Tins of chick peas, or any types of beans..... can you make up a salad into a container and keep it in a cool box.... and then your fish.... get a good source of protein and carbs from the beans.. add to salad, etc. Bring a few tins of tomatoes and make up a bean stew.... if you have something to heat it on.... BUT, saying that, if you arent going til Friday, you could make up the first 2 meals and have them in the cool box... ready to go.
Any help?? Bit gobblydygooky but if you dont have to carry stuff, and have your car at the ready, then you could do this.
wow thanks guys!! :)
obviously i have changed the way i eat, and i know i wouldnt have lost 27lb in 3 months if i was eating like i was before, but i deffo think my efforts up until now have been quite half-hearted and i am 1lb away from reaching a 2st loss n i STS coz i cheated so yeh am quite angry with myself, but i spose its kinda the kick up the ass i needed to realise if i wana loose weight i need to stick to plan!!

settinga goal date am i supposed to know when to do that for!? lol sounds a silly question but i just want it off as soon as possible! would love it to be for my birthday but thats only 3 weeks away so thats not gonna happen! i deffo want it off for xmas - joined a xmas challenge to loose 28lb - but am hoping i will loose it before then - especially if i stick to it 100% (which i will now!!)
oohhhhh........1st october?! thats just under 3 months! i can do that..if i put in my all!! thats my 1st wedding anniversary so would amazing too look better than i did on my wedding night! now that would be a good prezzy for hubby! :) haha actually quite excited now! (not about my anniversary night haha i mean about having a goal!)

seriously thanks! some straight talking and telling as it is is deffo what i need, all this pussy footing about with at least its not a gain etc is lovely and kind i spose but thats not gonna change my mind about anything!! lol
settinga goal date am i supposed to know when to do that for!?

work out what you've lost so far and in how long - 2 stone in 14 weeks?

28 over 14 = 2lb per week

add 14 weeks to now - your approx goal is mid Oct

not that scientific but more scientific than ASAP

now get on with it and tell us how clever you are next week
Rod the Bass said:
Today I am looking for tips and IDEAS!!

I am off on friday morning for three days in Cornwall - fishing for bass

It's a competition that starts on friday at midday and runs til midday on sunday

I will be living wild - ie sleeping in the car/a hedge/wherever I fall etc

most years I lived on pasties and bags of chips - not an option this year

I can take my camping stove/disp BBQ etc with me and a cool bag, it's just me in my car - what would you guys do?

I do like mostly to eat meat/veg and salad, carb limiting is my thing really - so sandwiches/pasta pots/cold rice etc wont fly.

And to compound matters the sign in is at mcDonalds!!

and yes I do intend to catch some fish to eat!!

I think making a few meals to take with you would be a good idea. How about making a stew/lasagne/chilli and taking it in tubs to warm up on your stove? Take cereal bars for your hexb and you can take tons of fruit and salad. Carrot sticks are a good snack and you can make healthy dip with fat free yoghurt and garlic/sweet chilli sauce added for flavour.
Well done Lou, another one bites the dust.

Rod, how about those John West tuna light lunch things? That come in foil trays a bit like the posh catfood? I wouldn't normally touch them with a bargepole, but they are really low in everything (especially carbs) and I find them quite filling, even if you have to eat two! And they don't need to be chilled or re-heated or anything.

When the boyf and I go away in our camper, I freeze things like sausages (but in your case lean meat, obv) and keep them in the coolbox - that way they gradually defrost and stay cool for two or three days. Tin of low sugar baked beans, mushrooms and a few sausages done in a pan (with fry light, obv) and jobs a good'n.
Hi rod,

Happy to report a good start to the reign of 100% for me...gracias for the motivation. No blarney...just action.

