uncooked porridge - does it matter?


Gold Member
having a funny/hectic morning. I added the kettle water and whizzed it, but I managed to forget to put the porridge in the microwave and ate it without - does it matter?

just out of interest, what difference does it make to the nutrients?

(It doesn't really matter to me because I'm on ss+ anyway so have four packs a day when I only need three, but I'm just interested)
I'd doubt it matters, How was it? did you drink it or eat it with a spoon? am nosy lol
Evenin :wavey:
It was fine - to be honest, I can't really tell much difference except more gets stuck to the bowl when I microwave it! ha! so in a way I guess I get more nutrients anyway!!

I have just managed to keep a completely straight face while opening my post and finding a tax rebate for £2500 :eek: we're sitting in the living room and I'm looking completely bored.. but inside I'm not quite believing what I've just seen!!!!!!

It's my OH's big birthday coming up, so I could use it to surprise him.. or do up the house.. or bugger off haha.. I don't think he even noticed I was opening the post..........he's doing something on his laptop...
ok.. He's gone out to make his dinner and I've just reread.. I misread.... it's "only" £2250 :eek::faint2:

re the porridge - I seem to do this strange mix of starting off eating with a spoon and then half way through giving up and drinking out of the bowl!! I do the same with the soups, and yet I'd never normally do that at the dinner table.. it just seems different somehow... like a cuppa soup.. or a cuppa porridge! :D
wow thats an ace rebate! lucky you lol hope you enjoy however you spend it. You could save some of it till you've finished losing weight, for your slinky new wardrobe of clothes :)

I always drink my soup out of a cup haha, never have used a spoon!