but I'll be sure to slot in some vegetation ;)
I've ordered 2 gluten free cookbooks and some coconut and almond flour. I'll be experimenting next week.

I've had a WI and delighted to still be losing weight. I'm now at my lowest since can't remember when and it feels great. Only half a pound away from 21lbs loss since my heaviest weight (around March - April.)

Work today and tomorrow and then a few days rest then back on nights this weekend.
That's fab, TT. I haven't used coconut flour as I hate coconut taste but I am told it makes things nice and fluffy.
Thanks ML. I've read that to. Supposedly it's because its dried then milled so when it cooks it swells and keeps the moisture. Very similar to normal flour. I think it has a very delicate coconut flavour. I love coconut so I can't wait to bake with it.
Yup that's what I read - I think you need to add extra water when you bake with it as it soaks up more. V interested to see your results! I'm being restrictive on how much of anything with almond flour I have per day as I could easily get carried away - 5g carb from almond flour every two days is about my max right now.