Toning Exercises


Says it as it is!!!
There has been a few questions about what toning exercises can be done i have found this so thought i would stick it on a thread! xx:D
Exercises for the Lower Body
Squats are the main exercise for the legs in many fitness programs. Squats are a closed-chain exercise that develop the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and erector spinae. They can be performed without weight or using barbells or dumbbells.
To do the basic squat, stand holding the barbell behind the shoulders with the feet about shoulder width apart. Bend the knees and slowly lower the body until the thighs are parallel to the floor, then rise to a standing position. Each squat should be done in a controlled, with the head upright.
The squat can become a high risk exercise when done as a "full squat", lowering the thighs past parallel toward the floor. Doing such deep squats stretches the knee joints into a fully opened position that supports the entire body weight, causing extreme stress to the supporting ligaments of the joint.
Keeping the knees directly over or behind the toes is important also. When the knees are allowed to bend out beyond the toes, undue pressure is applied to the joint.
I teach a group weight training class in which many of the students are mature exercisers, many over the age of 60. I have noticed that some of my students have various problems when doing squats, due to inflexibility, postural problems, or lack of strength. Some of the improper form I see is allowing the head to droop forward and look downward, the inability to bend the knee/hip joints enough to squat straight down and up (some look more like they are bowing!), and not keeping the back straight.
I teach these students an alternative squat: The Wall Squat
The students stand with their backs against a wall and their feet out about 2 feet away from the wall (or thigh length away from the wall). The students slide down the wall until their knees are at a 90 degree angle, then they slide back up. This is repeated for a full set of 12 repetitions. This modified squat helps them keep their backs straight, their knees are not compromised, and they have some extra support. While this type of squat doesn't target the hamstrings as much as a standard squat, it is a safe way to condition the quadriceps, and some people with knee injuries or chronic conditions that prevent them from performing standard squats can do this squat easily.
Single Leg Squat
Stand on a step with one foot hanging off the side. Slowly bend your knees and lower into a squat, keeping your body weight on the foot standing on the step. Use this leg to raise yourself back up. Repeat 12-15 times then switch legs. Do up to three sets, with or without weights.
Resistance Ball Squats
Place a resistance ball between your back and a wall. The ball should be at low back level. Place your feet out so that your can produce a 90 degree bend as you lower your body. Stabilize yourself against the resistance ball by tightening your abdominal muscles. Keep you torso and head in line. Slowly bend your knees and let your back roll down the ball until your knees are bent 90 degrees, then slowly straighten your legs and roll back up the wall. Keep your leg muscles tightened through the entire motion. Have your arms crossed over your chest or resting lightly on your thighs (avoid pushing on your legs with your hands.) Repeat for 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
Squats for Targeting the Buttocks
1) Standing Squat - Develops the quadriceps and buttocks (not a basic exercise)
Use barbell, dumbbells, elastic resistance, or Smith rack

Starting Position:
  • Stand upright with weight evenly distributed between feet
  • Feet placed a bit wider than the hips
  • Hands wide enough for balance
  • Normal spine curvature, chest lifted
  • Look straight ahead
Performing the Squat:
  • Move hips back and toward the floor, flexing the hips, knees, and ankles.
  • Keep chest lifted, buttocks back, and abs tight
  • Align knees over feet
  • Thigh no lower than parallel with floor
  • Push up with quads
2) Standing Stationary Lunge - Essentially a one legged squat
Use barbell, dumbbells, or elastic resistance

Starting Position:
  • Standing posture with feet shoulder width apart
  • Normal spine curvature, abs tight
  • Look straight ahead
  • Shoulder blades together
Performing the Squat:
  • Step straight forward with one leg, keep chest lifted (pretend you are wearing skis; keep toes pointed forward)
  • Bend the knees and lower straight down toward the floor
  • Proper stride length is when knee is bent directly over heel
  • Shoulders and head over hips
  • Step heel to toe, when returning to standing, lift toe to heel
  • Do 12 repetitions on right leg, 12 repetitions on left leg (2-3 sets)
Front Lunges
The lunge is a wonderful leg exercise that works most of the muscles in the leg simultaneously. It is a closed chain exercise, meaning that there is foot contact with the floor surface. It is very effective at strengthing the leg muscles as well as training dynamic balance and coordination.

