Vodka is my Saviour.

Hi there! Here to follow!

Hope that you're ok and that you feel better soon!

Hiya Ruth, lovely to see you :)

Well, last night turned in to a binge really. Interestingly I didnt want any rubbish food, but I still managed to eat a hell of a lot of calories. Im feeling very strange this morning. Trying to figure out what to do from here, how to keep on losing and how to not ruin my progress mentally and physically. My instinct tells me to just start with a DD today and carry on my plan, i'm going to have to do some shuffling though as Iv got a birthday party and then a big night out next tuesday...I'm slightly worried actually. It's my first night out with my old friends who I hardly see in months, first night out since the break up too and I just wanna have a good time so there's no way I can stick to 1200. But I still have so much to lose...oh so much confusion! The only reason I over ate yesterday was because I wanted fruit. Grapes! Maybe it's the heat but all I want is fruit, I could live on the stuff. I'd be happy eating fruit all day then a healthy meal in the evening so thats another thing to consider. Also I can only go to the gym on UD which is annoying. Argh I dont know what to do! x
A lot of fruit are negative cals anyway hun, for example it takes more cals to digest an apple than it does to eat one, same for some veg too, celery, salad leaves etc so I bet you havent had as much as you thought. I would see what today brings and then decide, I had to swap days around last week for the 1st time and it threw me a bit but I hope I worked around it, if you decide to keep on Judddering you can too. You know what ever you decide you can stay and chat if you want so don't let that sway your decision, you have to do what you feel comfortable with right now hun x
Well, I thought I'd give a quick update as to whats going on. After my little binge on tuesday I decided to just see what happend, and since then iv had 800-1200 a day, although last night i had a lot of vodka and wagamamas so probably alot more! My weight is stable this morning, but tonight looks to be pretty calorific. The plan is for a chinese but I think I may skip that as im not fussed, then a lot of alcohol! Im going to try and stick to vodka, eat healthy today and get to the gym. Maybe I just have to accept that this coming week is going to be calorific because tuesdays going to be even worse! Im really struggling with missing the ex, especially when im drinking because of emotions, and it doesnt help that all my flatmates have their boyfriends here! I wish it would just go away!
Well done on keeping on track with your eating, sorry you are feeling down about your ex and as you already know alcohol really doesn't help. Why not try to have a few less drinks so that you feel a little more relaxed rather than emotional and drunk, you never know you might have a bit of fun and thats something you could do with right now xx
I really hope you have a good weekend Hun x Let us know how you get along :bighug:
Hope you are OK hun, always here if you need me x

Hey everyone, thought id give a quick update. Im not doing JUDDD at all now. Im not really doing anything! From friday to wednesday I went out everynight, drank far too much alcohol and had nothing but fruit in the day. Im strange in that when I drink I find food repulsive! But the weird thing is, iv consumed thousands of calories in alcohol but my weight is dropping. I thought it might be dehydration, but I was in last night, had a piece of cake and couldnt eat anything else, weighed this morning and on my mothers scales and they showed 9 stone 6. Thats nearly half a stone in a week! My appetite has just gone really I think, but Im sure It will be back soon and im really worried about keeping it off! So in conclusion I have no idea what im doing but having a good time!
Great loss Hun but make sure you look after yourself, when you are feeling better about everything and get your appetite back you can Juddd again to keep you on track, keep me posted so I know you are OK
Soo I spoke too soon...I have tonsilitis! :( I went and got some antibiotics yesterday, feeling a bit better just so so tired...serves me right for not eating or sleeping properly I guess! My weight is around 9.7 now, although my mums scales are a bit dodgy so will probably be more on mine! I know I should be happy of where I am after 5 weeks (cant believe that) but getting a glimpse of those numbers and the reactions to my weight loss just makes me really want to reach my goal! Im definately feeling I need a little more structure so when im well enough Im going to be back on my JUDDDing until I get fed up again! I feel like Im just living my life and working my weight loss around me which is wonderful as iv never had that before!

On a different not, I have discovered that there are boys EVERYWHERE!!! I know that sounds silly but this is a revelation for me! Maybe its because im newly single, or newly confident from my weight loss but I was never the girl to get attention but suddenly they are everywhere! It's nice but also a little scary...going out and being in that environment there are alot of them who only want one thing...I think I have pissed off a couple of guys who thought they were getting that! Im having fun, but Im not doing anything "my mother wouldnt approve of" shall we say and thats just how I like it! Oh, and I spoke to the ex, he is quite miserable..he hates that im better off without him! HAHA!! you know a load of things you dont need to im going to go! byee xx

P.S. Holy Crap there are a lot of new people around here! :) x
Hi hun, lovely to hear you sounding more upbeat, sorry about the Tosilits:mad:, glad the ex is miserable, what comes around and all that, take care x