As regards ur 3 days big is the chilly bin/cooler yolk?
Protein will be your friend on this trip, so in addition to what u catch to cook...def bring chicken, turkey (some cooked for lunches, some raw for bbq....the raw ones if stick in a lunchbox/bg and marinate in a small bit of soy sauce maybe).
Good suggestions earlier about chickpeas/ kidney beans in tins...v clever. Ditto to tuna packs.
I also bring my salads ready to go in bags/lunch boxes for days 1/2. Then bring veg and foil that u can prepare there and lash on the BBQ to roast for day 3.
Good idea to make a dish to bring for 1st a ratatouille...bulk up on veg u like and beans/lentils too.
Hummus...small pots and good for snacks.
Loads of fairly perishable fruit...snack wise. A tin of water and the same of resolve!!
Although...I bet u feel so much better this year..the resolve bit won't be a problem!

Just had an intereting conversation with a colleague about loosing weight - he is trained in sports science (nothing to do with work, I work for a software house). I asked him where it 'goes' when we loose - because lets face it, a lumb of subcutanious fat is a white jelly like blob the size of a bag of sugar. He said that we literally breathe it out - break fats down and they end up as carbon dioxide and water vapour.

I just like the thought of it, the more exercise you do, the more intensively you breathe and the more fat you 'breathe out'. A good thing to visualise when doing exercise I think? He also said that the chemical reaction where you break down fat needs water to happen - not enough water in your cells because you are dehydrated = not enough for maximum fat metabolisation. So get drinking people!

I am loving the thought of breathing my fat out in people's faces! :D I shall have to think of a queue of folk who have got right on my wick and really go for it this afternoon when I do my kettlebells! That's made me smile just thinking about it! Tee hee
Hi Rod - how about porridge. You could heat the milk on your stove and the Tesco Micro Oats (plain) are pretty good. A useful standby perhaps?
Rod, to maintain energy and stave away colds from getting run down you will need to eat healthy and you'll need a certain amounts of carbs, now isn't the time to be going carb free when your doing a very physical, sleep depriving tournament. Firstly you need to take a good multivitamin starting ASAP, and berrocca or a cheaper version, you can pop one in your water and drink it as you fish, it contains vitamin c which is vital for staving away colds and vitamin b for energy, also taking echinacea won't go amiss for a week it will help your immune system. Then you need to be eating turkey of all meats is the best, I would cook it before I went just to stop the risk of food poisoning, jacket potatoes are a good one, part microwave and then wrap in foil then you could slice and fry in fry light on your camping stove. Love the beans idea that someone suggested. Also try to eat tomatoes, and green leafy veg it will keep your body happy. Lots of water too. When your tired your body will be screaming for carbs so take nuts and dried fruit to snack on but portion them up
So u know your not eating too
Many. And most of all remember that your going to be burning off lots of energy so you need to keep the Furness burning so you don't burn out. Little and often is probably your best bet and doing as much pre cooked food as possible, portion up and label it all so
U know where your at cos when your tired you may lose track. And most of all have fun !! Bet you come back with a
Massive loss if you manage to
Stick to healthy food

Sent from my iPhone using MiniMins
all great idea's thanks ladies

I can see me heading to Sainsburys later, lol

I've written out a menu already based on a lot of things I've read here today, the porridge pots are great, I've used them on the last fishing marathon in May and lost weight

These trips are very physical and I would not cut carbs right out, but I'd only have them for one meal per day or a small booster.

I will weigh in on friday morning and again on monday, see if I can drop a pound and win the thing at the same time

I'll need a bigger fish than this little monkey I caught last friday!

Glad we could help Rod. You just make sure you win now!! Just finished my kettlebells and pretended I was breathing my fat all over Andy Murray's mum. God that woman's face could curdle milk. Thoroughly enjoyed myself even though my arms are now killing me! :)
I am a camp cooking queen but I have nothing to add to the food suggestions as everyone has given such good advice. For a really tasty fix buy a pouch of Merchant Gourmet Puy Lentils. You can eat them hot or cold and are lovely. You could add them to a stew or add bacon. I see you have boiled eggs on your list. I would take a dozen of them and leave the shells on for transporting. They can be added to most dishes or eaten on their own when you need a quick fix. I have four chickens and boil about 10 eggs at a time to eat through the week in lunches or when I need something quick.