A good way to teach proper lunges is with a 4-part method:
  1. Starting with feet together, step one foot out into a very wide stance, toes of both feet pointing forward.
  2. Bend the knees and lower the body straight down, keeping the front knee above or slightly behind the ankle, and the back leg bent 90 degrees. Keep the body "tall."
  3. Raise the body back up by straightening the legs.
  4. Return to starting position by pushing off the front heel, flexing the foot.
Lunges can be very challenging to learn and perform properly. Some of the mistakes people make when doing front lunges are:
  1. Stepping forward into a narrow stance.
  2. Turning the feet outward.
  3. Allowing the front knee to go over the toes.
  4. Leaning the body over the front knee or leaning backward.
  5. Trying to keep the back leg straight instead of bending it toward the floor.
When students are first learning to do front lunges you can break down the movement skills into easier parts:
  1. Teach the student to step into a wide stance that will allow them enough leg room to do the lunge without straining the knees. By having them practice just the step out and feeling how wide they can go, their balance will be trained. I also have them practice keeping their feet pointed forward. A verbal cue I use is to be "a giraffe on skis."
  2. Practice lunge squats. After stepping out wide enough, the student lowers and raises the body, bending the knees at the proper angles 6-12 times, depending on leg and knee strength. Both lead legs should be drilled with the lunge squats. Individuals with balance problems should have a chair back, ballet bar, or wall nearby to assist with balance when needed.
  3. When practicing the full front lunge have the student pause slightly between lunges to regain any lost balance and evaluate performance. There is no need to rush through this exercise.
  4. Have new students do front lunges without weights until their form is good.
The Wagon Wheel
This is an intense leg routine that consists of Front Lunges, Side Step Squats, and Back Lunges. Begin on the right leg. Do 8-12 front lunges, 8-12 side step squats, 8-12 back lunges. On the left leg, do 8-12 back lunges, 8-12 side step squats, 8-12 front lunges.
Perform 8-12 active rest toe raises.
Begin on the left leg, do 4-8 front lunges, 4-8 side step squats, 4-8 back lunges. On the right leg do 4-8 back lunges, 4-8 side step squats, 4-8 front lunges.
Perform 8-12 active rest toe raises.
On the right leg, do 1 front lunge, 1 side step squat, 1 back lunge, 1 toe raise. Switch to the left leg.
Repeat the single moves 2-4 times on each leg.
Step Ups
Step Ups are my favorite weight training exercise for the legs. They demand muscle strength and control, and balance. They are a great alternative to squats or the leg press exercise.
The client should start on a lower step, 8 inches, and gradually increase to a 12 inch step. Step Ups should be learned without weight and then the amount of weight gradually increased. This is an exercise that the client will eventually want to use substantial weight. Either barbells or dumbbells can be used.
Stand behind the step with either foot planted firmly on the top. Use the quadriceps to slowly raise the body up onto the foot on the step, 2-4 counts. Hold for a pause then lower to the floor even slower, 4-6 counts, to activate the hamstrings. Do 12 repetitions on both legs. Repeat for 2-3 sets.
Two Sided Step Up
Holding dumbbells, place your right foot on a tall step, 10-13 inches tall. Pull yourself up, pause, move your left foot to the side of the step and slowly lower it to the floor. Then pull yourself up, pause, move your left foot to the back of the step and slowly lower down. This is one repetition. Repeat for 8-12 repetitions, then switch legs. Do two full sets each leg.
Standing Leg Raise - For the Gluteus Medius
Strap a 3 - 5 pound ankle weight on your right leg and stand with feet shoulder width apart. Holding on to a wall bar or chair back for balance, bend knees slightly and extend right leg back and up at a 45-degree angle. Hold for one breath; slowly lower, keeping hips stationary. Repeat 12-15 repetitions then switch to the left leg. Do 3 sets on each leg.
Self Resistance Leg Extension & Leg Curl
Leg Extension: Lie on your back, legs over your hips and knees bent at 90 degrees. Cross your ankles. The top leg will apply resistance against the bottom leg as you straighten your legs toward the ceiling. The bottom leg can also provide some resistance against the top leg as you return to starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions, then switch the ankles and repeat for 10 more repetitions. Use as much or as little self-resistance to feel the muscles work.
Leg Curl: Lie on your stomach, with your chin resting on your crossed hands. Maintain your chin on your hands throughout the exercise to prevent straining your low back. Cross your ankles. The top leg will apply resistance against the bottom leg as you bend your legs toward the ceiling. The bottom leg can also provide some resistance against the top leg as you return to starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions, then switch the ankles and repeat for 10 more repetitions. Use as much or as little self-resistance to feel the muscles work.
Standing Hip Extension
Targeting the Gluteals!
Use elastic resistance, ankle weights, or cables and weight stacks

