Vitamins & Supplements


Cambridge Diet Counsellor

I wonder if anyone can advise? I bought these from Holland & Barrett yesterday as I have heard good things about them and they were on sale.

It is only today when I am about to start them that I wonder if they are okay to use on SS/790?

Anyone know at all?

Thanks in advance

I don't think you need them because the CD meals give everything you need, but a CDC will know for sure.
I used to work at H&B (loved it), lol. Those are very good vits but i dont know if you would need them since you get everything you need from food packs. I can understand why you want to take them because the diet may effect your nails, hair and skin. I think it would be best to check with your CDC because too much vits can be dangerous to your system and even caue illnesses sometimes.
