Tuesday Weighers

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lost 6.5 this week!!!!:eek:
This was my 1st week and I STS :(

I'm drawing a line as the scales I have at home are dodgy (honestly! lol I fluctuate up down even if I have just weight myself!):rolleyes:

I am now going to WI at boots every tuesday morning.

However, I lost 1% body fat since joining the gym 4 weeks ok so am happy with that!

Well done losers, and keep up the good work everyone!
1.5lb off for me this week. im happy with that :D
Well i gained 1.5lb and i am SOOO happy.. as i had a CR*p week and it was my hen night Sat.. and i got sooooooooooooo drunk and had a 3 course chinese meal (i had also had curry and another chinese during the day) I am so close to the wedding i DO NOT CARE i am so stressed i NEED food lolol but am back on track today :)
Hi Donna, congratulations on yours and your hubbys weight loss thats fantastic, keep at it, you'll love it. although I put on 6lbs im not unhappy as have a good 10 days of eating rubbish so what do i expect it Lol, back on it now and looking forward to next week. keep it up hun and well done xx:)

Hi Tuesday-weigh-ins, my name is Donna and I joined SW for the first time last Tuesday with my husband Paul, we have several stone to shift between us.

This week I lost 4.5lbs (am over the moon!) and my husband lost 8.5lb!

Good luck to all for the week ahead and a big loss next Tuesday, donna x
Fantastic losses everyone. Those of you losing 3lbs or more a week, how are you managing it? I thought I was doing the plan 100% but only getting 0.5-1.5 off. Are you exercising as well?

Any help or motivation would be great!!
Thanks for the advice. Have started a keep fit plan and going for body magic awards. I think I need to look at my book again and remind myself of the speed foods!!
I lost a lb this week. Was pleased as I had a few flexible syns day, due to a hectic social week.
Its my first ever week and I get weighed today. I'm soooooo nervous. I'm frightened that I won't have lost any, even though I've made big changes in my diet.
sorry not posted here in a few weeks, lost 3lb this week, but think its just because i'm so stressed out, not been eating much at all :(. xx
I am very happy to say I lost 2lbs this week!!

I WI at boots and also measure fat, I have los another 1% fat this week too!! I know 2lbs is not much compared to the people losing more (sure they have hidden secrets lol Jokes) but I feel really happy with myself!