  • Attach weight or resistance band to ankle while standing
  • Move leg slightly back to give tension
  • Stand upright with weight over supporting leg, hold on to bench or bar for support
  • Contract abdominal muscles
  • Head, shoulders, and hips are over weight bearing leg
  • Lift leg back as high as possible keeping spine straight
  • Do not flex knee, movement is only at the hip
  • Hold and bring down to starting position
Side Lying Hip Abduction with Internal and External Hip Rotation

  • Place tubing around ankles.
  • Lie on side with body straight and tight.
  • Contract abdominal muscles.
  • Lift top leg as high as possible without rotation (keep knee forward).
  • Rotate hip externally until knee points toward ceiling.
  • Rotate hip internally until knee points toward floor
  • Return to neutral rotation
  • Lower leg to starting position with control.
Repeat with comfortable amount of repetitions and sets with each leg. This exercise can also be done while standing.
Leg Work
1) Seated Heel Raise
Using a calf machine: Position the client sitting upright with neutral spinal posture and hips and knees at right angles. Have client raise heels by contracting their calves, directing the movement upwards, until the ankles are fully extended. When bringing the heels back to the starting position maintain control and tension in the working muscles to avoid overstretching.
2) Seated Leg Extension
Strap a resistance band around both feet and sit upright on an inclined step, place hands on step for support and non-working leg at a comfortable angle on the step. Extend and contract working leg to a fully straight position and return to starting position.
3) Prone Leg Curl
Lie face down on leg curl machine with knees just off the edge of the bench and roller pad above the heels, legs about 4 inches apart. Draw heels towards buttocks by contracting hamstrings and then slowly lower back to starting position.
A Better Butt for Everyone (Part One)
Has your butt lost its perk? Gotten too big for its britches? Not for long! Over the next three newsletters we will give you exercises to make your butt rounder, higher, smaller or all of the above. Remember, in addition to these keep up with cardio (make yourself sweat) for at least 30 minutes 3-5 times a week!

Exercises for a Rounder Butt:
  • Tiptoe Lunge-
    Stand on your tiptoes with your right side towards a wall about a foot away, with your right hand on the wall, left hand by your side. Place the left hand on the hip, lunge right foot forward 2-3 feet (still on toes). Hold the lunge, tilt tailbone under, then back in small pulses (8-20 times). Return to starting position, switch legs and repeat.
  • Single Leg Knee Raises-
    Stand with right towards a wall about a foot away with right hand on wall for support and left hand on hip. Bend right knee and lift it as high as you can, pulse knee up and down a few inches 30-50 times. Straighten right leg in front of you, hold for 5 seconds. Return to starting position, switch leg and repeat.
  • Starting Block Pulse-
    Get into a starting block “ready” position (Crouch down, left foot forward, right foot back, heel lifted; lower the torso to the knee so fingers touch ground). Slowly lift butt into a “set” position. Pulse butt up and down a few inches 30-50 times. Return to starting position, switch legs, and repeat.
A Better Butt For Everyone (Part Two)

This is the second installation of our bootie exercise routine. These exercises will lift the glutes and give you a higher butt. They hone in on where your rear meets your leg, toning this area hikes up your whole backside.
  • Wall Plie:
    Stand with your back against a wall, feet more than shoulder width apart, toes turned out. Slide down the wall until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Hold position and raise up on your toes for two counts, then lower for two counts; repeat 10-15 times.
  • Infinity knee lifts:
    Stand with right side about 1 foot from the wall, right hand on wall for support, left hand on hip. Bend knee 90 degrees and lift to waist level. Keeping right knee slightly bent, trace an infinity symbol with your left knee; do 10-20 times in a row. Switch legs and repeat.
A Better Butt For Everyone (Part Three)

