To extract or not to extract!

big bear

A bear on a mission!
I've been having trouble with my teeth since last year. I had a filling in my tooth but it keeps flaring up with pain & making my face swell up.

I went to the dentist today & I'm on antibiotics again :( She wants to do root canal treatment on it. I thought it would better to take it out.

It is top very back tooth, she said it would be easier to extract due to the postion of it but she wants to try save the tooth by root canal as I'm young!!!

So anyone experience of root canal treatment, is it painful, does it 'save' the tooth or do you think I'm right in just having it removed?? :cry:

I'd have it extracted. If the root canal doesn't sort it then its just gonna end up being extracted anyway, so might as well have it taken out in the first place. Thats what i'd do anyway.
I had the same problem. It need up being an old injury from judo that had split my tooth and had an abscess in the root. Ouch! I had a root canal and it didn't work. And I ended up having it extracted which initially i didn't want. I was only 19. But now it's sort of closed up a little bit so the gaps not as big and I'm thrilled the agony is gone!
I would advise an extraction.
I had route canal on my back tooth as the dentist wanted to save it - it was agony! I ended up on antibiotics and had to have it removed anyway.
Just had the 1st part of my root canal done on my top back right tooth and had the one 2 forward form it completed! wasn't sore at all just the odd sensation as the local went in. Worst bit was having to keep mouth open for 10 mins. I had one other root canal done before and that also was fine. I was lucky as I didn't need antibiotics as I noticed the sensitivity increasing before any infection set in so dentist was able just to get straight on and fix it. Really only you can make the decision. Your gonna need local anaesthetic in which ever is done and given the pain my mate had when she had her top wisdom tooth out I would not look on extraction lightly. But as I said this is just my opinon and tis your tooth!