V's final weight loss journey to find her slimmer happy self.......

Hey V how are you doing? I need some bride motivation! :) xxxx

I was doing well but just now had a sandwich and 2 slices of toasts and all white bread!
I feel awful now! Feel sick!
Why am I sabotaging myself?????
I have not got much time left to lose weight!
Get a bloody grip V for god's sake!
And you know what it not even worth it coz the bloody guilt is horrendous! Why oh why???
Could bloody cry now! These night shifts are terrible! Roll on home time!


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Don't despair hun, just keep at it xx

Bought this today from Asos! In a size14! Am a 16-18 now.
It cost me £45. I must get in it in 12 weeks'
For my holidays after wedding!

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How's your day been? X

Rubbish! But I've had a good talking to myself and decided that I must get this weight off. There's no other way about it. I don't want to do lipotrim, n other diets don't work for me and S&S is the only diet for me.
I get need to get past these 3 days, then am ok.
Come on V. It's only for a few days. I can do this! N I WILL.

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Right tough love coming up!!!!!!!

Missy your wedding is flying towards you...... Sit down and write a list of how you dont want to feel on your big day and then write a seperate list of how you DO want to feel on the day....in the dress.....

Keep them both handy.... in your pocket if you have to.... and when you want something naughty.... out come the bad list.... and when you sit back down with a pack or a water get the good list out and add another point to it!!!

You will get one chance at this babes..... Hats off to you doing Slim and Save..... I dont think I could stick to it!!!

You WILL look great on your big day..... regardless.... Your hubby I'm sure does not care about your size... BUT it matters to you I know it does..... Do this for you sweetie..... you can do it!!!!!!! I know you can.....

Much love to you!!!!

Veeeeeeeeeeeeeee????? xxx
Hi peeps. Sorry being AWOL! But been in bed post night shift, 2 more nights, then 3 long days then finish for 1 week next Friday. Yipeeee ;-)
Day 1 done yesterday. Back on it with a vengeance now!
Will still weigh in on Saturday, then weigh on Saturdays!
Hope to b in ketosis by Monday morning when I finish nights! Looking forward to the stinking breath!
He he he.

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Yaaaayyyyyyyy!!! That's great hun! Stick with us and we'll get you into that sari for sure! xxx
Yipee ketosis monster ahoy :) glad your gettin back in.the swing Xx