Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Hello ladies...
pink wee and sucking boobs... that's all I can recall from what I've read!

Nice to see all's well in the world...
It's all happening in here....
There's worse out in the main block... getting jiggy and libidos!
I came early here, answered a few queries (no diaries), then I had work... then a lunch with friend... then by the time I got through the other section, time flies!

One of my bosses has been working all night, and worked through lunch, so I popped to a BAKER's and bought sandwiches and cakes. I didn't flinch. GO ME!
(not that good really cos I'm not overkeen on French cakes, or baguette sandwiches!!)
oh i lurve baguette sandwiches. and what type of french cakes? no pain au chocolat?
ok :D love you xxxx
Love to too cupcake. xxxx

Hello ladies...
pink wee and sucking boobs... that's all I can recall from what I've read!
Great though eh?

I came early here, answered a few queries (no diaries), then I had work...
One of my bosses has been working all night, and worked through lunch, so I popped to a BAKER's and bought sandwiches and cakes. I didn't flinch. GO ME!
Work????? I was begining to think none of you actually do! Lol
You go girl, thats brilliant

(not that good really cos I'm not overkeen on French cakes, or baguette sandwiches!!)
Jo you are not normal, i think i must have your taste for it then as well as my own!

oh i lurve baguette sandwiches. and what type of french cakes? no pain au chocolat?
Me too, now STOP dreaming about cakes you are not having any!
Lol no Cheryl Im not hungry. well im lookig forward to tea (which im having before six as you are too as we need the best results for WI tomorrow)
<tapping fingers impatiently awaiting your weigh ins!>

FOOD PORN ALERT - I bought them strawberry tartlets cos I like them!
hey hun ,im finding it really hard to keep up with peoples diaries lol omg , hope ur doing ok hunny im missing our chats !!!!!!!!!!!
<still waiting... TAPPING LOUDER...>