Trying again (missus needs help?)


Hello everyone, decided im gonna try low carbing again and hopefully stick with it this time and the wifes decided she would also like to try this, but theres a problem? which i hope some of you kind people might be able to help with and throw some ideas over.

The problem is my wife doesnt eat the right foods, she will only eat meat most varietys, some fish, peas, baked beans and potatoes, chips etc, oh and yorkshires?
She will not try any veg only garden peas? and very hard to try the spices etc with her, no foreign food whatsover, apart from chicken tikka so long as its dry lol? and thats about it.
Her idea of chicken is maybe a chicken casserole where she will add carrots and onion for me and daughter, fish will be plain grilled?
as for drinks, shes a tea drinker like me, wont deviate away from semi skimmed milk (very stubborn grrrr lol)
I know im asking alot but can anyone throw any ideas over that i could maybe entice her to try or even cook a different way, thanks for reading.

ps. she does have a sweet tooth likes her chocolate, cakey things and custard treats now and then and snacks like salted nuts, quavers etc
Going low carb, means reducing the cakes, biscuits, potatoes, Yorkshire puds, peas

Nuts are good snacks

Depending on how low your going to go with low carb'ing .. Some suggest 50g and below others say 50-100/150g a day

Veg are carbs and each has a certain value - salad items like cucumber, celery, lettuce.. Etc are very low .. One day at a time with changing eating habits - one new veg a week to try..

Good luck :)