Vic Vodkas dieting rollercoaster - back to it!!!!

Maybe its what i need as its all packaged. Just a bit pricey. Ive lost all motivation at the mo hun and really dont know how to get it back

It isn't really, £25 per week if you buy a month and you don't need to buy any food then. Suppose family still has to eat though lol :rolleyes: I know mine does!

It is hard when the motivation goes, wish I knew what to suggest to help you get it back :(
When motivation goes, I find the best thing is to go for "damage limitation"... aim for "healthy" if not low calorie foods. Treat yourself in that way. It'll click back in when you're ready...
Great to hear you're back in the zone Vicky :) keep it up! x

Cheryl - I agree with Jo, I've been on and off the wagon more times than I care to remember... eating healthy to minimize damage for when you get back in the zone ;)... it helps a lot x
wooftabulous. you want a puppy?
bah just told 2 of girls/women in office downstairs im starting running and they were oh its bad for your knees ankles blah blah try cycling instead? I dont want a bike how can i ride it and walk the dogs at same time (honestly!) yes no answer about trying dogs to side please
thankyou. :D
Yes the volunteering is a fab idea hon. why dont you do it?
Hey ladies thanks for the suggestions but none are really doing it for me. The only goal i really have is my brothers wedding but then im hoping to be pregnant before then so i know i'll be fat for the photos anyway. I dont know whats happened. I know i lost those 6lb before (ive probably put them back on as not weighed myself) but it didnt motivate me either. I know i need to do something but i try and then slip back into old habbits again.
A quick hello whilst puttin off cooking dinner.

Re running. My Dad is a compulsive runner! Completely addicted and has been since he left school. Up until this year he ran the London and New York marathon every year and every half marathan he could find! He also ran to work every other day (from Kent to London). He has now had both knees replaced, has 'fake' tendons in both ankles and has been warned by the hospital if he keeps running he may not walk again! You need to keep these things in perspective tho. You're talking about healthy short runs to keep fit. People who suffer with injuries (like Dad) tend to be those who do it to excess! I cant see the doglets little legs letting you get too carried away. We've now got Dad addicted to golf, although we cant be sure he's not doing circuits around the golf course ha ha ha

thanks Nik. yes marathons wont be my bag. ill do max 30 mins if i get to it lol.
Cheryl if you are not motivated its obv cos you dont need to be my love. you are perfect ;)

here is my pizza (sent a pic to bf and he thought id ordered one!) eventually found my substitute real pizza. 2 pieces and stuffed too :)


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Hey love your pizza looks lush ooohhhh might be a treat Friday night tea!
Re cycling now I have seen a contraption that goes onto the side of the bike and is a lead to the dog so they can run alongside but looking at pics of your cuties not sure it work as think it would suit big(ger) dogs.;)
VICKY i hate the thought that u are not on the dukan site ,who moved you !!!!!!

ur pizza looked welll yum yum !!!!!
Ahh thanks baby girl. You say the nicest things. I dont know but there could be some truth in what you say. Ive never been happy with my size even when a size 8 was very comfortable!
Jet how you doing hunni?