
Well i phoned the surgery and explained to the recptionist about it and she said she does not think any of the doctors would condone a vlcd to anyone. So I'm just gonna go ahead then if I get wobbly then I will try another diet.
I think that attitude is absolutely appaling :mad:
That receptionist should not be giving out that info on the phone?!? She is not medically trained to make such a "call" about your health. Never mind swapping Dr's, I would be changing practices!
Thats a good point. Whos she to speak to every doctor in the practise?

However I do think the doctors who just refuse to consider VLCDs are out of order, who are they to dictate how a person loses weight :mad: Surely if an overweight/obese person is following a sensible diet they should be supporting them. If its ignorance about what a VLCD is then they should be researching it. You only need to look round Minimins to see how huge the VLCD industry is.

I saw on another section recently someone went to get a form signed for CD and the doc refused and gave her Xenical instead - oh yeah cos thats similar :rolleyes:
To many Dr's are of the mind: eat less and move more. If only was that easy huh! My Dr understood nothing about Vlcd but when I explained to him and mentioned ketogenic he was all "ahhh I see.." and fully supported my efforts, he is pretty young and "hip" lol not sure if that helps!
You lucky summerrain. The CD was actually invented by a doctor for a patient who needed to lose weight fast to have lifesaving surgery and it is approved by NICE so my old quack is in my opinion C***P and I'm not taking notice. He is always going on about my weight and I thought he would be supportive. Miserable old git he is lol x
I thought I would add my 2 pence worth. I was looking on the internet the other week about VLCD and I came across a government/parliament page that had investigated VLCD's and the overall conclusion was that they should start offering them on the NHS as overall they cost less per patient than treating them long term for obesity (things like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart conditions, weight loss surgery etc). So, in my opinion...if the government think they are safe enough fot us to do...then that swayed me into starting my first VLCD. I dont think i can post a link but I will try (its talking about the Cambridge Diet which is the same thing overall)
House of Commons - Health Committee - Written Evidence
Just have to say I agree with your Gp. This is a great diet and it works. But I've also suffered from depression and this diet takes me back to that place some days. I've just had to reintroduce food because there's no way I will go back on medication at the cost of a diet. It's a good diet but only for those it works for. Afterall we are all different and what's good for one might not be good for anothr. Rather than waste ur products tho why not still use them as part of your diet. I still have a shake for breakfast and stick to high protein low carb the rest of the day, consuming a total of between 800 -1000 cals a day. Saves wasting them altogether xx
Hi Lisy, I'm a newbie, only into my second week. I also suffer on/off depression, but probably quite mild to be fair. I think that like you, a lot has to do with my weight and how I look and feel about myself.

Starting this diet has made me feel elated and to feel a difference in the weight of my tummy on my stomach when I lie in bed at night in just 1 week is soooo amazing!! I am extremely optimistic for a change and looking forward to buying new clothes soon.

I hope that you experience the same as I do and keep positive xx :hug99:
Just got to add my experience hear ...

Before I started exante I was going though a period of depression I ended up suspending my uni course it was so badThe depression for me was centered around a bad relationship and my large weight gain, when I had started exante I had left that relationship so was in a better place - but for me exante really has made me so much happier and it had really helped me to pull further from my depressed state.

So I think that if you feel happy with the diet then continue, but make sure you have someone looking out for you, its also important to try and remove any negative thoughts about the diet - so if you do eat try not to beat yourself up, just get back on the wagon again with this diet as long as you keep going you can't fail any blips will just slow you down a bit.

Good luck :)
I still haven't started I have just read your reply and I'm on medications for depression. Tbh I think you are right. Today I have woken up thinking that I just don't think I could go without food. I don't want to risk my mental health. For some time now I have been thinking about WW or SW. I just don't want to be longing for food all the time which I know I will coz my head is not in the right place to do exante. Good luck Babystar with SW. I read your post.
Yeah good luck with slimming world. I love my food too much so I'm joining WW or WW it will probably be WW cause there is a class close to me. Thanks Babystar x