To feeling good inside and out


Full Member
Hey I thought I'd start a diary to keep my hands busy and out the biscuit tin.
Anyway a bit about me I'm Emma 23 years old and weight a big 12st12 lbs that might not seem to bad but for my 5ft1 frame every pound looks like 10. I suppose my weight problem has crept up on me over the last 3 years since having my daughter. The boredom of being at home just lead to constant snacking also I was a massive coke cola fan and think that's most of the problem. I am currently one day 5 and have surprised myself especially at resisting temptation (everyone around me seems to be living of takeaways) but I know from doing Cambridge last year it's not worth it am def in the right frame of mind after going out for my 23rd birthday and not feeling comfortable in anything I tired on just put me on a downer for the night and I vowed that the last time I will feel like that. I have a Halloween party on 27th so would like to try lose a stone before then. So here's my start to the new and happy me
Day 5
Had shake this morning ( banana my fav) Have busy day so just had my truffle bar very nice and am planning to have 2 egg cheese omelette for tea. Def need to increase my water seem to be drinking more tea. Very proud of myself today really fancied some chips and as usual My brain came up with all these way I could have it and it be ok but manage to resist which I think sadly enough is one of the hardest things I've done in a whole ( sad I know) but on track still so very happy with that.
You are doing great.

Time will soon fly by
Just had my cheese omelette and added a bit of bacon which was quite high in calories not sure if that matter on this diet but am going to do 30mins on cross trainer to burn it off just incase as really don't want something like that effecting wi to much. Does anyone no if it matters if add a few extra calories or is ok to as no carbs still?