In this third and last part of the butt workout we are going to shrink those rears. Sculpting the sides of your butt, as these moves do, visibly narrows your rear end.
  • Single Leg Hop:
    Standing upright, bend left knee and lift as high as you can towards your chest; grasp left shin with both hands to hold knee in raised position. Jump a few inches off the floor with right foot; immediately repeat; do 20-40 times in a row. Switch legs and repeat.
  • Tap, Tap, Kick:
    Lie on left side, left hand supporting head, right forearm on ground in front of you; bend knees, placing thighs at a right angle to torso. Lift right heel and tap right knee to left knee. Now lift right knee and tap right foot to left foot. Extend right leg; pause. Return to start; repeat. Do 10-15 reps. Switch sides, repeat.
  • Butt Burner:
    Lie back and put feet on the wall about hip-width apart, knees bent 90 degrees, arms by sides. Turn toes in a few inches, pressing knees and inner thighs together. Lift butt and lower back several inches off the floor; pause, squeezing butt. Return to start; repeat. Do 10-15 reps. Pulse up and down 20 times on last rep.
Special Training for Running Muscles
Here are some specific exercises to train running muscles. Do the following 1-2 times a week. They can be done after a thorough warm-up and before the actual run.
HOPPING increases ankle strength and hip flexors. Start with feet shoulder width apart. Hop up and down on one foot for 30 seconds then switch. Hop on each leg for 2 30second sets. You can hop forward or stay in place
SKIPPING strengthen ankles & calves. Skip like you did when you were a child only exaggerated. Push off your toes and lift your knees high, propelling yourself up and forward. Coordinate arm movements with legs. Skip for 2-3 minutes.
BUTT KICKS. Leaning slightly forward, alternately kick each heel toward your butt as you move forward. Do 2 sets for 30-60 seconds
Effective Elliptical Training
Be aware of the abdominal and back extensor muscles, maintaining good posture. To focus on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and gluteal muscles keep your heels flat on the pedals. Move your body from the hips down, avoiding any swaying side to side. Your can pedal backward or change the incline for greater intensity, however continue to maintain tall posture, lifting the chest and tightening the abdominals.
Deep Water Running
Wearing a flotation belt or vest, run as you would on land, moving lets up and down. The downward stride should aim slightly backward. Bring knees up to 90 degrees and lean forward slightly. Pump your arms. Run at a moderate intensity for 5 - 10 minutes. As you progress move your legs faster and arms more forcefully and increase your running time.
Lol Nic, you and your research! Thanks hun xxx
Upper body

Pushups are one of the best exercises for strengthening and toning the chest, shoulders, arms, and for stabilizing the abdominals. Doing full pushups, on your toes, works the abdominal stability better than knee pushups. Unfortunately, many students have trouble doing even one pushup.
Start by teaching them to hold the "plank" position, the up position of the pushup. Start with hands shoulder width apart then push the body up. Instruct and assist your students to line their bodies up from the feet to the head. Tighten the abdominals and gluteus muscles. Extend the head in line with the spine. Hold the plank for 10-20 seconds.
The next step in learning pushups is the eccentric pushup. From the plank position, have your students lower themselves down as slowly as they can go while exhaling. Instruct them to just get back up into the plank position however they can and repeat the eccentric movement.
Keep the elbows close to the body. Have your students continue to do pushups in good form. If they cannot complete 10 full pushups, have them finish with eccentric pushups for the full amount.
Resistance Band Reverse Flyes
either the Dynaband type or tubing bands. Students stand with their feet shoulder width apart, knees soft, in upright posture. Instruct them to relax the tops of their shoulders during the exercise, not allowing them to rise up toward the ears.
Hold the band out in front of the body with both hands. The level of the arms should be about chest level and the hands should hold the band about 8-12 inches apart. At this time there is no pressure on the band, but it is not slack either.
Keeping the arms straight and at chest level, open them to the sides, stretching the band across the chest and squeezing the shoulder blades together to activate the rhomboids. Avoid letting the low back arch by contracting the abdominal muscles. Return the arms to the starting position and repeat for a set of 10-12. After a rest, do another set.
Prone Back Extension
Lie facedown on the floor with your feet about hip-width apart, arms at your sides. Contract your abdominal muscles toward your spine to lift your abdomen slightly off the floor.
Lift your head, then your shoulders off the floor as you reach up and back with your arms. Raise your arms up to shoulder height, pulling the shoulder blades together and down. Then move your arms out to the sides. Focus on maintaining the back extension and not lowering the torso. Hold for four counts. Lower gently to the floor.
Do 6 repetitions and work up to 12 as you get stronger.
Dumbbell Pullover
This exercise develops the latisimus dorsi, pectorals, and serratus muscles. It also provides a great stretch.
Lie on a bench with feet flat on the floor. Arms are extended directly above the shoulders with elbows soft, not locked. Hold a single dumbbell in both hands and squeeze the hands together throughout the entire range of motion. Moving very slowly, lower the arms behind your head as far as possible without pain, then return them to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
By turning your thumbs toward each other as you lower the weight on a chest flye, you cause a forceful contraction at an angle that your muscles are not used to. This muscle confusion is a key to gaining strength and tone.
Lie on a bench with dumbbells in each hand, palms facing inward. Press the weights straight up above your chest, squeezing the pectoral muscles. As you lower the dumbbells, rotate your hands and let your thumbs point toward the ceiling. You're your palms back to starting position before each repetition. Continue your repetitions in this manner. Perform 2-3 sets of 10 to 12 reps.
Multiple Versions - Dumbbell Shoulder Press

