Tips on planning in advance!

What a great thread! I'm only just finding my feet with SW as started it properly today. I bought a coloured note book from paperchase a while ago though and I'm using that to plan and make notes of any tips I learn and also write my shopping list as I go. So far, I've read through the food optimising book and made a list of available breakfasts from my own food stock for quick reference. I'm planning on alternating between red and green days as this has worked for me previously. I'd also like to make some meals in bulk so I can freeze them and have ready made lunches for work. I used to think that to plan was not natural as I didn't see slim people writing a food diary etc, but when I looked closely, I did notice they would eat some syns one day and then compensate for it the next. So, I suppose we are all naturally planning our next meal in whatever form it may take Lisa