Time to be tenacious!


Full Member
Good morning!!!!

I've never really thought about doing a Diary before, but i'm guessing that's one of the reasons why im in the position I am. Clearly I'm in denial about what is passing these lips!

I have tried so many diets - WW, SW, LL, Atkins. And then I had an epiphany yesterday. I only actually need to eat less calories than i need and i lose weight!!! Fancy that!!!!! I've mooched about on MFP for a while but i'm going to take it seriously now.

So, I have about 4st to lose and i'm going to limit myself to 1300 cals and up the excercise and see where that gets me!

So today will be:

Breakfast - 276
1 x Tesco Light Choices Cumberland Sausage - 78 cals
1 x Activia Cherry Yoghurt - 93 Cals
1 x Banana - 105 Cals

Lunch - 127
2 x Black Cracked Pepepr Ryvita 76 Cals
1 x WW Chicken Noodle Soup - 51 Cals

Dinner - 540
Salt n Pepper Squid - 200 Cals
Chinese Sea Bass - 200 Cals
Tesco Singapore Noodles - 140 Cals

Snacks - 388
Quavers - 88 Cals
White Wine - 300

Total 1331 Calories but please bear in mind that its the Mr's birthday and he's heading over from camp to drink wine with me!

1331 Calories isnt bad for a birthday!
Wednesday 17th April

Breakfast - 80 cals
WW Cherry Yoghurt - 60 cals
Coffee with Milk and Sweetener - 20 cals

Lunch - 272 Cals
4 Rye Ryvita 136 cals
2 Blue Cheese Laughing Cow - 50cals
Cucumber Crudites - 8 cals
Pepper Crudites - 16 Cals
Ainsley Harriet Hot Szechuan Soup - 62 Cals

Dinner - 268 Cals
2 x Kingsmill Thick Wholemeal Bread - 160 cals
1 x poached egg - 74 cals
1/2 Tin Plum Tomatoes - 34 cals

Snacks - 395 cals
Quavers - 88 cals
Milk - 74 Cals
Chocolate finger - 30 cals
Jelly Baby - 20 Cals
Birthday Cake - 200 Cals
Cherry Diet Coke - 3 Cals

Total - 1015 Calories

I am massivley pleased that I only had 1 jelly baby and 1 chocolate finger!
Ok so the reality is that I need to be posting my diary AFTER the event as what i'd like to eat and what i eat are two entirely different things!
I ended up on 1463 Calories yesterday but earnt 240 through exercise so had 47 remaining. I'm cool with that! I have to be honest and say that I'm really enjoying CC. MFP is amazingly useful and i love earning calories through exercise. I did the 2 mile walk Leslie Sansone workout last night and loved it! I just kind of feel like its all coming together at last.
Have a good day xx
Good Morning!!!!!!!
I love fridays i do! Only 6 hours and 11 minutes until home time!

I had a really good day yesterday and did a 4 mile walk with Leslie Sansone. My 6 year old is overweight (10lb 4oz baby and never slimmed it off) and she joined in with me which was great! We both really enjoyed it and I got to burn 576 Calories! Werhooooo!

Anyway, here is my munchies for yesterday:

Frusli Blueberry Bar - 113 cals
Strawberry WW Yog - 54 Cals
Fresh Blueberries 150gms - 48 cals

Sweet Chilli Tesco Noodles - 275
Peach Snackpot - 98

Sweet Chilli Chicken WW Meal - 311 cals

Quavers - 88 cals
Instant Coffee and milk - 10
Bananax2 210
Tea with Milk - 10
Diet Pepsi - 2
Rye Ryvita - 34
Bovril - 15
Vimto Lolly - 38
Pinot Grigio - 330
Walkers Worcester Sauce Crisps - 129

Total Food - 1765
Total Exercise - 576

Net - 1189 Cals

Happy days!!!!!