The shoulder press can be done in several ways, each with a different challenge level.
  1. Standard Shoulder Press
    Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees soft, abdominal muscles tight and neutral spine. Using medium heavy dumbbells, press both toward the ceiling and down, slowly and with control. Repeat for 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
  2. Alternating Shoulder Press
    Same body position as #1. Alternate right and left arms up and down with medium heavy weight. Avoid rocking the body weight as the arms alternate. Stabilize the body so that only the arms move. Do 12 total on each arm (24 total presses) for 3 sets.
  3. Seated Shoulder Press
    When sitting, it is important to stabilize the back straight with the abdominal muscles. Feet are firmly on the floor with knees bent 90 degrees. Do either both arms or alternate the presses, slowly and with control.
  4. Eccentric (Negative) Shoulder Press
    From any of the above positions or arm patterns, raise the weight in 2 counts and lower in 8 counts, with control.

Bicep Concentration Curl
Sit on a bench or high step with your legs wide apart. Holding a dumbbell in one hand, lean forward from the hips and place the elbow of the weight bearing arm against your inner thigh to stabilize the weight. Curl up the weight and lower with control for 12 repetitions. Repeat on other arm. Do 2-3 sets. Remember to keep your back straight, tighten your abdominals, and keep your head in line with your shoulders.
Standing Biceps Curl
Use either dumbbells, curl bar, or resistance band.

Stand upright with a neutral spine
Start with full elbow extension, arms slightly forward of body, palms up
  • Keep shoulders, elbows, wrists in same position throughout the exercise
Perform- Bring hands toward shoulders, flex elbows through full range of motion, and then lower back down with control. Do 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps.

Bicep/Shoulder Combo
Combine a bicep curl with an overhead press. Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your arms at your sides. Slowly do a bicep curl, then turn your hands so that your palms face forward. Raise your arms overhead then slowly lower the arms to your shoulders. Lower the weights to your side. Repeat for 10-12 repetitions, 2-3 sets.
Decline Exercises
Doing an old favorite exercise at a new angle can spice up your workout and make your muscles say WOW!
* Reverse curlups lying with your head at the top of a decline bench. Hold onto the bench, stabilize your low back and abs, and slowly raise your legs with knees bent until they are vertical to the floor, then slowly lower them to starting position. 2-3 sets of 12
* Do lying triceps extensions on the decline with your head at the bottom of the bench. Hold dumbbells with arms atraight above your chest. Slowly bend your elbows and lower the weight toward your head, stopping short of your face. Slowly straighten your arms and return weights. Do 2-3 sets of 12
* Lie on your stomach with your head at the top of the decline bench. Do rear delt side raises with dumbbells keeping arms straight. 2-3 sets of 12
Upper Body Workout

