Tricky Third Week

I hope the parents evenig went well, keep strong and water water water... X
Thanks Sam, being the bad mother that I am, got mixed up with parents evening and its tonight not tuesday, so still got the stress of that to come. Trying very hard to persuade hubby to go instead of me, but not having much luck!!

Feeling much better today, cold almost gone and LT going well. Unfortunately I cant get to the pharmacict this week as hubby's car is broke and so he's using mine (his work is 50 miles away and mine is only 4, so its the bus for me!). Weighed myself on my scales this week, and in comparison to the my scales last week, i've lost 6lb this week!!!!:happy036:

The 6lb is all new weight, not weight I'd put on during my break, so I'm very pleased with that. good job I'd had such a positive loss this morning as today the staffroom is FULL of cake. Two memebrs of staff have a birthday today and have brought in delicious looking cakes. and the friend of one of them has made her the most enourmous cake filled with fresh cream and raspberries!!!But that good loss on the scales this morning has boosted my willpower, so I'm off to down some more water now!

Janey you did really well on your first week. I have 5lbs of and can really feel it . I had to put my belt over another notch today and was delighted.
Did I say my cold was gone! Spoke too soon, I feel absolutly terrible today. Cold transformed into cough but also got banging headache and having slight out of body experience Got up, did the weekly shop then went back to bed for rest of day. Got up again at teatime to put the washer on but I feel rubbish.

In past I'd have comforted myself with toast. Hubby not convinced that the TFR isnt responisble for making me feel so ill and keeps offering me toast or chocolate.
Trying hard not to give in and eat. Think I'll just go back to bed with my book.
10% WOW!!

Back at work today :( Cold and cough still lingering but feeling better, and as my good friend reminded me coughs and colds come and go and comfort toast will only make em feel worse in the long run!

Anyway, had boost (an emotional one, not the chocolate type) today when I looked at my stats in the left hand column and saw that I'd lost over 10% of my weight since starting! I've never stuck to a diet long enough to lose 10%, even when I was much lighter and 10 wasn't so much or even when I was seeing a health trainer for 6 months I didnt manage 10%.

So I'm dead chuffed today, off to order some thinner clothes on ebay. Its a wondeful thing, clothes are so cheap that if they dont fit its not a big waste and you can always get your money back by reselling them!

Feeing a bit dissapointed today as only lost 2lb this week. Still trying to take the bigger picture and see how much I've lost in total within the timescale. But still a bit disheartened.
Still here!

Hi all.

Just to let you know, I'm still on LT. Had hard couple of weeks (low weight loss, combined with feeling very poorly) where its been a real struggle to keep going and I've felt lke packing it all in.

But went back through my own diary and thought about where I'd go back to if I did chuck it all in and how much improvment I'd lose. So decided that the benefits outweigh the costs and I'm sticking to it! even if that means I just lose 2 a week, at least I'm losing. which is something I'm def not doing when I'm not doing LT.

Had another pick up last night as I went to the MEN to see Peter Kay. I dont know if you've ever been there, but I go at least twice year. Anyway, there are shed loads of steps up to the arena doors, and usually I feel like I'm losing a lung by the time I get to the top. Then there's the stairs to the seats, with no hand rails. so progress is usually slow up or down these. And then there's the praying that you have an isle seat, cos weding this backside into a mid row seat is not a pretty sight, and you end up (very unintentionally) pressing flesh with the person next to you. Very embarassing.

Anyway, by no means did I bound up and down the steps, but I was not coughing up my lungs when I got to the top. And I even fitted inot the seat. Yeah.

good luck all you newbies. this diet works!