Unbelievable Size changes


Full Member
When I started on this diet, i was a size 22/24, so imagine my suprise when i can fit into Size 16 jeans & my size 18 jeans hang off me!!! :eek: I am absolutely over the moon and beyond with this! I have complained about low losses over the past few weeks, but now i can see past that, its not what's on the scales that matter, its everything, the inches falling off, the smaller sizes fitting, the fact that i have so much energy i'm scaring everyone jumping around and not able to sit down for long! So i have come to the conclusion that if i lose 1 lb or 7 lbs this week, i'm not giving up on it, its only now i'm really starting to understand why this diet really is the best thing that has ever happened to me, and a lot of it is down to the support recieved on this site, i'm sure i couldn't have got through the last 8 weeks without you all.
You could not put it better. It is about more than watching the scales and that is what we must remember when we get a poor loss some weeks. Inch loss and energy levels are great markers as well. Fab results so far and lots of luck with the coming weeks. You are so right about this site. When I read the postings here, it gives me great heart to keep at it as it will be worthwhile.
wow x
well done hun.
thats a fantastic difference in sizes.
bet you look and feel amazing x
41 lbs in 8 weeks is brilliant, It doesnt seem to me that you have had small losses, thats average of 5lb a week. It looks like you will get your 27lb before christmas. well done xxx
Thanks all you for your lovely comments, I can't see it myself, but my friends and family tell me everytime they see me that i'm looking so much better (not prettier, just healthier lol) I had high losses to start, but for the last 3 weeks have had 3lb losses, which i found hard to keep motivated with, i am now fully motivated again!! heh
Well done hun and you have lost an incredible amount in 8 weeks so dont ever tink differently. You are now a size 16 far play and i loved reading your post it was dripping with excitement and happiness.
WOW! Congratulations!! :D

That's exactly what I'm aiming for and would be OVER THE MOON to ge there!

You must look superb - and all ready for a super slim xmas!

Well done x