Bent Arm Flys (Chest)
  • Start on your back on a flat surface bench; hold one dumbbell in each hand above your shoulders, with your arms slightly bent.
  • Inhale as you move the dumbbells away from each other and towards the floor.
  • Exhale as you return the dumbbells to the starting position.
  • For variation this exercise can be performed on an incline or decline bench.
Bent Arm Pullover (Chest/Triceps)
  • Start on your back on a flat bench; hold a barbell supported on your chest, hands 6 to 12 inches apart, elbows bent, and head beyond the edge of the bench.
  • Inhale as you lower the weight past your face towards the floor.
  • Exhale as you pull the weight back to the starting position.
Barbell Rowing (Back)
  • Bend over with your knees slightly bent; hold a barbell in your hands with your arms straight so that the barbell is hanging directly below your shoulders.
  • Exhale as the weight is pulled upward until the bar touches your chest, pause briefly with the bar held against your chest.
  • Inhale as the weight is slowly lowered to the starting position.
Shoulder Shrug (Shoulders)
  • Start with a bell hanging at arms length in front of your body; hold the bar with both hands gripping with the thumbs in.
  • Inhale as you lift or shrug your shoulders to the highest possible position. Hold that position briefly.
  • Exhale as you slowly lower the bar to the starting position.
Military Press (Shoulders)
  • Start with a barbell supported at shoulder level in front of your body, your hands placed slightly wider apart than shoulder width.
  • Inhale while pressing the weight overhead to a straight arm position.
  • Exhale while lowering the weight to the starting position.
Bench Dips (Triceps)
  • Start with your hands on the edge of an exercise bench placed at about shoulder width apart. Support your weight with your straight arms and place your heels on the floor in front of you.
  • Inhale as you bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself as far as possible.
  • Exhale as you straighten your arms.
Hammer Curl (Biceps)
  • Start with arms by your side, holding dumbbells with your thumbs pointing forward.
  • As you bend your elbow and curl the weight up, keep your thumbs forward. Lower the weight slowly, keeping the thumbs forward.
  • Alternate the curls, right and left arms.
Exercises for Abdominal & Low Back Muscles

Pelvic Clock
This is a variation of the pelvic tilt that works the low back muscles and abdominal muscles at all angles. This is important because daily movement occurs in every plane, not just straight torso flexion.
Lie on your back with legs straight. Notice the amount of natural curve in your back. This position is neutral. When you contract your abdominals and press your back into the floor, your pelvis and belly button move toward your chest (12:00) When you slightly increase the curve of your neutral back and aim your pelvis and belly button toward your legs you are at 6:00. From neutral position you can press toward either the right or left side and move into the 9:00 or 3:00 position. Spend some repetitions teaching these four positions to your students.
The pelvic clock can be done slowly, working from 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, etc. and then moving counter clockwise through the entire clock face. Encourage students to take their time and feel the subtle changes in the muscles.
This exercise can be modified for students with low back pain by having them bend their knees with the feet on the floor.
Bridge with Tiny Steps
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on floor, arms relaxed by your sides. Raise your hips off the floor, making a bridge. Do not arch your back. Hold you position and lift each foot no more than two inches off the floor, alternating feet. Use the buttocks muscles to hold your pelvis still while legs move. This exercise helps improve balance and coordination skills. As you do it, pretend you are balancing a cup of water on each side of your pelvis. Try not to "spill" the water as you lift each foot.
"Fab Abs"
Who says you need to spend money on an exercise machine from an infomercial to get great abdominal muscles! Every instructor and trainer can afford a fabulous exercise tool for crunches that count!! All you need is...
A Roll of Paper Towels!
Have your student lie on an exercise mat with feet off the mat and on the floor (preferably not carpeted). The glutes should be near the edge of the mat. Place a paper towel under each of the student's feet and have him or her extent the legs straight. As the student curls up with the upper body, he or she slides the paper towels in toward the mat, bending at the knees. As the student returns the upper body to the floor, the legs extend, sliding the paper towel out away from the body. Perform the Paper Towel Curlups slowly, keeping the abdominal muscles contracted and the low back on the mat as much as possible. Hands can be held gently behind the head (don't push on the neck) or crossed over the chest. Do 1-3 sets of 12-20.
If you have a carpeted floor, have the student use square sheets of wax paper instead of paper towels.
The Hover
This exercise uses the oblique muscles to stabilize the body. Start in a push-up position but have your body weight resting on your forearms. Lift your body into a straight line by turning your toes and lifting off your bent forearms. Keep your back straight by contracting your abdominals. Keep your head in line with your body. Hold your body still for 10 seconds then rest briefly and repeat.
Side Crunches
Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet on floor. Place your arms at your side with the palms down. Tuck your chin and lift your head, shoulders, and chest off the floor. Reach toward your feet and touch the left heel with the left hand, then touch the right heal with the right hand. Do 3 sets of 20.
Ball Crunches
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Hold a ball with both hands. Keep your arms extended straight. Contract your abdominals, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and twist your torso to the left moving the ball to the outside of your left thigh. Return to center position and twist to the right. Continue for a set of 12-24.
Lol Nic, you and your research! Thanks hun xxx
hahah i should have done a research degree lol i have just done some upper body ones to
how many times do I read it Nicster im knackered all ready? xx
Press ups work dont they Gaz?? x
thay do babe so do squats and thrusts xx
Chest Press

