Tuesday Weighers

Weighed in on Thursday last week but back to my original day of Tuesday and having to WI @ 6:45pm (normally do 9:30am) and had * week. Not holding my breathe but here's hoping! :rolleyes:
WI tonight for me, hoping for -2lbs, would love more as I only did 1lb last week.I have been good this week, even trying to drink green tea instead of my normal beloved 'proper' cuppa.
Great attitude Minky, I think i need to adopt that! I went over syns slightly on 2 days, was under slightly on others, BUT I had a naughty chip butty on Thurs after a domestic... so I'll take a STS even though I felt like aside from that I deserved a loss! (I even had scanbran this week, AND a success express day yesterday)

Pfft if only mine was just a chip butty! Although it is nearly lunch time and I could race round to the burger van.... ha ha! Sometimes people beat themselves up so much when it comes to going off plan and really shouldn't. I think I even have in the past! But its like my brain has said er, why should you punish yourself? Its not like you are doing this every day! After 9 months of doing SW and being 5 stone down, if I can't have a weekend off without punishing me then will food control me for the rest of my life?

Although I am not saying to every one go out and scoff your face, I am saying that sometimes we need to see the bigger picture :) xxx
I'm expecting my first gain in 9 weeks.... Had a weekend away in London and I wasn't too good, also due on this week :(
Williams said:
I'm expecting my first gain in 9 weeks.... Had a weekend away in London and I wasn't too good, also due on this week :(

Hope it goes ok, fingers crossed! If the scales don't go down at least you know why rather than a mystery - that's the worst xx
Silvermaneuk said:
Weigh In Day today! I hit another Stone bracket! 15 stone 11Ib's!! Thats a 3Ib weight loss! 26Ib's in total 9 weeks today. :)

Got my club 10!!

Well done sweetie! Fantastic loss and always a nice little boost when you see another number at the beginning :) xx
With great pleasure I am to announce a 3.5 lbs loss. BUT now I have to be back to normal eating and no piggy sessions so I can limit the damage the weekend has on WI next week. It could catch up with me and in fairness it should! X
MinkyDinky said:
With great pleasure I am to announce a 3.5 lbs loss. BUT now I have to be back to normal eating and no piggy sessions so I can limit the damage the weekend has on WI next week. It could catch up with me and in fairness it should! X

3.5lbs off?! Wow that's great! If only I could get away with eating off plan :D we all need a couple of days off though, well done for jumping straight back on! X
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Loss of 1.5lbs for me..was hoping for a tad more but I'll not complain (much!) need 2.5 lbs for my 1 stone award..I WILL get it next week :)

Well done everyone! Xx
I put on half a pound.... I'm ok with that as my trip to London wasn't as healthy as it could have been! New week this week :)
Hi guys some great losses x x I've lost 3lbs this week and I'd love to get my 1stone award next week - need another 3lbs to get it so I'll be working hard x
Well done all the losers.

4.1/2lbs off for me this week,I honestly thought I had a chance at SOTW but a chap in our group lost 7lbs!!!!!!
I'm not complaining though, I did get my 1stone shiny :D
Amazingly I've lost half a pound I'm in shock after my binge on Saturday . I know it could come back and haunt me so I'm having a chicken kebab as a treat tonight then I'm on low syns and 100% lots of superfree the rest of the week till wi :)