time to get myself sorted

pos bird

Full Member
I don't have a massaive of weight to loose, would be happy to loose a stone. At this weight i believe i will be comfortable within myself. I have tried the high protein high fat diets, dukan diet, protein shakes but i miss eating normal food. I have set myself up to start tomorrow. I just want to loose weight whilst feeling normal. I did slimming world when I had my two children and did get to my target weight but the fad diets then kicked in. Due to my work shifts i would miss too many classes so will be doing it from home. This site is brilliant so i am saying hi and here's to healthy weight loss. will probably stick with red days and throw in an EE when i fancy noodles as this is how i lost weight last time..
Thank you. Just looked out the window to a blanket of snow. Please don't close the school i want to go to class.
Good luck, I've tried all the meal replacement diets but miss food and being able to socialise not just sitting there with a bottle of water while everyone eats!!! I'm in my first wk so if you get stuck or need a buddy message me and we can help each other xx

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Thank you. Going to class tonight to get the books. Good luck with the plan and thumbs up to our weight loss.x