Wrap the band around something stable behind you and hold handles in both hands, tubing running along the inside of the arms (under the armpits), palms facing each other. Squeeze chest and press arms out in front of you. Return to start and repeat.
Bent Over Row

Center tube under feet and bend forward at the waist, back flat and abs in. Grab tube close to the feet and bend the elbows to pull the arms up to the torso, squeezing the back. You can also do a seated version (see picture to right) on a ball or chair.
Rear Delt Row

Wrap band around stable object and sit (or stand) facing it, holding the handles with arms out in front, palms down. Pull the elbows back until level with torso, squeezing the shoulder blades and keeping arms parallel to ground.
One-Armed Reverse Fly

With front foot standing on one end of the band, hold other end in one hand and lean over, abs in, torso at 45 degrees. Keeping elbow slight bent and in fixed position, raise arm out to shoulder level, squeezing shoulder blades.​
One-Armed Lateral Raise

Sit (or stand) with one end of tube under foot and the other end in one hand. Keeping elbow slightly bent and fixed, lift the arm out to side, to shoulder level.
Overhead Press

Place both feet on tube and grasp handles, bringing hands up just over shoulders with elbows bent and palms in. Press arms up over head and then lower.​
External Rotation

Attach band to a sturdy object and sit or stand with right side facing object, holding handle in the left hand. Begin with hand in front of belly, elbow at 90 degrees. Keeping elbow in fixed position, rotate the forearm out to the side to about 30-45 degrees (not too far!). Skip this move if you have shoulder problems.
Bicep Curl

Place both feet on tube and grasp handles (the wider the feet, the harder the exercise). Bend the elbows and curl hands up towards shoulder. Lower and repeat.​
Cross-Body Bicep

Place left foot on band and hold the handle in right hand. Begin the move with palm facing in and bend the elbow, curling hand up towards the shoulder, going across the body.
Band Kickback

Attach band to sturdy object in front of you in a split stance, bent at the waist with abs in. Hold handle in one hand, elbow bent. Straighten the arm, contracting the back of the arm.​
Press ups work dont they Gaz?? x
Trac...this is what i was trying to describe when you thought i was having you play twister
Hold band in left hand behind your back and grasp the other end of band in the right hand. Begin with arm straight up over head, palm facing out. Slowly lower arm to 90 degrees until forearm is behind the head. Squeezing the triceps, straighten arm without locking it. Your left arm stays stable and provides the resistance by pulling the resistance band tight. Make sure your elbow is stable and doesn't move throughout the movement. Repeat for 12-16 reps and switch arms for a total of 1-3 sets with each arm.
Ive read it 3 times women thats good innit lol xx
Oblique Knee Drops

Paige Waehner
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Oblique knee drops are a great way to target the obliques as well as the rectus abdominis and the back. The key to this move is to use your abs to control your legs as you lower them down and then contract them to pull them back up. Avoid arching or straining your lower back by keeping the range of motion small, only lowering the knees as far as you comfortably can. You can also try this move without a medicine ball or with a rolled up towel under the hips for more support.
  1. Lie in the floor with knees pulled in and bent to about 90 degrees.
  2. Place a medicine ball between knees and stretch arms our to the sides like an airplane, palms facing up.
  3. Contract the abs and lower the knees down towards the right.
  4. Lower the knees as low as you can without lifting the shoulders off the floor or straining your back.
    Squeeze the abs, feeling your obliques contract and draw the knees back up and go to the other side.

  5. Alternate sides for a total of 1-3 sets of 10-16 reps
Very good write 100 times ...must read more lol
put plastic over it
Not got any hun?!?!?1 will it ruin it?
open up some bin liners
is it a walll or floor
Tar honey xx
if the rain is heavy try to use something it will get pit marks when it drys out....when