Have a great weekend and catch plenty of fish.
Have to laugh...I told a gay friend of mine that I was a secret eater. His very cutting reply was "It's no secret love - have you seen the size of your arse"!!!!
Cereal bars are probably one of the worst foods you can eat because they are full of sugar (the white stuff and sweetener) Sugar is as potent as heroin when it comes to addiction...won't bore you with all the nitty gritty now but if you always seem to eat less than your slim friends but are twice as fat then it's likely that sugar is the culprit because of the fat storing hormones it forces your body to release.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!
NettyC said:
Cereal bars are probably one of the worst foods you can eat because they are full of sugar (the white stuff and sweetener) Sugar is as potent as heroin when it comes to addiction...won't bore you with all the nitty gritty now but if you always seem to eat less than your slim friends but are twice as fat then it's likely that sugar is the culprit because of the fat storing hormones it forces your body to release.

Stressed spelled backwards is desserts. Coincidence? I think not!

I am doing slimming world and you are allowed 2 cereal bars each day as a healthy extra. I do this as my option every day rather than bread or a bowl of cereal and have so far lost 7lbs so they don't seem to be a problem for me.

Maybe other diets ban them but on SW you can have alpen light or hifi bars.
all great idea's thanks ladies

I can see me heading to Sainsburys later, lol

I've written out a menu already based on a lot of things I've read here today, the porridge pots are great, I've used them on the last fishing marathon in May and lost weight

These trips are very physical and I would not cut carbs right out, but I'd only have them for one meal per day or a small booster.

I will weigh in on friday morning and again on monday, see if I can drop a pound and win the thing at the same time

I'll need a bigger fish than this little monkey I caught last friday!


Not to be a noob, but what is that thing you are holding up to the fish?

I have my weigh in tomorrow, definitely expecting a decent loss. If not, I will need some extreme tough love to establish my pitfalls! Its my OH's birthday tomorrow, and as his birthday special meal treat he has chosen... my extra lean home-made burgers, slimming world chips and salad. What a awesome, considerate bf I have :D
AAAARRRRGHHHHHBOOOOFEEECK! I put on half a stinking fecking pound! It is SO unfair - I have stuck to the plan 100% this week, have been drinking loads of water and have walked the legs off the dog doing so much exercise. So bloody fed up, especially as it is only my second week - usually the first few are easy peasy. I could live with it if I had cheated, but I did everything right! And to add to my misery I have just eaten a pizza because I was so pissed off (supermarket mind, not dominoes - it could be worse).

I know I will get on it this week, pull out the big guns and start running again (did a half marathon last year) and I know that I have to keep the big piture in mind, but it is really hard. Please tough lovers, give my big buttocks a kicking - or I may well drown in all this self pity. Boohooooo!
BonnieBooBear said:
AAAARRRRGHHHHHBOOOOFEEECK! I put on half a stinking fecking pound! It is SO unfair - I have stuck to the plan 100% this week, have been drinking loads of water and have walked the legs off the dog doing so much exercise. So bloody fed up, especially as it is only my second week - usually the first few are easy peasy. I could live with it if I had cheated, but I did everything right! And to add to my misery I have just eaten a pizza because I was so pissed off (supermarket mind, not dominoes - it could be worse).

I know I will get on it this week, pull out the big guns and start running again (did a half marathon last year) and I know that I have to keep the big piture in mind, but it is really hard. Please tough lovers, give my big buttocks a kicking - or I may well drown in all this self pity. Boohooooo!

Well eating a pizza was a great idea - well done!!
Now you will have to work like a Trojan this week or you will put on again next week!!

When you gain it's really important to keep focus and instead of feeling defeated and sabotaging yourself, you need to use it to motivate you. Kick this extra weight's butt and show it that next week - it better watch out cuz YOU are gonna win!!

No excuses now - get your arse into gear and start planning your meals for the week, work out an exercise plan and STOP CHEATING!!!!