Today I...


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made my first home cooked meal for my little girl. I felt a bit sad that I couldn't sit and eat it with her but I had some porridge so that I felt like I was participating. I just hope when I look back on this time in years to come it isn't all I remember.

I want so badly to lose the weight, not only for me but for her too and hope that I can shift it before she becomes aware of the fact that Mummy doesn't eat the same way she does. I want her to have a healthy attitude to food and exercise and never have to struggle to love herself and be healthy.

Phew, that got a bit deep. Typically, she wasn't interested in it! ;)

L xox
It's hard isn't it. I have been cooking for the kids and oh but it's not the same when u can't join them. That's what I am missing. My five year old has started to notice I am not eating, I said that I had already eaten and he seemed happy with the reply.

I have battled with my weight since my teens and like you just want my kids to adopt a healthy lifestyle and not have to worry about their weight. Education at a young age is so important, France have dramatically reduced their childhood obesity rates by changing the foods being served in schools and the teaching continues during lunch times.
Agreed. Kids need more emphasis on what is and isn't healthy. They're taught that eating a sandwich per dat is healthy and actually, it's not the best choice. Same with all these baked crisps and drinks with aspartame. We're fed too much crap by the government which is funded by the people that make the chemicals!